Use "superiority" in a sentence

1. We have air superiority.

2. The losing of moral and cultural superiority complex will follow that of the western economic superiority to the east.

3. They believed implicitly in their own superiority.

4. He hated the white man's superiority and condescension.

5. Her sense of superiority makes her very unpopular.

6. Piezoelectric materials have many superiority on precision actuate.

7. His air of calm superiority annoyed her intensely.

8. Janet always spoke with an air of superiority.

9. " A man who does not offend by superiority. "

10. I hate those students with big city superiority complex.

11. The organization has a technical superiority over its rivals.

12. The myth of male superiority was losing its potency.

13. Man remains involved and unhurt; herein is his superiority.

14. Condescend definition is - to assume an air of superiority

15. Amnestying Superiority Violations: Processing Multiple Questions Charles Clifton, Jr., ,

16. Confrontations: an earnest effort for superiority or victory over another

17. Maybe I can't expecting superiority complex compare to former unconstraint.

18. The Australian team soon demonstrated their superiority over the opposition.

19. He always parades his superiority and strives to outshine others.

20. The abasing of haughty rulers exalted Jehovah’s own “splendid superiority.”

21. These fully bear out the superiority of the socialist system.

22. He had a well-developed sense of his own superiority.

23. Of Canon Wheeler's moral superiority to herself she was unconvinced.

24. Arrogance definition, offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride

25. At its worst, this was yet another manifestation of racial superiority.”

26. Quite often, his sense of superiority makes him deride her opinions.

27. They won the battle because of their massive superiority in numbers.

28. 14 Such acts of disobedience vindicated the superiority of natural law.

29. Confrontation: an earnest effort for superiority or victory over another

30. In the marriage companionship there is neither inferiority nor superiority.

31. Whoever envies another confesses his superiority. Samuel Johnson 

32. It dramatized the superiority of ironclad warships over wooden ones.

33. The Luftwaffe was assured air superiority over the Low Countries.

34. National anthems often express feelings of national pride or superiority.

35. 10 Man remains involved and unhurt; herein is his superiority.

36. The technical superiority of laser discs over tape is well established.

37. For a long time France enjoyed overwhelming superiority in this field.

38. Racists like those of the KKK spread their theories of racial superiority.

39. Israel's air superiority on the first day of war proved decisive.

40. The settlers remained convinced of their superiority to the native population.

41. We believe in the superiority of this method over that one.

42. Their team has had to bow to Australia's superiority in recent years.

43. The final key to Europe's world hegemony was her military superiority.

44. The home side rubbed in their superiority with a further goal.

45. Robert's father gave off that sense of superiority and princely dominion.

46. Blanche , whose tragedy is caused by her superiority complex, vanity and indulgency.

47. Driving the Jaguar gave him a feeling of total control, effortless superiority.

48. Chesty: having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude

49. On foot his raised head and half - dropped eyelids too palpably assumed superiority.

50. His only source of superiority is that Frye fagged for him at school.

51. The feeling of inferiority is defensively turned into a feeling of superiority.

52. Hemp Bombs maintains the utmost confidence in the superiority of our inventory line

53. Aestheticized markets are those that incorporate refined notions of beauty, originality, and superiority

54. They are no measure of superiority or of inferiority; they are simply differences.

55. Kirk concluded that neither of the two methods showed superiority over the other.

56. Hitler believed that Aryan superiority was being threatened particularly by the Jews.

57. □ What outcome of three test cases shows Jehovah’s superiority over false gods?

58. Needless to say, this discrepancy served to boost my sense of superiority.

59. 26 The technical superiority of laser discs over tape is well established.

60. Bumptious: having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude

61. 27 Driving the Jaguar gave him a feeling of total control, effortless superiority.

62. 25 Superiority and difficulties of developing checkered plates in the CSP process are introduced.

63. Cavalier: having a feeling of superiority that shows itself in an overbearing attitude

64. The technical superiority of the Europeans' weapons gave the Europeans an absolute advantage.

65. She was diffident, which gave him confidence and fed his sense of superiority.

66. 15 synonyms for condescension: patronizing attitude, superiority, disdain, haughtiness, loftiness, superciliousness, lordliness, airs, Condescendence

67. Ahh, such a warm feeling of superiority in the cultural heart of the megalopolis.

68. 20 Its chief selling point is the undoubted superiority of its after-sales service.

69. The Guomindang army had clear superiority in the early stages of their attack.

70. Another important reason is these people have an ingrained superiority complex in them.

71. Some people tend to tenaciously cling to the misguided concept of racial superiority.

72. The destruction of the Spanish Armada showed England's superiority as a naval power.

73. 15 synonyms for Condescension: patronizing attitude, superiority, disdain, haughtiness, loftiness, superciliousness, lordliness, airs, condescendence

74. In particular there was insufficent evidence to confirm the superiority of fixed angle plates.

75. It was believed that the Soviets already had superiority in conventional armies and weapons.

76. Description of the spherical astrolabe; its superiority over plane astrolabes and all other astronomical instruments.

77. The war also proved the superiority of the Roman legion over the Greek phalanx formation.

78. Some research studies indicate that the millennial generation's great expectations stem from feelings of superiority.

79. Basophil counting using fluorescence flow cytometry is characterized by high precision and statistical superiority

80. There were many factors that determined unfair competitive advantage, including technical or economic superiority.