Use "stumbled" in a sentence

1. I stumbled over a tree root.

2. He stumbled over Luke's prostrate body.

3. She stumbled briefly but then continued.

4. She stumbled forward, her legs leaden.

5. 3 Max stumbled out of bed sleepily.

6. Mankind has stumbled for centuries in darkness.

7. Everyone stumbled away, Dove and the onlookers.

8. Stumbled onto Bogies with our hungry crew

9. The horse stumbled and threw its rider.

10. This is how he stumbled upon General Grande.

11. He tried to straighten up and nearly stumbled.

12. She stumbled down the gangway to the hatch.

13. Who is stumbled, and I am not incensed?”

14. She stumbled a little on the uneven path.

15. In her nervousness she stumbled over her words.

16. I stumbled across the place quite by chance.

17. I stumbled on a misprint in my dictionary.

18. He stumbled down the stairs like a madman.

19. Tonight, I stumbled across an encyclopedia entry on ultrasound.

20. She stumbled and gave her ankle a painful wrench.

21. 11 He stumbled blindly on through the dark building.

22. We stumbled upon Babuls and SO glad we did

23. She caught her foot on the threshold and stumbled.

24. 2 Kip stumbled backwards and forwards before falling down.

25. • How can we avoid being stumbled by our “right eye”?

26. The oaf stumbled over the bucket, spilling all the water.

27. And I stumbled across something called " cancer stem cells. "

28. History relates that they stumbled on a magnificent waterfall.

29. She stumbled and fell, scraping her palms and knees.

30. 6 Kip stumbled backwards and forwards before falling down.

31. One of the gendarmes stumbled dizzily and dropped his rifle.

32. 18 Presently he stumbled upon Huck Finn the Red - Handed.

33. How might an elder reason with one who was stumbled?

34. The actor botch botched ( ie forgot or stumbled over ) his lines.

35. He stumbled haphazardly through the 5 th and 6 th forms.

36. The lights mysteriously failed, and we stumbled around in complete darkness.

37. The boy made many blunders as he stumbled through his recitation.

38. But as I search deeper and deeper I stumbled upon endurance.

39. At first, I worried that I'd stumbled into a tourist trap.

40. Joe stumbled along, crowing drunkenly about how he'd kicked the bikers'butts.

41. We stumbled on your video on decimals, and it got through.

42. Her numb leg gave way beneath her and she stumbled clumsily.

43. Wildly, aimlessly, madly, frantically, confusedly Panicking Blindly they stumbled towards the exit.

44. I just stumbled on the ground maybe my leg is twist

45. When they took me out, I stumbled over the dead barber.

46. The old man stumbled in, flapping his stump toward the outside.

47. And that was when Kegl realized what she had stumbled upon.

48. On the road with a friend and stumbled onto Bailiwicks On Mill

49. Blanche shivered with unease, as though she had stumbled into a crypt.

50. A group of rare flower hunters stumbled upon it in the desert.

51. With her eyes Bedimmed with tears, Mary stumbled along in the darkness

52. I felt very privileged to have stumbled upon such a rare sight.

53. We stumbled across Charterhouse by accident, but it really is worth a visit

54. They stumbled in that they suffered intense persecution, some even being killed.

55. 6 Workmen stumbled upon the mosaic while digging foundations for a new building.

56. The sky was already beginning to darken as she stumbled along the path.

57. In her hurry she stumbled and spilled the milk all over the floor.

58. Just as solidly, it hit the crossbar. Gyan stumbled away holding his head.

59. Shame they couldn't have stumbled upon a more dramatic way of doing it.

60. The Spanish IBEX 35 index dropped 7% to 80 as Banco Santander stumbled 9%.

61. 23 I stumbled across one shack, but was lucky this farmer was easy going.

62. They had stumbled upon my claim to fame, a gift not given to many.

63. Derek stumbled off into the nearest clump of vegetation and disturbed three petrified rabbits.

64. I stumbled along in the dark, trusting to luck to find the right door.

65. 10 The end of the summer, the who. Memory such as a line, who stumbled.

66. I stumbled from the room dazed and confused, completely disoriented by what had just happened.

67. Sometime around 01:10, the armored cruiser Black Prince stumbled into the German line.

68. Running along the beach, she stumbled on a log and fell on the sand.

69. Scrolling through the archives, the lads stumbled across the ONE AND ONLY 'Chinwag News' story.

70. Now I don't know what we've stumbled into but somebody's pulling some major strings inside.

71. 26 Gina Coulstock, stumbled, fell heavily and was knocked out when she hit the road.

72. Half-blinded, Melissa faltered, stumbled and collided with a burly figure hurrying towards the building.

73. What is this strange, varied and most wonderfully intricate land that we have stumbled upon?

74. He stumbled with vengeful intent through wide, open-topped courtyards and along covered, low-ceilinged walkways.

75. Stumbled, fumbled, Bumbled, grumbled, and humbled: looking back at the future history of clinical ethics

76. 12 She stumbled to her feet, crossed the dark room and switched on the light.

77. - A Beachgoer in South Florida stumbled upon nearly $1 million worth of cocaine that washed ashore

78. 3 reviews of Antipasti "Stumbled upon this restaurant on our first evening in Ocean City

79. 21 I stumbled from the room dazed and confused, completely disoriented by what had just happened.

80. And one day I stumbled upon a book that changed my young life: The Great Mouthpiece.