Use "stricken with disease" in a sentence

1. Whole villages were stricken with the disease.

2. The disease mainly occurs in remote poverty-stricken areas, with limited or no access to safe drinking water.

3. To the south are the mountains, the seas, and the disease-stricken lands.

4. Her parents were stricken with grief.

5. Comfort for Those With a “Stricken Spirit”

6. Bhajan died in 2004 at the age of 75—by then he was stricken with heart disease, was diabetic, and confined to a wheelchair

7. She had been stricken with an aggressive form of cancer.

8. Then it bayed and Jim was stricken with terror.

9. They have issued the calamity - stricken people with food.

10. In 1934[], McDenough was stricken with pneumonia and died.

11. As a young father, he was stricken with multiple sclerosis.

12. A grief - stricken chimpanzee?

13. He has been stricken with grief since the death of his wife.

14. Đồng nghĩa của Awe stricken

15. My mother was stricken with poliomyelitis when she was six years old.

16. Rescue teams raced to the stricken ship.

17. Within hours the firemen were stricken with radiation sickness, and a number later died.

18. Many of the children were stricken with dysentery and other digestive-tract ills.

19. 3 Terror stricken; the little pimp had pleaded with him, offered him money.

20. But then du Pre was stricken with multiple sclerosis and the fairytale quickly unravelled.

21. Afflicted means "impaired" or "stricken" and usually refers to a person who is mentally or physically unfit, or has been grievously affected by disease

22. Miriam and Aaron’s complaint against Moses results in Miriam being temporarily stricken with leprosy.

23. Fire broke out on the stricken ship.

24. She turned a stricken glance on Peter.

25. Trái nghĩa của Awe stricken

26. When Mayer was seventeen, he was stricken with cardiac dysrhythmia and was hospitalized for a weekend.

27. She was stricken by pain and began to vomit.

28. At that, the stricken man burst into tears.

29. 5 ‘Why do I see them terror-stricken?

30. Some beggars are neither poverty-stricken nor homeless.

31. The interior of the stricken aircraft was chaotic, with the passengers' belongings strewn around clogging the gangway.

32. Félix d'Hérelle was stricken with pancreatic cancer and died a forgotten man in Paris in 1949.

33. 15 Jack caught a glimpse of her panic-stricken face.

34. Awe stricken (Greninja Tf) “Do not fail us again…”

35. Medical supplies are being dropped to the stricken area.

36. Disease often goes with poverty/Disease and poverty often go together.

37. Nail Clubbing is also associated with inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease

38. Words cannot convey the poverty-stricken Awfulness of his …

39. She raised her stricken face and begged for help.

40. The panic - stricken crowd rushed to the emergency exit.

41. 5 synonyms for Afflicted: miserable, suffering, wretched, stricken, impaired

42. They are immensely rich, they are absolutely poverty- stricken.

43. You've gone beyond just plain grief-stricken — you're Bereft

44. Medical supplies are being dropped into the stricken area.

45. We went to the aid of the stricken boat.

46. Randolph was stricken from the Navy List on 1 June 1973.

47. The helicopter lands, and its occupants cautiously approach the stricken beast.

48. The poverty-stricken could then take over the deserted metropolises.

49. The fire stemed from light stricken by the electrical appliance.

50. Her virgins are grief-stricken, and she herself has bitterness.

51. Its mouth was open wide, making it appear amazed and Awe stricken

52. Circumvent was formed with the mission of developing precision medicines for neurodegenerative disease, starting with Batten Disease

53. He was at home with little children in their innocence and strangely enough at home too with conscience-stricken grafters like Zacchaeus.

54. The two heroic sisters quickly headed off the panic - stricken sheep.

55. Or “struck with a skin disease.”


57. Wayne Batchelor is a cardiologist with expertise in coronary disease, structural valvular heart disease, peripheral arterial disease, carotid artery disease and clinical research in interventional cardiology

58. 24 In conclusion, we found an association of coronary heart disease with periodontal disease and other measures of dental disease.

59. A case of disseminated cutaneous Cytomegalic inclusion disease associated with Hodgkin's disease is described

60. Supplies of food and medicine were rushed to the stricken city.

61. Foreign aid workers will not be allowed into the stricken areas.

62. We have peace of mind amid a fear-stricken and anxious world population.

63. so that the grim battle should not affright the grief-stricken woman?

64. There was a stampede of panic - stricken crowd from the burning hotel.

65. There is a great scarcity of food in the drought-stricken areas.

66. When I was 14, I was stricken with rheumatic fever, which took me out of action for over a year.

67. Anesthesia in a child with Batten disease.

68. Infected or contaminated with a contagious disease.

69. The disease is spreading with alarming rapidity.

70. Blebs may coexist with bullous lung disease.

71. Slang), dumbfounded, flabbergasted, agog, thunderstruck, awe-stricken Her performance left us Agape.

72. She had been pale, listless, disaffected and Katherine was stricken by remorse.

73. Face to face with chronic disease: Cancer

74. Her mother was afflicted with eye disease.

75. My country has been stricken by war for the past five years.

76. The stricken pilot, he added, didn't respond to jolts from a defibrillator.

77. Addison’s disease, scientifically known as hypoadrenocorticism, is a disease with serious consequences for dogs, although fortunately with proper treatment, dogs diagnosed with Addison…

78. 30 This has not been shown to be associated with systemic disease, such as autoimmune disease.

79. The Pope is visiting some of the most poverty-stricken areas of the city.

80. Stands in opposition what with the first two broad heading branch disease is prostate gland disease.