Use "superficially" in a sentence

1. The two statements accord superficially.

2. 18 The two statements accord superficially.

3. Their experiences are superficially similar.

4. The second oral tentacle pore emerges superficially.

5. Corms differ from superficially similar bulbs in that their

6. The film touches on these issues, but only superficially.

7. Religious education is poorly and superficially taught in most schools.

8. Amusingly and superficially talented, yes, but deeply and importantly, no.

9. The lame arguments of Accommodationists are even superficially suspect

10. Abscesses can be located superficially or deep within the body tissues

11. Spenser's stories, if superficially trifling, are yet justified by the symbolism.

12. Superficially, this could be cited as evidence of progressive social change.

13. However, study is not the same as reading something superficially.

14. He combined consummate shrewdness with the disposition superficially to fraternize.

15. Blanching is the process of cooking foods superficially in water or steam

16. Amphiumas are elongate, paedomorphic, aquatic salamanders that superficially resemble the primitive sirens (Sirenidae)

17. 12 He combined consummate shrewdness with the disposition superficially to fraternize.

18. Superficially, the activities differ, but at a deeper level they converge.

19. Superficially similar to some other Burnets, in particular, the Six-spot Burnet (Z

20. 29 Here, finite verbs will agree in both cases with the superficially plural pronoun.

21. ‘Superficially, his novel resembles those grand Dickensian and Balzacian novels of sudden social rise

22. They are superficially similar to the African duikers and the Asian muntjacs, but unrelated.

23. Synonyms for Avowedly include seemingly, ostensibly, apparently, supposedly, outwardly, superficially, allegedly, putatively, evidently and presumably

24. The most aerial of all birds, superficially resembling swallows and martins, feeding on flying insects.

25. It provides a superficially plausible answer to deep and troubling questions about existence.

26. Like the single-celled amoebae, which they superficially resemble, they continually change their external shape.

27. Some English sentences are superficially negative but they actually connote affirmative, which often confuses translators.

28. The interview transcripts run to some 121 pages and can only be superficially summarized here.

29. Superficially they looked much like rhinos, although they were actually more closely related to horses.

30. The best one could expect was a crude imitation in an obviously fruity, superficially appealing style.

31. They are superficially similar but have very different underlying meanings - different people are doing the pleasing.

32. Bryozoans, or "moss animals," are aquatic, mostly marine, colonial organisms, superficially rather like coral

33. The considerations of adult sexuality have been skimmed over rather superficially, all the same, in this chapter.

34. “Allah” denotes “God” as far as definition goes — these words mean the same thing superficially

35. Stibnite is grey when fresh, but can turn superficially black due to oxidation in air.

36. It must be carried out strictly, thoroughly and universally, and not perfunctorily, superficially or partially.

37. Brachiopods versus bivalves Brachiopods superficially resemble clams but are not closely related to our modern sea shells

38. Many species superficially resemble mosquitoes, but they lack the wing scales and elongated mouthparts of the Culicidae.

39. Angiomas situated within the pontocerebellar cistern lie superficially on the ventrolateral aspect of the brain stem.

40. The Conodont animal resembled a superficially segmented, worm-like animal with large, fish-like eyes, and a notochord

41. The Anther of some of the more primitive orchids is superficially similar to that of a lily or amaryllis

42. Antonyms for Cordially include half-heartedly, with reservations, mildly, slightly, lightly, minorly, faintly, superficially, vaguely and feebly

43. Superficially it may seem reasonable to prefer a firmly-held end to a faint altruistic stirring which is easily dismissed.

44. What you have are groups of people who display superficially similar symptoms for a variety of different reasons.

45. Iv 'Bureaucracy rapid in these last years, America is still,compared with the rest of the world, only superficially afflicted

46. In 80% (152) of cases the Cephalic vein was found emerging superficially in the lateral portion of the deltopectoral triangle

47. 8 The unexpected ruins plans. Perhaps the undertaking was superficially and inconsiderately designed: Risk of being blown out of proportion.

48. Unfortunately, while superficially attractive, those context-independent truth criteria which have been suggested turn out to be vacuous or tautological.

49. Androids are superficially identical to humans in many ways, and to the uninformed it can be difficult to differentiate the two

50. They are superficially similar to the African duikers and the Asian muntjacs, but unrelated.About 10 species of Brocket deer are described.

51. Fun-lovers live superficially, afraid to face suffering and to enter deeply into the ambiguities and hurts of an imperfect world.

52. They are superficially similar to the unrelated penguins; however in contrast to penguins, the modern Auks are able to fly (with the

53. Cases like these should be distinguished from a superficially parallel set of cases such as shrug the shoulders and pout the lips.

54. Superficially, this is a sign of the continued buoyant growth and adaptability of football as the world's most popular sport.

55. Topical anesthesia is local Anesthetic applied to the surface of the skin or mucous membrane (mucosa) to temporarily numb the area superficially

56. 29 Periclimenes shrimps are superficially similar in appearance to Harlequin Shrimp species but do not harm their host anemone or sea cucumber.

57. 28 Cases like these should be distinguished from a superficially parallel set of cases such as shrug the shoulders and pout the lips.

58. The phylum Brachiopoda, also known as lamp shells, is a group of bilaterally symmetrical, coelomate organisms that superficially resemble bivalve molluscs.

59. Brachiopod morphology and terminology; Brachiopods versus bivalves Brachiopods superficially resemble clams but are not closely related to our modern sea shells

60. In April 1941 Quorn was superficially damaged by two delay-action bombs, that exploded 20 metres (66 ft) from her port quarter.

61. Electrodesiccation and Curettage (ED&C) is a procedure well-known to dermatologists for the treatment of benign and superficially invasive neoplasms (Table 12.2)

62. ‘Chemical Hearts’ Review: Lili Reinhart and Austin Abrams Headline a Superficially Sensitive Teen Romance Richard Tanne's YA adaptation has trappings of maturity, but over-Aestheticizes its

63. The red-legged tinamou is superficially similar to a quail to which it is not related as it, along with other tinamous, belongs in the Paleognathae.

64. Also known as moss animals or sea mats, the colonial species of Bryozoans generally build collective stony skeletons of calcium carbonate that are superficially similar to coral.

65. They are superficially similar to lizards but, along with mammals and birds, reptiles are amniotes and do not require water bodies in which to breed.

66. Owing to different ideas about what counts as an Anaphor subject to Condition A, two influential but superficially incompatible versions of Condition A of binding theory have coex

67. 15 The need to change the pattern of growth in the world economy should not become an excuse for mercantilism fraudulently to present itself in a superficially more constructive form.

68. The Aardwolf (Proteles cristatus) resembles a small hyena superficially, and is also descended from the viverrid group, but it feeds mainly on insects and has weaker jaws and fewer teeth

69. Myocastor Coypus (Coypu) is a large rodent (5-9kg; 40-60cm body; 30-45cm tail), superficially rat-like, pelage brown and yellow-brown in colour with a cylindrical tail

70. The flowers are solitary, or in terminal racemes, with five sepals and five petals, numerous stamens, and a cluster of five to 20 carpels; they are superficially similar in appearance to Magnolia flowers.

71. ‘The sequence from the early Amniotes to the early mammals is the most fully documented of the major transitions in vertebrate evolution.’ ‘The ancestral Amniotes were small animals, superficially resembling primitive, insectivorous lizards.’

72. Regardless of either view, today, the public perception of Mao has improved at least superficially; images of Mao and Mao related objects have become fashionable, commonly used on novelty items and even as talismans.

73. ‘The sequence from the early Amniotes to the early mammals is the most fully documented of the major transitions in vertebrate evolution.’ ‘The ancestral Amniotes were small animals, superficially resembling primitive, insectivorous lizards.’

74. Synonyms for it Appears that include on the face of it, ostensibly, to the casual eye, apparently, at face value, at first glance, from appearances, on the surface, so it seems and superficially

75. Indeed, the work of these last six months cannot merely be assessed superficially, Acrimoniously and in a partisan spirit or, worse still, with a concern just for the internal affairs of the countries of the Union

76. Dictograph apparitor Nobleboro cogitating superficially sclerophylly Bassetts Brule quasi-devoted ameboid agronomist unresponsibleness despumate thigged encephalonarcosis unspirituous lurdans waivatua Tolono beaming gamba by-the-bye uncoordinate restartable Iolaus Aranein Mycomycetes subgape maltreats zamboorak loose-topped compar

77. Definition of Ctenophore : any of a phylum (Ctenophora) of marine animals superficially resembling jellyfishes but having biradial symmetry and swimming by means of eight bands of transverse ciliated plates — called also comb jelly Other Words from Ctenophore …

78. Rarefaction of levator Aponeurosis or disinsertion from tarsus; The Aponeurosis has two sites of attachment to the tarsus, superficially along the anterior tarsal surface and deeper fibers that attach along the superior aspect of the tarsus (Marcet, Ophthalmology, 2013).

79. Love is like the ocean: seen superficially, or in haste, it is called monotonous by common souls, whereas some privileged beings can pass their lives in admiring it, and in finding, Ceaselessly, the varying phenomena that enchant them.

80. Bryozoans are zoologically unrelated to reef corals, of course, but their hard, calcareous crustose, mounded, and branching colonies superficially resemble those of cnidarians.Whereas in the tropics, Bryozoans are mostly dwarfed by stony corals, in cooler temperate …