Use "suspicion" in a sentence

1. Suspicion kindled within her.

2. Suspicion focused on her husband.

3. None give rise to suspicion?

4. His faithfulness is above suspicion.

5. He managed to avert suspicion.

6. She acquitted herself of suspicion.

7. Suspicion crept into her voice.

8. His surreptitious behaviour naturally aroused suspicion.

9. He is under suspicion of murder.

10. Caesar's wife must Be aBove suspicion.

11. Her behaviour aroused no suspicion.

12. The suspicion proved amply justified.

13. Suspicion chased itself across his face.

14. This boy's honesty is above suspicion.

15. His conduct has always above suspicion.

16. 27 The suspicion proved amply justified.

17. His sneaky behavior aroused our suspicion.

18. Suspicion is the poison of friendship. 

19. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

20. He did his best to Avert suspicion

21. 9 The future will sustain my suspicion.

22. Am I under some kind of suspicion?

23. My conduct has always been above suspicion.

24. Her loyalty is above suspicion to us.

25. Their offer was greeted with some suspicion.

26. He felt he was still under suspicion.

27. He did his best to avert suspicion.

28. Caesar's wife must [ ought to ] be above suspicion.

29. No one is above suspicion in this matter.

30. Nazis being held for suspicion of treason.

31. He fell under suspicion of tax evasion.

32. His conduct has always been above suspicion.

33. Parked vehicles that arouse suspicion should be reported.

34. I could find nothing to nourish my suspicion.

35. You must be above suspicion of any impropriety.

36. They have wanted to use suspicion to root out bad faith without taking responsibility for the implicit grounds of that suspicion.

37. Collectively these entities may well deserve public suspicion.

38. Fortune-tellers’ methods or motives have come under suspicion.

39. There was suspicion and even downright hatred between them.

40. The talks have resulted in a lessening of suspicion.

41. 10 Local suspicion of the incomers was painfully apparent.

42. Dyke shot a glance of suspicion at the other.

43. As a result, an atmosphere of suspicion arose.

44. They viewed the new scheme with great suspicion.

45. I had a suspicion that he was there.

46. The momentary pause had turned suspicion into certainty.

47. They drove away slowly to avoid arousing suspicion.

48. Once he is under suspicion he can't win.

49. Several members of the court were under suspicion.

50. 6 Jealousy and suspicion are eroding our friendship.

51. He fell under suspicion for distributing seditious pamphlets.

52. He was a respected academic and above suspicion.

53. Jehovah’s organization is no place for bigotry and suspicion.

54. The Church viewed it with derision rather than suspicion.

55. A policy worthy of the suspicion of benign neglect.

56. He left the company under a cloud of suspicion.

57. Even the king's closest advisers were not above suspicion.

58. Alarm: suspicion or fear of future harm or misfortune.

59. 15 'It's only a suspicion,' she said, 'nothing concrete.'

60. His mouth quivered in the suspicion of a smile.

61. These clues seem to bear out my earliest suspicion.

62. She had a sneaking suspicion that he was lying.

63. The indictment comes because of suspicion of the guilt.

64. A friendly, sincere, and open approach will dispel suspicion.

65. He'd been trying to divert suspicion away from himself.

66. We view these latest developments with concern/suspicion/satisfaction.

67. She felt that she ought to be above suspicion .

68. Always having that little suspicion, that's what turns him on.

69. 6 Local people regard the police with suspicion and distrust.

70. Scotland Yard had assured him he was not under suspicion.

71. Apprehension: suspicion or fear of future harm or misfortune

72. Because of you, your fellow officers have fallen under suspicion!

73. The enquiry cleared him of any taint of suspicion/dishonesty.

74. A number of surgeons came under suspicion of unethical behaviour.

75. He is utterly free from the least suspicion of effeminacy.

76. An electric company van parked there wouldn't draw any suspicion.

77. The whole family is currently under suspicion of her murder.

78. 3 Local people regard the police with suspicion and distrust.

79. Whitlock silently cursed Graham for heaping more suspicion on him.

80. April 1553, Minkhaung was executed for suspicion of plotting against Bayinnaung.