Use "tartarus" in a sentence

1. Tartarus lies beyond.

2. Angels thrown into Tartarus (4)

3. Therefore, Tartarus denotes the lowest condition of abasement for those rebellious angels.

4. Allow us to enter and help you rebuild the walls of Tartarus.

5. 1 Vital Information 2 Character Biography 3 Personality 4 Powers and Abilities 4.1 Semi-Ambrosiate Form - When Bastion drunk Ambrosia but partially suppressed his Tartarus half 4.2 Tartarus Form - When Bastion loses control and his brother emerges 4.3 Tartarus Aftermath - When Bastion used up all available telepathic capability gained from his brother to banish his brother and lost his

6. Rather, Tartarus, which is mistranslated “hell” in some Bibles, refers to the abased or fallen condition of these angels.

7. Their being cast into “Tartarus” points to their being debased, cut off from God’s favor and all enlightenment.

8. Tartarus is not a particular location; it is a prisonlike, abased condition that limits the activity of these outcasts.

9. The Biblical Tartarus is the abased, prisonlike condition into which God threw the disobedient angels in Noah’s day.

10. God threw the disobedient angels into Tartarus in Noah’s day, and they will remain in that abased condition until they are destroyed.

11. The victors declared themselves Gods. While the vanquished were renamed Titans and forever imprisoned within the bowels of Mount Tartarus.

12. After his birth, Uranus is said to have locked Arges and his Cyclopes brothers in Tartarus out of fear, along with the Hundred Handed Ones

13. After Megaera has been defeated a certain amount of times, Alecto and Tisiphone will begin appearing, randomly replacing her at the end of Tartarus

14. Claustrum is a staff that provides 72 damage, 390 delay, Accuracy +20, gives access to the Gate of Tartarus Weapon Skill, and an additional Dispel effect

15. Chaos, (Greek: “Abyss”) in early Greek cosmology, either the primeval emptiness of the universe before things came into being or the abyss of Tartarus, the underworld

16. ‘This is the doorway to the Afterworld… heaven, hell, paradise, nightmares, Elysian, Tartarus… whatever name you want to grace it with, but it is not as people view it.’

17. Atlas and his brother Menoetius sided with the Titans against the Olympians and when the Titans were eventually defeated many of them were confined to Tartarus ( a

18. ‘This is the doorway to the Afterworld… heaven, hell, paradise, nightmares, Elysian, Tartarus… whatever name you want to grace it with, but it is not as people view it.’

19. Likewise the abased condition represented by Tartarus should not be confused with “the abyss” into which Satan and his demons are eventually to be cast for the thousand years of Christ’s rule.

20. In the same book of Ezekiel the king of Tyre is used to picture the Devil from the time he was in Eden and when he became iniquitous and was cast out of God’s family and was abased as if being cast down to a Tartarus.

21. There is a sense of spectral whirling through liquid gulfs of infinity, of dizzying rides through reeling universes on a comet’s tail, and of hysterical plunges from the pit to the moon and from the moon back again to the pit, all livened by a Cachinnating chorus of the distorted, hilarious elder gods and the green, bat-winged mocking imps of Tartarus.