Use "surpluses" in a sentence

1. Accumulated surpluses — restricted

2. Accumulated surpluses/(deficits) — unrestricted

3. Accumulated surpluses/(deficits) and fund balances

4. Obviously, the funds have accumulated some surpluses

5. Accumulated unrestricted surpluses/deficits from prior years

6. We've never had such gargantuan surpluses before.

7. Beads were also Bartered for agricultural surpluses by …

8. The world is now producing large food surpluses.

9. But John Maynard Keynes pointed out that surpluses lead to weak global aggregate demand – countries running surpluses exert a “negative externality” on their trading partners.

10. Farming and food surpluses led to the division of labor.

11. The United States tried to dispose of its grain surpluses.

12. However, the key shift involved the status of agricultural surpluses.

13. Unlike previous governments, we don’t see surpluses as a licence to spend.

14. Countries enjoying surpluses will be under no pressure to revalue their currencies.

15. Those with surpluses become investors while those who accumulate deficits become debtors.

16. The third part shows the total accumulated surpluses for the two accounts.

17. Many countries run current account surpluses and hold high levels of international reserves.

18. • Vietnam is expected to post its largest ever trade and current account surpluses.

19. As a result, economies in the region recorded larger-than-expected current-account surpluses

20. A decision by a company to retain surpluses in its par account instead of paying higher dividends may, over time, lead to significant accumulated surpluses that could create inequities among different generations of par policyholders.

21. In a global economy with deficient aggregate demand, current-account surpluses are a problem.

22. The current account balance has improved, with small surpluses recorded in 2012 and 2013.

23. The unemployed should benefit from the huge surpluses accumulating since # in the employment insurance fund

24. - abandoning the practice of setting off losses and surpluses between various public enterprises or corporations;

25. There are, in any case , other benefits to reducing current - account surpluses satisfying miffed trading partners.

26. Surpluses and deficits in trade of goods and services reflect the competitiveness of a nation's economy.

27. This Protocol grants European Union fleets priority access to available surpluses in the Mauritanian fishing zone.

28. The capital dividend account keeps track of various tax-free surpluses accumulated by a private corporation.

29. Outage Algae microorganisms in the water over populate over populate because of the surpluses surplus nitrogen.

30. A Contractionary policy stance can result in budget surpluses, especially if the budget is already balanced

31. India, with an even larger population and a fraction of the land, produces huge grain surpluses.

32. There are societies that emerge that start to produce surpluses and they exchange them with each other.

33. (43) In the interest of sound financial management, the accumulation of significant budgetary surpluses should be avoided.

34. The net external position has improved on the back of robust growth and large current account surpluses.

35. By contrast, the accumulation of surpluses in the employment insurance fund was not spread over several years

36. The current year deficit is being funded from the unspent balances of accumulated surpluses from prior years.

37. As a result, currencies become over-valued or under-valued, leading to excessive trade deficits or surpluses.

38. Our partners appreciate that India's contributions to their wellbeing emanate not from a state of affluence or surpluses.

39. Orient and would replace the deficits with a new kind of imbalance, surpluses for access to American riches.

40. The higher total of the accumulated surpluses over recent years, as shown in the table, also covers increased demand.

41. Countries with large current account surpluses commit to reforms to increase domestic demand, coupled with greater exchange rate flexibility.

42. Corporate diversification may often be due to a sense of needing to use up cash surpluses, rather than risk-spreading.

43. Consequently, that provision is compatible with any conceivable form of elimination, including the straightforward absorption of the surpluses by the market.

44. In the late 1960s almost all major exporters began to cut back production, apparently believing that surpluses would otherwise become unsustainable.

45. As a result of high oil prices and prudent fiscal policies, the countries of the GCC have generated extraordinary investible surpluses.

46. In the mid-1990s, Jean Chrétien's Liberal government began to post annual budgetary surpluses, and steadily paid down the national debt.

47. Shifting the entire adjustment burden onto peripheral countries with current-account deficits, while core countries continue to run surpluses, obstructs adjustment.

48. 24 The atom is there and when short-term oil surpluses vanish there will be pressure to build more nuclear power stations.

49. There should be more emphasis placed on the adverse euro area impact of Member States that run chronic balance of payments surpluses.

50. That shift was based on actual changes in the global economy, with manufacturing and surpluses moving to the emerging world and China.

51. This marked the end of the New Economic Policy (NEP), which had allowed peasants to sell their surpluses on the open market.

52. The contribution to the depreciation fund was fixed at a minimum of Rs 15 crores , the actual amount depending on the railway surpluses .

53. Such absorption gives rise to definite, but not quantifiable, economic effects, which have to be regarded as the cost of eliminating the surpluses.

54. Since mid-1985, the depreciated value of the currency has increased the competitiveness of Swazi exports and moderated the growth of imports, generating trade surpluses.

55. He proposed that central planning boards set prices through "trial and error", making adjustments as shortages and surpluses occur rather than relying on a free price mechanism.

56. In a monetary union, discrepancies in wage growth relative to productivity gains – that is, unit labor costs – will result in a chronic accumulation of trade surpluses or deficits.

57. The Democratic party made a similar argument in the 1880s when high revenue from import tariffs raised during the Civil War (1861–1865) led to federal budget surpluses.

58. The Greenland Home Rule Government (GHRG) has pursued a tight fiscal policy since the late 1980s, which has helped create surpluses in the public budget and low inflation.

59. Macroeconomic imbalances like large and persistent external deficits and surpluses, losses in competitiveness, and the build-up of private and public indebtedness have contributed to aggravate the crisis.

60. We need to ensure that developing countries have access to requisite funds through multilateral development banks and to investible surpluses to meet their infrastructure and other priority needs.

61. It employs about 4% of the Dutch labour force but produces large surpluses for the food-processing industry and accounts for 21 percent of the Dutch total export value.

62. Whereas, in this connection, farmers must be helped to adapt, by switching to other products, to the new conditions resulting from the surpluses combined with a policy of restrictive pricing;

63. China is a creditor country with large current account surpluses, a small budget deficit, much lower public debt as a share of G.D.P. than the United States, and solid growth.

64. The Council calls on the Commission, when establishing its draft budget for 2018, to continue taking into account unused appropriations and excessive accumulated cash-balances in order to bring down their annual surpluses.

65. This growth was made possible by expanded rice cultivation in central and southern Song, the use of early-ripening rice from south-east and southern Asia, and the production of widespread food surpluses.

66. From a policy perspective, a key challenge is to produce substantial marketable surpluses of these crops, so they can be locally traded, which may involve some shifts from agriculture to agribusiness, but in the traditional segment.

67. This is particularly important when current account surpluses are driven by anaemic private demand and when sluggish domestic consumption and investment reflect weaknesses in the functioning of specific sectors in the economy such as services markets.

68. However, Article 145(2) of the Act of Accession of 1994 required the new Member States of 1995 to eliminate the surpluses existing within their territory, and not just those yielding an abnormal profit to their holders.

69. Some scholars suggested that Norte Chico was founded on seafood and maritime resources, rather than on the development of an agricultural cereal and crop surpluses, as has been considered essential to the rise of other ancient civilizations.

70. (b) in the area of the storage of sugar, in Denmark changes in stock measurement methods led to uncertainty as to the amount chargeable for the financial year, while in Sweden storage claims were affected by the incorrect treatment of surpluses and shortages;

71. Actually, if you look at it from their perspective, when G20 began the whole perception was that the biggest imbalance in the world is the China imbalance because they are the ones running huge surpluses and they are the ones whose exchange rate was too depreciated.

72. In printed form, the + and - first appear in a book by Johannes Widman that was published in Leipzig in 1489: Behende und hüpsche Rechenung auff allen Kauffmanschafft (Mercantile Arithmetic). They are not used as algebraic symbols, however, but refer to surpluses and deficits in business transactions.

73. So, while post-crisis Asia focused in the 2000’s on repairing the financial vulnerabilities that had wreaked such havoc – namely, by amassing huge foreign-exchange reserves, turning current-account deficits into surpluses, and reducing its outsize exposure to short-term capital inflows – it failed to rebalance its economy’s macro structure.

74. Railway surpluses , which were contributed to the general revenues , were substantial during the war years , and again during 1924 - 32 , they amounted to an annual average of Rs 11.5 crores during the first period and Rs 5.9 crores , in addition to a contribution of Rs 2.8 crores to the reserve fund , during the second .

75. (31) The permanent withdrawal from all holders of reference quantities is amply justified: since they all benefit from the advantages of the additional levy scheme, it is logical that they should also likewise accept measures to control milk production which are necessary in order to reduce the surpluses to which they have all contributed.