Use "stumbling" in a sentence

1. One Stumbling Block Is the Philosophies of Men

2. And a haughty spirit before stumbling.

3. Blundering & stumbling on in darkness

4. 14 Wilfulness is the stumbling block in a marriage.

5. His delivery was stilted and occasionally stumbling.

6. Could he remove this stumbling block and become a Christian?

7. “Pride is the great stumbling block to Zion.

8. She came stumbling across the room toward him .

9. There will be stumbling, falling, cursing the dark.

10. His stumbling attempts at colloquial Russian amused her.

11. Ask yourself, ‘Will my wearing this garment give cause for stumbling?’

12. Bumbled A little more than buzzed, stumbling on words.

13. And the stumbling blocks*+ along with the wicked ones;

14. 9 Another example is God’s view of stumbling others.

15. 19 She followed Blindly, stumbling over stones in her path

16. 12 I ran after him, stumbling in the red dust.

17. She nearly fell down by stumbling over my stretched leg.

18. Biden's stumbling, Bumbling first steps on COVID-19 expose his weak, feeble plan

19. The possible stumbling blocks would be financial and attitudinal barriers to these learners.

20. 16 She followed blindly,( stumbling over stones in her path.

21. □ How could one’s own family prove to be a stumbling block?

22. I miss the Camaraderieship," he says, stumbling over the word

23. How can we prevent an offense from becoming a stumbling block?

24. As I was stumbling along in the darkness, an anteater snorted.

25. She cut short the stumbling thanks and put down the phone.

26. Another Stumbling Block Is Refusing to See Sin in Its True Light

27. They started down the stairs, stumbling against one another in their mirth.

28. For many LDCs, debt continues to be a major domestic stumbling block.

29. 22. (a) How might we, like Peter, unwittingly become a stumbling block?

30. 10 The desire to be right is a stumbling block in a way.

31. Blather ‘Round is a guessing game full of blundering, stumbling, and–yes!– Blathering

32. Regionalism: A Stepping Stone or a Stumbling Stone on the Path toward Globalism?

33. 10 Undeniably, war has been a constant stumbling stone on mankind’s pathway of history.

34. 19 Neural networks are performing tasks that have posed stumbling blocks for previous technologies.

35. “Abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, and for them there is no stumbling block.” —PS.

36. Could attending put a stumbling block before some? —1 Corinthians 10:23, 24, 32.

37. The irreducibly complex cell is a major stumbling block to belief in Darwin’s theory.

38. See: Betterment goes 'strategic' with ESG after stunning 2020 inflows and fortuitous 'accident,' stumbling on …

39. In the context of SAARC, do you think that Teesta has become a stumbling block?

40. Otherwise the wedding could deteriorate into a riotous affair and cause stumbling. —Romans 14:21.

41. 17 Perhaps the major stumbling block to reunification is the military presence in South Korea.

42. 14 Then the stumbling run across the car park, the lights dancing wildly inside his head.

43. (2) To develop flexibility in your voice, read verses 48-51 aloud as rapidly as you can without stumbling.

44. 12 Whoever was there was stalking her! Blind panic sent her off at a stumbling run.

45. Abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, and for them there is no stumbling block.”

46. The raw, stumbling lout was gone. The Ill. fitting clothes, battered hands, and sunburned face remained.

47. blockade: (Barrier), noun bar , barricade , block , bottleneck , cordon , curb , impediment , obsessio , obstacle , obstruction , stop , stumbling block blockade

48. • Identify and manage challenges: bring opposing parties on board, identify stumbling blocks early on and adapt solutions.

49. The delay in achieving that objective remains a stumbling block in promoting the nuclear non-proliferation regime.

50. Naturally, the more mature individuals survive the effects of these irksome stumbling blocks better than the others.

51. her drunkenly stumbling, falling, sprawling, skirt hiked, eyes veined red, swollen with tears, her shame, her dishonor.

52. She came stumbling back into the dining car followed by a commotion of people yelling behind her.

53. But a key stumbling block continues to be U.S. reluctance to cede 5 any power in Iraq.

54. In soaps, people are always stumbling upon one another, accidentally overhearing or deliberately eavesdropping on private conversations.

55. They discussed stumbling blocks to progress on a scheme to bring Sainsbury to Caldaire's Grange Road site.

56. 18 The failure to agree on manning levels is a major stumbling-block to progress in the talks.

57. Most of the Others were too paralyzed with fright to move; but some began a slow, stumbling retreat.

58. I flinch, and Rachel starts up from the floor as I begin stumbling through some kind of introduction.

59. 26 Istead of seeing fear as a stumbling block, see it as a stepping-stone towards new experience.

60. A further accident - stumbling over a coffer of government funds in his care - fatally scatters temptation before him.

61. Michael was after me, stumbling out on to the launch platform half-dressed and babbling about two-month training courses.

62. I feel only that we have taken a wrong direction somewhere, and are blindly stumbling on because our leaders blindfold us.

63. The 12 also chipped away at one of the other stumbling blocks, the need to harmonise tax laws across the Community.

64. Get behind me: According to the parallel account at Mt 16:23, Jesus adds: “You are a stumbling block to me.”

65. After all it is permissible for you to take it as a stumbling block or if you wish as a banality.

66. English The Errand Boy: A Novel Don Bredes paper writing help for experienced author and copywriter is not a stumbling block

67. (Ephesians 4:26) While righteous indignation has its place, there is an ever-present danger that anger could become our stumbling block.

68. The album is a terrifying playlist of disjointed noises, shouts, and Clatterings brought about by John and Yoko stumbling around John's homebrew

69. If Bing’s crawlers are stumbling across a bunch of redirects, blocked URLs, or pages infected by malware, you’ll find out with Index Explorer

70. No, the real focus is on the kids stumbling upon this series at home, and Game Changers certainly gives them front row seats

71. 22 Every now and again some of it fell off, sometimes on to the lane, often on to the nomes stumbling along it.

72. Hyacinth Egbebo, has tasked Nigerians to live right to redeem the country's Bastardized image that has been a subject of harassment and stumbling block to well-meaning

73. But if someone said it had been “offered in sacrifice,” he would not eat it, to avoid stumbling anyone. —1 Corinthians 10:25-29.

74. “No, we should go forward, groping our way through the darkness, stumbling perhaps At whiles, and try to do what good lay in one’s power.

75. A potential stumbling block is the 27-year-old's whopping weekly wage of over ? 000[sentence dictionary], meaning a dream return to Argentina is highly unlikely.

76. Bill Richardson, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, put his finger on the main stumbling block to achieving peace in the Middle East, saying simply: “There is a lack of confidence.”

77. A stumbling block appears when we serve God generously with time and checkbooks but still withhold portions of our inner selves, signifying that we are not yet fully His!

78. My objective, this afternoon, is twofold: first, to address some stumbling blocks to faith; and second, to describe how our Father’s plan is big enough for all His children.

79. Shane Vander Hart: The world's "wisdom" is its stumbling block and the answer to that is to become A fool, or more precisely, A fool for Christ.

80. "Functioning Bureaucracy and broad-based, equitable taxation are not stumbling blocks to good governance, as many on both the left and right have argued for years," says Blanton.