Use "strata" in a sentence

1. The older strata gradually disintegrated.

2. The Strata™ Airbed Difference

3. (noun) The Brecciation of the strata.

4. Conformable strata lie above one another or interbedded,

5. Concretions form within layers of sedimentary strata that have

6. Even without a microscope, you can see the cell strata.

7. That all geologic strata were formed by the Biblical Deluge.

8. Similarly, increased odds ratios were found for different age strata.

9. Allocation of sample across strata and selection of reporting agents

10. Firstly, members of the lower strata may become totally demoralized.

11. The author analysed vertebrae taken from strata of different geological age.

12. It is possible for social inequality to exist without social strata.

13. Unfortunately... thymic sclerosis is found in all strata of Denobulan society.

14. The strata at Olduvai make an intriguing window into the past.

15. The varied strata of modern society present numerous challenges to surveillance.

16. Conformability definition is - the quality of conforming—used especially of geological strata.

17. The Albian stage of the Cretaceous; the strata dating from this stage

18. V. Allocation of sample across strata and selection of reporting agents 15.

19. Building strata of the thermally insulating system with an air gap

20. The overburden strata movement is a complicated time and space process.

21. Layer by layer the narrow strata of brick and rubble were laid bare.

22. STRATA 10-inch Metal Clothesline Spacer with Wheels (3)-Compare 100 ft

23. FEE has partnered with Strata Academic Programs to bring you The Constitution

24. A preliminary note on Arsinoitherium zitteli, Beadn., from the Upper Eocene strata of Egypt.

25. Strata above and below the goaf are de-stressed and fractured by mining activity.

26. The horizon, a confused mass of strata, oscillating Ceaselessly, murmurs in a continual undertone

27. These strata are the accumulated shells of those billions and billions of micro-organisms.

28. People expect these two strata to answer the phone, to draft a memo.

29. 16 The cliffs are characterized by remarkable zigzagging strata of shale, limestone and sandstone.

30. They may despise the lower strata whose members may well find such behaviour offensive.

31. Even the most fully developed participant cultures will contain surviving strata of subjects and parochials.

32. We also concisely described the characteristics of the conodont fauna through the boundary strata.

33. In contextgeologylang=en terms the difference between syncline and Anticline is that syncline is (geology) a concave-upward fold in rock strata while Anticline is (geology) a fold with strata sloping downwards on each side

34. Large strata were excavated by Sir John Marshall with a quantity of Parthian-style artifacts.

35. Lias Group strata form imposing cliffs on the Vale of Glamorgan coast, in southern Wales.

36. This belief gained wide currency among Sinhalese of all social strata in the twentieth century.

37. Contained within the rock strata is evidence that the region was intensely dry 000 years ago.

38. The overall success rates in the MITT analysis results, adjusted by risk strata, were as follows

39. The fossils data, deformation and metamorphism delineation of the studied strata into the Tianshuihai Group Complex.

40. Critics, all from the upper-middle classes, associated street Clamor with the lower social strata.

41. Adjoining strata (11, 12) of pressure-sensitive adhesive (14) are transferred to a package (31).

42. The occurrence of fuller's earth in Cretaceous strata from Wiltshire to Yorkshire has been studied.

43. The nobility and the serfs emerged, then, as two of the distinct strata in feudal society.

44. Biostratigraphy [ bī′ō-strə-tĭg ′rə-fē ] The study and categorization of rock strata based on their fossil content and distribution. Biostratigraphic data are often considered together with radiometric and paleoenvironmental data as a means of dating rock strata.

45. And shattering it, Brecciating and pulverizing the country rock, forming elastic waves, and deforming rock strata

46. Each NCB chooses the most appropriate allocation of the national sample size n among the strata.

47. Erosion of gently dipping strata commonly results in the formation of asymmetrical ridges known as cuestas.

48. Unlike the other strata, the Cyclopean Haunt contains five floors like in previous games, rather than four

49. Each NCB chooses the most appropriate allocation of the national sample size n among the strata

50. A total of 34 genera and 93 subgeneric taxa are recognized in these Albian-age strata.

51. Each NCB shall choose the most appropriate allocation of the national sample size n among the strata

52. What does Anticline mean? A fold with strata sloping downward on both sides from a common crest

53. The strata are now much folded and appear on the surface as a series of concentric circles.

54. They are an ancient group , fossils of which occur in geological strata as old as 250,000,000 years .

55. The type of sediment being deposited today is unlike any that is found in the rock strata.

56. On the other, different strata among the middle classes found much to object to in the statusquo.

57. They are a colourful sequence of strata, which reflect the alternation between the advancing and retreating Tethys sea.

58. - the thickness, hydraulic conductivity, absorptive and reactive properties of the solid geological strata in the unsaturated zone, and

59. Fluorite-mineralizations in fissures of the Gutenstein Strata (Anis—Mid-Triassic) are located in tectonic zones, near evaporites.

60. Conformability (noun) the parallelism of two sets of strata which are in contact How to pronounce Conformability?

61. Conodont elements are phosphatic microfossils found in great numbers in the relevant strata, but always in isolation

62. Each NCB shall choose the most appropriate allocation of the national sample size n among the strata.

63. The estimation of the sampling variance must take into account the sampling design and changes of strata.

64. Members of the upper strata in a meritocracy deserve their position; their privileges are based on merit.

65. Again, these are outcomes not just experienced by a few, but that resound across all strata of society.

66. The combined effect of the two errors is variable because Vol-Strata is not correlated to habitat quality.

67. The name Carboniferous refers to coal -bearing strata that characterize the upper portion of the series throughout the world.

68. Below all these strata lay the immemorial peasant base of straight barter and the still-important tax in kind.

69. Then Adopt injection reinforce strata, reinforced timbering , stiffen resist support for resist let conjoint compound support, roger good effect.

70. His administration knows that, and is doing what it can to keep the support of the lower strata.

71. Sedimentum est generaliter pondus terreum aut saxeum quod, ad locum quemdam Affluxum et ibidem congregatum, in solida strata premitur

72. Thin rock strata of roof fall by full thick, procreant cranny reach the earth's surface and have clearly sidesteppedsubsidence.

73. The soft parts of the Cephalopod animals are not fossilized, but the shell fossils are common in some strata

74. This will help people from poorer strata of the society to have access to a quality public transport system.

75. Facies relations suggest White Lake strata accumulated on coalesced, west-sloping alluvial fans that drained an active volcanic center.

76. Biostratigraphy is the branch of stratigraphy that focuses on the identification and organization of strata based on their fossil content

77. The widely used meaning of the word Brahmana is a person belonging to the social strata or caste of Brahmanas

78. The class approach Does the same fundamental value separate virtually all people in a society into a few distinct strata?

79. They will share a similar life style which to some degree will distinguish them from members of other social strata.

80. 28 The buried forests became seams of coal and the strata of mud and sand hardened into shale and sandstone.