Use "succinylcholine" in a sentence

1. Succinylcholine and aconite.

2. An hypothesis is proposed to account for the occurrence of adverse haemodynamic reactions to succinylcholine. Interaction of succinylcholine with cholinergic receptors is postulated to result in release of endogenous catecholamines (predominantly norepinephrine).

3. Thus one cannot expect die esterase to be responsible for all abnormal reactions towards succinylcholine.

4. Thus one cannot expect the esterase to be responsible for all abnormal reactions towards succinylcholine.

5. Rocuronium (≥1 mg/kg) is currently the best alternative to succinylcholine for rapid sequence induction.

6. In accordance 74% of anesthetists in hospitals and 72% of anesthetists in private practice voiced the wish for a non-depolarizing succinylcholine substitute.

7. Suxamethonium chloride, also known as suxamethonium or succinylcholine, is a medication used to cause short-term paralysis as part of general anesthesia.

8. Anesthetic emergencies such as prolonged apnea following administration of succinylcholine, malignant hyperthermia following exposure to volatile Anaesthetics, and life-threatening acute porphyria after thiopentone use have catalyzed pharmacogenetic evolution since the early 1950s.

9. It differs from earlier reports of M H in that no hyperpyrexia was allowed to develop, but there was paradoxical response to succinylcholine, skeletal hypertonicity, cardiac alterations of rate and rhythm, tachypnoea, sweating, mild metabolic acidosis and enzyme elevations, most notably of CPK.