Use "superiors" in a sentence

1. • Male employees actually rate female superiors higher than male superiors

2. I can go eat with the superiors

3. He is deferential to his superiors.

4. We must keep in with superiors.

5. His superiors moved him to another parish.

6. He had replied insolently to his superiors.

7. Don't elevate your superiors to superstar status.

8. He thinks scorn of wastefulness in his superiors.

9. Superiors would evaluate a plainclothesman on his dependability.

10. His superiors suspended him, and then downgraded him.

11. Understandably, the superiors did not cherish such memories.

12. We no longer pay a seemly deference to our superiors.

13. Superiors sent Rendu postulants and young Sisters to train.

14. I doffed my cap to Goreng and his superiors.

15. Do subordinates, superiors in the face of unbridled drinking.

16. He was obsequious to his superiors, but he didn't get any favor.

17. Some superiors were more zealous than others to enforce the disciplinary code.

18. 5 I am accountable to my superiors for my actions.

19. Performs other duties as may be Assigned by his/her superiors

20. More presciently than they superiors, these workers grasped the economic situation.

21. In Saigon, Hal Moore's superiors congratulated him for killing over 1,800 enemy soldiers.

22. He's very good at reading people and ingratiating himself with his superiors.

23. Catholicos, Greek Katholikos, (“universal” bishop), in Eastern Christian Churches, title of certain ecclesiastical superiors.

24. I've heard that he is good at fawning on his superiors at work.

25. This could make your superiors hesitate to trust you with major responsibilities.

26. Their superiors endorsed the partition line and the proposal was accepted by the Soviets.

27. We have to find him today, or I'll have to inform my superiors.

28. Reprehend not the imperfections of others, for that belongs to parents, masters, and superiors.

29. The managers generally failed to take advantage of a potentially valuable resource, their immediate superiors.

30. He did everything to curry favour with his superiors in the hope of getting promoted.

31. DeSalvo gets a call from his superiors giving Jack permission to interrogate the prisoner.

32. The greater Abbeys in England were represented through their superiors in Parliament, in Convocations, and in Synod

33. A prominent and powerful man who could protect him from the censure of his superiors.

34. There was a frantic rush to get everything ready for the unexpected inspection from the superiors.

35. We are Abashed in the presence of superiors or when detected in vice or misconduct

36. A frustrated policy wonk in the CIA who felt he could do better than his superiors.

37. At the screening, he informed his superiors that new plans for the film were in order.

38. Blount was consistently torn between placating angry frontiersmen and appeasing his superiors in the Federal government.

39. The managers generally failed to take advantage of a potentially valuable resource[sentencedict .com], their immediate superiors.

40. Evaluates recommendations from regions, audits, incident and accident reports, superiors and subordinates and other Aviation Group Branches.

41. Hopes of advancement in the company may curb any inclination to deviate from the requirements of superiors.

42. Because of this, my superiors have asked to keep low profiles so as not to cause any alarm.

43. Another young man with the guerrilla movement was assigned by his superiors to patrol a certain jungle area.

44. 9 Hopes of advancement in the company may curb any inclination to deviate from the requirements of superiors.

45. As abbot of Bec, Anselm had owed obedience to several superiors whose permission he had sought before accepting the archbishopric.

46. 16 Hopes of advancement in the company may curb any inclination to deviate from the requirements of superiors.

47. Boozier reported to her superiors that on April 5, 1990, Hambrick grabbed her buttocks as she walked by him

48. Pickett led his brigade ably in the battles of Williamsburg and Seven Pines, earning commendations from his superiors.

49. Bosuns are required to be experienced because when it comes to the deck crew sailors they are the superiors

50. 8 . Centralization : Centralization is the number of superiors in the top management who are the decision-makers in the company .

51. By contrast, bureaucrats tend to regard advice from superiors as an affront and are not shy about saying so.

52. There is also an exaggerated demarcation of social distance between ranks, and deferential behavior by subordinate ranks toward superiors.

53. Immediate superiors were crucial in mediating the discipline by senior officers, and in the infliction of their own minor punishments.

54. I. Unreasonable demand and work stoppage, serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the FISHERMAN of the lawful orders of his superiors.

55. Many managers reported that they intuitively understood what their superiors meant by leadership and why they regarded it so highly.

56. I'm sure your superiors would not like you to do anything rash and risk the lives of all these wonderful people.

57. Hierarchy simply served to protect the incompetent and the officious from external control through the mutual support of superiors and subordinates.

58. They were divided into royal Burghs, holding of the Crown, and Burghs of regality and barony, holding of subject superiors, clerical …

59. Although the new managers had focused on the privileges that came with formal authority, the superiors emphasized the duties-the accountability.

60. The Canonesses took but two vows, chastity and obedience. Their superiors were known as abbesses, often held princely rank and had feudal jurisdiction

61. 9 They mistreat those in a lower rank, pressure us unnecessarily hinting that they will sue us or call on our superiors.

62. General Angus Campbell has detailed the “appalling” act of “Blooding” where superiors ordered junior soldiers to murder prisoners to achieve their first kill.

63. In April 1919 Dybenko disregarded the orders of his superiors, and invaded the Crimea instead of moving his forces into the eastern Ukraine (Donbass).

64. Moved to Guntur at the beginning of the famine of 1832–3, he employed active methods, while dealing with sceptical superiors in Madras.

65. 48 Superiors must receive Adjudgers, paying a years Rent, unless they pay the Creditor, and then the Superior will have no years Rent

66. The Beguines had many male friends and confidants such as Miester Eckhart and Jacques of Vitry but these men were not considered their superiors

67. One of my superiors went so far as to tell me: “If you want to succeed here, you must talk only about philosophical matters.

68. Crozier, who was fired on April 2 in the aftermath of a leaked letter to his superiors, actually tested positive for coronavirus himself, and was …

69. However, Lee successfully recovers numerous Chinese cultural treasures stolen by Juntao, which he presents as a farewell victory to his departing superiors: Chinese Consul Solon Han and British Commander Thomas Griffin.

70. But, all Cavils aside, there is a lot to enjoy in performances of Amanda Drew as an erotically confused Olivia, and Finty Williams as a bubbly Maria slightly awed by her social superiors

71. Baden-Powell's skills impressed his superiors and in 1890 he was brevetted Major as Military Secretary and senior Aide-de-camp to the Commander-in-Chief and Governor of Malta, his uncle General Sir Henry Augustus Smyth.

72. Popular music that promotes rage, revolt, and despair; TV programs that paint parents as bumbling fools and children as their smart-alecky superiors; movies that glorify acting on violent impulses—children today are bombarded by such influences.

73. The Apostate is bound to return to his monastery as soon as possible, and the Council of Trent enjoins bishops to punish religious who shall have left their monasteries without the permission of their superiors, as deserters (Session XXV, de regularibus, iv).

74. *1969 , "Second life for war widows", Time , 25 Jun 1969: *:Zunin sold the idea to his military superiors in the fearful jargon of his profession: "In a situation where Commonality of loss of the husband is present, the group can be exceedingly supportive."

75. ‘he would Bullyrag his staff around but then kiss up to his superiors’ ‘The members of the Board had been ballyragged around the country last year as the worst health administrators ever.’ ‘He said afterwards that it was a bit too thick on poor old Leonora to be ballyragged any more.’

76. "The motto of modern science is fundamentally the same rule that governs the conduct of inferiors vis-avis their superiors in the army: no need to understand." As needed, the scientist may seek the Complicitous aid of philosophers, who will explain that those "why" questions are meaningless.

77. Ruzuzu commented on the word Benignant "Synonyms Benignant, Gracious, Benign, Kind, Good-natured.Benignant and gracious are generally applied to superiors, and imply especially a certain manner of kindness or favor.Benignant is more tender or gentle; gracious is more civil or condescending; both are winning.Benign has largely given up to Benignant the associations with …

78. I receive you with great joy on the occasion of the International Congress for which all the Abbots of your Confederation and the Superiors of independent Priories meet in Rome every four years to reflect on and discuss ways to embody the Benedictine charism in the present social and cultural context and respond to its ever new challenges to Gospel witness.