Use "taiyuan" in a sentence

1. Pingxingguan Gongqu the Japanese army inattempt to open the access road win in Taiyuan.

2. Tomorrow is chinese memorial day . We are flying back to Taiyuan to Megan's grandpa and grandma.

3. It is time for me to retire to my old home in Taiyuan."

4. Around the new year 552, Emperor Wenxuan invited the Princess Taiyuan to a feast inside the palace.

5. Taiyuan sits at an altitude of 1500 meters and its dry weather makes it an ideal launch site.

6. The basic characteristics of the soil seed bank in flood plain grassland of the Fen River in Taiyuan region were investigated and studied.

7. Shortly after Yan was airlifted out of Taiyuan, Nationalist planes stopped dropping food and supplies for the defenders due to fears of being shot down by the advancing Communists.

8. 25 This paper expounds the significance of popularizing the official cards in municipal budget units of Taiyuan City, and puts forward some concrete measures for the popularization of official cards.

9. On December 18, 1931, a group of students (supported and perhaps orchestrated by officials loyal to Yan) gathered in Taiyuan to protest the Nanjing government's policy of not fighting the Japanese.