Use "systemic" in a sentence

1. Amyloidosis with systemic involvement.

2. Systemic Benefits of Bioflavonoids

3. Portal-systemic Anastomoses inferior esophagus

4. Systemic Asphyxiant Chemical-Warfare Agents

5. DNAse Abzymes in systemic lupus erythematosus).

6. Anaphylaxis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis

7. Product(s) containing Codeine: Codeine systemic

8. Systemic stratigraphy: beyond classical Biostratigraphy 6

9. Myopic astigmatism is systemic sex disease actually.

10. A systemic anaphylaxis has also been described.

11. The systemic nature suggests Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.

12. The Constellation is an organization generating systemic change

13. We need to address regulatory and systemic flaws.

14. 14 Next year spray with a systemic insecticide.

15. Antifeedant, contact toxicity and systemic toxicity of M

16. * connective tissue diseases , such as systemic lupus erythematosus .

17. Apter said that addressing systemic bias and systemic racism is a key civil rights issue that needs to be fully acknowledged and addressed.

18. Systemic vas cular respons es to increased intr Acranial

19. It can refer systemic matters to us,” Byres said.

20. Systemic treatment given after surgery is called “adjuvant therapy”.

21. Antenatal diagnosis is a systemic project concerning many aspects.

22. Atrophy can be physiological and pathological, systemic and local

23. Risk factors include HIV/AIDS and systemic lupus erythematosus.

24. 7 Systemic lupus erythematosus is belong to autoimmune disease.

25. The symptoms of systemic Camphor poisoning have been reviewed [ 1 ].

26. The systemic destruction of a land to insure its subjugation.

27. Histological examination revealed Actinomycetous bacteria associated with multifocal systemic granulomas

28. assessment of the local and systemic exposure (considering absorption data);

29. This is known as Acropetal movement: Amphimobile/truly systemic fungicides

30. It characterised that situation as a ‘systemic abuse of rights’.

31. Systemic lupus erythematosus causes the immune system to become hyperactive.

32. It takes systemic COP as index to compare rated quantitaty of making water, temperature of water and ambient temperature to contribute to the systemic economical performance.

33. Only occasionally have these food-induced allergies induced systemic responses.

34. Distribution Oxybutynin is widely distributed in body tissues following systemic absorption

35. The situation is systemic and scientific fields are not keeping up.

36. As preventive, spray plants with systemic insecticide or fumigate them regularly.

37. Oral antihistamines are effective as systemic Antipruritics, sedatives, and mild anxiolytics

38. The different types of Amyloidosis are classified as systemic or localized

39. Anaphylaxis is a severe systemic allergic reaction that is potentially fatal.

40. Mean Arterial pressure is regulated by changes in cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance, which refers to the resistance to blood flow by all of the systemic vasculature

41. Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus (BSLE) is a rare autoimmune blistering disorder that typically manifests as an acute vesiculoBullous eruption in a patient with known systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

42. Acriflavin is effective for mild non systemic gram negative bacterial infections

43. Systemic air embolism is a dramatic event frequently resulting in death.

44. Inhalations were well tolerated with little systemic absorption of the drug.

45. Address systemic issues in small business development During 2001-02, WD:

46. Since 1976, the area has been the subject of systemic exploration.

47. CWI is caused by systemic hypotension, carotid stenosis or occlusion, microembolisn.

48. Amyloidosis is a systemic disorder that is classified into several types

49. When inflammation overwhelms the host, systemic inflammatory response syndrome is diagnosed.

50. If we exclude the night terrors, it could be something systemic.

51. Its characteristics are: high blood sugar, thirst, polyuria , systemic vascular disease.

52. The relationship was open, and the suasion was gradual and systemic.

53. The present report does not indicate any systemic or otherwise alarming issues.

54. Camber delivers systemic and scalable workplace DEI resources and industry-wide results.

55. Inflammatory Arthritis is a systemic disease in which the mechanisms that normally …

56. Contagion effect is the key problem of the Banking Systemic Risk ( BSR ).

57. The Anastomosis between the intraparenchymal branches of the right division of the portal vein and retroperitoneal veins (systemic veins) that drain into the azygos, hemiazygos and lumbar veins (systemic veins)

58. Big Anecdata Studies that explain systemic racism using Google searches are fascinating

59. • Connective-tissue disease: systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, acute rheumatic fever

60. All these patients fulfilled the criteria of “Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome” (SIRS).

61. The public debt situation remains sustainable nonetheless, albeit susceptible to systemic shocks.

62. These inquiries, however, disclosed systemic flaws in the procurement of gift items.

63. → The present report does not indicate any systemic or otherwise alarming issues.

64. Or mastocytosis, which can cause systemic shock and kill her in days.

65. RNAi is highly efficient and systemic in Coleopterans but highly variable or

66. Recognized local and systemic complications of retrobulbar anaesthesia (RA) are well known.

67. - Financial sector remains fragile, but risk of a systemic crisis has receded.

68. Thus systemic and schematic knowledge develop concurrently, each supportive of the other.

69. Medicine NanaoCochleate represent a new technology for oral and systemic delivery of drugs

70. As opposed to primary Acrocyanosis, secondary Acrocyanosis results from an underlying systemic pathology

71. The Amyloidosis Center studies the systemic types of Amyloidoses defined under Amyloid types.

72. There are no adequate and wellcontrolled studies of systemic Acyclovir in pregnant women

73. Simultaneously, the trend in therapy is towards neoadjuvant chemotherapy (PST, primary systemic therapy).

74. Results The isobutyl chitosan has no cytotoxicity, sensitization, irritation and systemic acute toxicity.

75. A) Aldrin can cause systemic effects by the inhalation, oral, and dermal routes

76. To accelerate recovery we initially combined MTX with systemic and/or topical corticosteroids.

77. Article Robust SARS-CoV-2 infection in nasal turBinates after treatment with systemic neutralizing antibodies Graphical Abstract Highlights d Systemic HuNAb or vaccine fails full SARS-CoV-2 infection prevention in nasal turbinate

78. Buccal formulations have been developed to allow prolonged localised therapy and enhanced systemic delivery

79. Adverse reactions reported with systemic beta-adrenergic blocking agents may occur with topical administration.

80. Docetaxel currently represents the standard therapy in systemic management of hormone-refractory prostate cancer.