Use "thanked" in a sentence

1. He thanked her ceremoniously.

2. Aldrin thanked the many people

3. 14 She apologized/thanked us profusely.

4. The bridegroom thanked them all individually.

5. I thanked them for their munificence.

6. She thanked the President to exalt her.

7. I never thanked him for his kindness.

8. She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.

9. Of the ten, only this one thanked Jesus.

10. 16 Elisa thanked Antonietta profusely for her hospitality.

11. They thanked him for showing so much patience.

12. He thanked us all without a touch of irony.

13. We thanked our hosts for the lovely evening.

14. 19 A relieved Mr Maxwell thanked his lawyer profusely.

15. Trent thanked him and poured another round of rum.

16. I thanked them for their long and loyal service.

17. He thanked Tony for his unflagging energy and support.

18. She thanked the staff for their dedication and enthusiasm.

19. 6 We thanked our hosts for the lovely evening.

20. She thanked him incoherently, as if for a favor.

21. I thanked her and she withdrew back into her parlour.

22. JCI panel thanked all stakeholder representatives. The meeting wrapped up.

23. I thanked her for the present she sent me.

24. I thanked Jehovah for the help at the proper time.”

25. After the meeting, my wife thanked her for the help.

26. He thanked them for the extraordinary generosity they had shown.

27. Marie extended her hand graciously, inclined her head, thanked me.

28. The point is, Eggsy, nobody thanked me for any of them.

29. I declined and thanked her telling her scoot off to school.

30. India thanked Sri Lanka for having endorsed the "Solar Alliance”.

31. He thanked them and swore to treat them as brothers.

32. * Thanked God and was overpowered with joy, Alma 19:14.

33. The report had been accepted unanimously and he thanked all involved.

34. 20 He thanked them for the extraordinary generosity they had shown.

35. When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges.

36. Tertullus thanked Felix for the “great peace” he brought to the nation.

37. My husband and I thanked the Lord daily for such a precious gift.

38. 26 They were very grateful to be put right and thanked me profusely.

39. He thanked all those who had helped him on the road to stardom .

40. Nice and her husband thanked their heavenly Father for the positive outcome.

41. The obit also thanked all department, teachers and students who cared this issue.

42. He thanked Aliph for the support and looks forward to more collaboration and

43. We sincerely thanked her and departed, leaving her with many pieces of literature.

44. I thanked him and hurried back to the hotel to rejoin the others.

45. Hung - chien's heart sank irretrievably. He mechanically took the key and thanked her.

46. The headteacher thanked the boys for their efforts, which he said were most commendable.

47. In his intervention, the Prime Minister thanked various participants for their suggestions and observations.

48. The Captain thanked him , and bade him show him the house he had marked .

49. She'd barely thanked the villagers, the shopkeeper,[sentencedict .com] for their kindness and support.

50. Filmmaker Jeff Daniels last night thanked Mr Moore to the pressure applied by Beijing.

51. H.E. the Minister of External Affairs thanked for the invitation and accepted it with pleasure.

52. But while Corden thanked the loyal hard core, he did not criticise the floating fans.

53. From the balcony, the local band Booshwazee performed, and a sign thanked everyone for their support

54. After this article, I got down on my knees, and with deep sobbing I thanked Jehovah.

55. The UNDP Associate Administrator thanked delegations for their interventions and praised the ongoing consultative process.

56. The man also fell down at the feet of the Great Teacher and thanked him.

57. He especially thanked for years of hard work, and this was received with strong acclamation.

58. 8 “Upon catching sight of” his brothers, the account says, “Paul thanked God and took courage.”

59. Corbett courteously thanked his hosts and, gently brushing aside their invitations, insisted on leaving at once.

60. Ms. Cram-Martos thanked the Vice-Chair, Ms Viera Baricicova, for accepting to chair this session

61. We thanked Jehovah and took the officer’s advice not to hang around bridges in the future.

62. Even the man credited with emancipating the slaves thanked this social entrepreneur for leading the way.

63. There was a quaver in her voice as she thanked her staff for all their support.

64. Miss Fergusson thanked him, and offered in return a small parcel of sugar, which was gravely accepted.

65. The mayor thanked the Audacious young people who made the city's new community center a reality

66. He succeeded Pym in control of the ordnance, and was thanked by the House for deciphering intercepted letters.

67. I also thanked His Highness for allotting land for a temple for the Indian diaspora in Abu Dhabi.

68. “I thanked the manager for his hospitality in providing dinner and then returned the envelope containing the money.

69. The Indian side thanked Qatar for contributing significantly to India’s energy security, being the largest supplier of LNG.

70. Mr. Vigny (Switzerland) thanked and congratulated the Special Rapporteur, whose mandate was absolutely essential and must be maintained

71. He wrote and thanked the Lord Treasurer for restoring his halcyon days, showing his love for Halling.

72. Short Story unlocked; Posts: 61; Thanked: 3 times; Re: COVER TO COVER Editing and Proofreading/Copyedits - November bookings! « …

73. In his report, the Chairman Reg Simmons thanked the retiring committee for all the work they had done.

74. Deeply moved, I thanked her, since her kindness made it possible for me to tour all the branch facilities.

75. Mr Gayoom thanked the Prime Minister for India`s consistent support to Maldives in its all-round development.

76. The PRESIDENT thanked the President of Austria for addressing the Conference and for his positive and encouraging words

77. The operation was successful, and Gandhi thanked the doctor profusely, but an abscess developed and recovery was slow.

78. The hotel manager thanked the staff for their efforts so far and told them to keep up the good work.

79. After the session he thanked the brothers warmly, and he even refused to accept payment for the meeting hall.

80. The singers entertained members with a wide repertoire, both modern and old, and they were warmly thanked by Elizabeth Lawrence.