Use "telescopes" in a sentence

1. Refractor Telescopes & Apochromatic Refractor Telescopes

2. Agena AstroProducts offer a wide selection of refracting telescopes, reflecting telescopes, Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes, and Computerized Go-To telescopes in popular brands and sizes.

3. Space telescopes.

4. You want bigger telescopes?

5. The earliest telescopes were all refracting telescopes that usedlenses to collect and bring together the starlight

6. There were no telescopes.

7. This includes the use of infrared filters on conventional telescopes, and also the use of radio telescopes.

8. The earliest telescopes were all refracting telescopes that used lenses to collect and bring together the starlight.

9. It'd fog up their telescopes.

10. Binoculars, monoculars, other optical telescopes, and mountings therefor, except for astronomical refracting telescopes and mountings therefor

11. Telescopes and microscopes are optical instruments.

12. Particularly well equipped are the apogee telescopes.

13. Instruments (excluding binoculars) such as optical telescopes

14. My talk is " Flapping Birds and Space Telescopes. "

15. Browse the best Computerized telescope collection that includes Goto telescopes and other Computerized telescopes from industry-leading brands with High Point now!

16. Today we have 10 metre telescopes in operation.

17. Obsolete names for Sun telescopes include heliograph and photoheliograph.

18. Six space telescopes orbit the Sun in formation.

19. And then there will be telescopes in space.

20. We're building telescopes that are looking for the threat.

21. They sell optical equipment such as cameras and telescopes.

22. Radio telescopes collect faint chirps and whispers from outer space.

23. Purchase telescopes and accessories, like Altazimuth mounts, at Astronomics.

24. is a division of Orion Telescopes & Binoculars

25. Other big telescopes can be found all over the globe.

26. We can build telescopes which can get over these problems.

27. You can use wonderful telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope.

28. There will be radio telescopes, sensitive to long-wavelength radio radiation.

29. Radio telescopes collect faint chirps and whispers from outer space

30. We have astronomers in place with telescopes looking for them.

31. He likes to see the stars with astronomical telescopes at home.

32. And so I turned my attention to astronomy, to using telescopes.

33. Today, most big optical telescopes are also equipped with infrared cameras.

34. The observational work is carried out on a range of telescopes.

35. – Sensor function: radars and telescopes to identify and track spacecraft and debris;

36. The twin Keck Telescopes on Mauna Kea regularly team up as an interferometer.

37. 7 Automatic focusing(AF) technology plays an important role in modern astronomical telescopes.

38. In the case of the VLT, all four telescopes can work together.

39. Some US states allow the use of bioptic telescopes for driving motor vehicles.

40. Fiber optics are central to another big upgrade of radio telescopes in Europe.

41. Improved telescopes, spectroscopy, and photography are the basic tools used to make the distinction.

42. Likewise, X-ray telescopes reveal supermassive black holes in the cores of distant galaxies.

43. M4 is conspicuous in even the smallest of telescopes as a fuzzy ball of light.

44. Reichert experiences several telescopes comparing the ballistic trajectory and end of each shot

45. For this reason, a heat stop is an integral part of the design of solar telescopes.

46. The team used radio telescopes to map the motions of a large collection of local galaxies.

47. 18 Instruments developed at the hospital allow doctors to thread microscopic telescopes into the digestive tract.

48. It was telescopes on Earth using infrared spectroscopy that first identified methane in Mars'tenuous atmosphere.

49. Solomark Collimation Eyepiece - 1.25Inch Cheshire Without Laser for Newtonian Telescopes and Reflectors - Metal, Long

50. Careful scrutiny by telescopes and space probes reveals no trace of any such object.

51. Acuter is actually the terrestrial sports optics brand of Synta Technology Corp who are the owners of Sky-Watcher a world-famous, market leading brand of astronomical telescopes who have been making telescopes since 1980.

52. Telescopes use Biconvex lenses to observe distant objects by their emission, electromagnetic radiations, and absorption

53. I covered Collimation in regard to SCT telescopes, which have a mirror and a lens

54. In most telescopes, the mirror is taken to the Aluminizing chamber on a lower floor

55. For Meade ACF telescopes, the Apexed Reducer attaches with the help of a 2" visual back

56. As with telescopes, the larger the aperture the greater the light-grasp, but there are hazards too.

57. To alleviate this, solar telescopes are usually built on towers and the structures are painted white.

58. Noto has one of the largest radio telescopes in Italy that performs geodetic and astronomical observations.

59. Agena AstroProducts - Shop for Quality Telescopes, Eyepieces, Adapters, and Accessories from your favorite astronomy brands

60. At times excitement has run high among scientists manning radio telescopes tuned to the universe.

61. The telescopes of the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory are situated very close to the summit.

62. Work has now began on the array the new telescopes will receives 30 terabytes of data per second

63. Because of that, verifying Kepler's discovery was prioritized by telescopes at the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii.

64. His work with lenses led to the development and production of early eyeglasses, microscopes, and telescopes.

65. And Johannes Hevelius, a wealthy brewer in Poland, built huge telescopes at his observatory in Danzig

66. And Johannes Hevelius, a wealthy brewer in Poland, built huge telescopes at his observatory in Danzig.

67. The telescopes we are using are modern and variable material more lenses are basically more internal components

68. However, recently newer narrower filters and higher framerates have also driven solar telescopes towards photon-starved operations.

69. New telescopes and space missions have provided detailed remote and in situ measurements of the composition of Cometary volatiles

70. The first era was ancient observations (such as with the naked eye), before the invention of the modern telescopes.

71. Peering past all the galactic dust with infrared telescopes, astronomers have watched these stars for over 16 years.

72. Carson Optical is a leading manufacturer of optics including magnifiers, binoculars, microscopes, telescopes, digiscoping accessories & more

73. The imaging hard X-ray telescopes provide better resolution and sensitivity for studying hard X-ray astrophysics.

74. M78 is easily found in small telescopes as a hazy patch and involves two stars of 10th magnitude.

75. It hosts two telescopes with a mirror 10 meters, which is roughly the diameter of a tennis court.

76. When, in 160 Galileo constructed his first telescopes and trained them on the heavens, he made dramatic discoveries.

77. In addition, several smaller auxiliary telescopes can also join the ranks in order to sharpen up the view even more.

78. Aplanats were originally invented as astronomical telescopes (Schwarzschild, 1905-1906, Head, 1957, Lynden-Bell, 2002), motivated by superior image fidelity - compared to conventional Newtonian, Cassegrain, Gregorian and Keplerian telescopes that remove spherical (zeroth-order) aberration only - resulting from the additional elimination of

79. Really, this device is a backyard adaptation of the sophisticated radio telescopes that scientists use to examine distant galaxies.

80. At, you can buy telescopes online with Altazimuth mounts for every user level at every price point.