Use "subatomic" in a sentence

1. You could go subatomic.

2. In subatomic particle: Quarks and Antiquarks The baryons and mesons are complex subatomic particles built from more-elementary objects, the quarks

3. Even atoms and subatomic particles will be destroyed.

4. Subatomic physics involves the creation and destruction of particles.

5. The residue will consist of cold, invisible, subatomic ashes.

6. Subatomic physics bears on many aspects of life.

7. Every kind of subatomic particle has a corresponding Antiparticle, e.g

8. Unexpected things can happen in the world of subatomic particles.

9. They would form helium and a subatomic particle, called a neutron.

10. Instead, the universe consisted of a swirling sea of subatomic matter.

11. Not even the mysterious transformation of matter at the subatomic level.

12. Three months ago, however , a team of physicists reported subatomic evidence.

13. Clue: Subatomic particle composed of one quark and one Antiquark

14. Every kind of subatomic particle has a corresponding Antiparticle, e.g

15. Subatomic particle with integral spin that is governed by Bose-Einstein statistics.

16. Catalan: ·(physics) Antiparticle··Antiparticle (type of subatomic particle)

17. As the collider becomes fully operational, scientists hope to discover additional subatomic particles.

18. Remember how I was trying to achieve the positronic distillation of subatomic particles?

19. So Thompson had discovered the first subatomic particle, which we now call electrons.

20. The project was to build a superconducting supercollider for research on subatomic particles.

21. 5 words related to Boson: gauge Boson, meson, mesotron, subatomic particle, particle

22. At a subatomic level, atoms resist smashing together because their electrons repel.

23. Developing new ways to calculate and predict how subatomic particles will behave.

24. The quantum level is the level of molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, etc.

25. Particle radiation is the radiation of energy by means of fast-moving subatomic particles.

26. The important papers concerning the structure of subatomic papers are reprinted in this volume.

27. As we proceed through various field of subatomic physics, these questions will be answered.

28. An Antiparticle is a subatomic particle identical with familiar subatomic particles such as electrons or protons, but with opposite electrical charge or, in the case of uncharged particles, opposite magnetic moment.

29. Anomalously Large Spectral Shifts near the Quantum Tunnelling Limit in Plasmonic Rulers with Subatomic Resolution

30. First used by quantum physicist Richard Feynman, it has generally been applied to subatomic particles.

31. Nuclear chemistry is the study of how subatomic particles come together and make nuclei.

32. Small as they are , atom is made up of still smaller unit know as subatomic particle.

33. Particle decay is the spontaneous process of one unstable subatomic particle transforming into multiple other particles.

34. Bosons are a type of subatomic particles which follow Bose Einstein Statistics.The other type is fermions

35. Okay, you've lost your speed, yes, but nothing has changed inside you on a subatomic level.

36. Any member of a family of subatomic particles composed of a quark and an antiquark antimatter.

37. Small as they are , atoms are made up of still smaller units known as subatomic particles.

38. Ideas and facts emerging from studies of the subatomic world change our picture of the macrocosms.

39. Device that accelerates a beam of fast - moving , electrically charged atoms ( ions ) or subatomic particles.

40. Any member of a family of subatomic particles composed of a quark and an antiquark antimatter.

41. To take a simple example, the important subatomic particle called the electron has a negative electrical charge.

42. In 1921, Otto Stern and Walther Gerlach establish concept of quantum mechanical spin in subatomic particles.

43. But despite high hopes, the LHC revealed a barren subatomic wilderness populated only by a lonely Higgs boson.

44. Quarks and Antiquarks The baryons and mesons are complex subatomic particles built from more-elementary objects, the quarks

45. They meet in the middle, and they create subatomic particles like the charm quark and the tau lepton.

46. Solar flares are enormous magnetic outbursts from the Sun that bombard the Earth with high-speed subatomic particles.

47. Composite subatomic particles (such as protons or atomic nuclei) are bound states of two or more elementary particles.

48. Hence, he understands every detail of the entire universe, from subatomic particles to the amazing human brain.

49. Take the recent question of whether neutrinos, a type of near-massless subatomic particle, can travel faster than light.

50. Scientists in Switzerland say they have measured a kind of subatomic particle traveling faster than the speed of light.

51. What does Antiparticle mean? A subatomic particle, such as a positron or antiproton, having the same spin, magnitude

52. Firstly with cosmic rays, and then with particle accelerators, machines that smash together subatomic particles at great energies.

53. Discuss the categories of subatomic particles prescribed in radiation oncology such as Bosons, fermions, leptons, quarks, baryons, hadrons, and mesons

54. A pion or π meson is a meson, which is a subatomic particle made of one quark and one Antiquark.

55. Subatomic particle composed of one quark and one Antiquark is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 1 time

56. The device can be used to provide radially polarized electromagnetic radiation for accelerating subatomic particles or for cutting a workpiece.

57. because lead ions are composed of complete atomic nuclei – not just a single subatomic particle – their masses are far larger.

58. Antiproton, subatomic particle of the same mass as a proton but having a negative electric charge and oppositely directed magnetic moment

59. The device (214) can be used to provide radially polarized electromagnetic radiation for accelerating subatomic particles or for cutting a workpiece.

60. Axions are unconfirmed, hypothetical ultralight particles from beyond the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes the behavior of subatomic particles.

61. RAdiation, flow of atomic and subatomic particles and of waves, such as those that characterize heat rays, light rays, and X rays

62. Accelerators are essential tools of discovery for physics and for sciences that use x-rays and neutrons, a type of neutral subatomic particle

63. This probability is probably quite high because a subatomic particle, atom or molecule probably can't urinate or copulate on its own.

64. Actually, Antiproton is a subatomic particle of the same mass as a proton but having a negative electric chargeand oppositely directed magnetic moment

65. In 2012, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to a breakthrough finding: the detection of the Higgs Boson, a subatomic particle predicted by …

66. Positron, positively charged subatomic particle having the same mass and magnitude of charge as the electron and constituting the Antiparticle of a negative electron

67. Branching, radioactive disintegration of a particular species of unstable atomic nucleus or subatomic particle that occurs by two or more different decay processes

68. Boson, subatomic particle with integral spin (i.e., angular momentum in quantum-mechanical units of 0, 1, etc.) that is governed by the Bose-Einstein statistics (q.v.).

69. Antiparticles are subatomic particles that have the same mass as one of the regular matter particles but the electric charge and magnetic moment are different

70. Axion definition is - a hypothetical subatomic particle of low mass and energy that is postulated to exist because of certain properties of the strong force.

71. (This bound current is due to the sum of atomic sized current loops and the spin of the subatomic particles such as electrons that make up the material.)

72. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, energy equals mass, so those high-energy collisions can blast into fleeting existence massive subatomic particles not seen in the everyday world.

73. But the lead ion collisions will be different; because lead ions are composed of complete atomic nuclei – not just a single subatomic particle – their masses are far larger.

74. "Transitory Objects" includes two elegant models from Alisa Andrasek that are part of a design project called "Mesonic Emission, " a reference to mesons, subatomic particles composed of quarks.

75. Any of a family of subatomic particles that participate in strong interactions, are composed of a quark and an antiquark, and have masses generally intermediate between leptons and baryons.

76. By Ron Kurtus (revised 26 August 2014) Antiparticles are subatomic particles that have the same mass and characteristics of a standard particle, except that they have the opposite electric charge

77. Colliding-beam storage ring, type of cyclic particle accelerator that stores and then accelerates two counterrotating beams of charged subatomic particles before bringing them into head-on collision with each other

78. Antiparticle, subatomic particle having the same mass as one of the particles of ordinary matter but opposite electric charge and magnetic moment. Thus, the positron (positively charged electron) is the Antiparticle of the negatively charged electron.

79. They typically take place when a nucleus of an atom gets smacked by either a subatomic particle (usually a "free neutron, " a short-lived neutron not bound to an existing nucleus) or another nucleus.

80. Antimatter, substance composed of subatomic particles that have the mass, electric charge, and magnetic moment of the electrons, protons, and neutrons of ordinary matter but for which the electric charge and magnetic moment are opposite in sign