Use "stomatal" in a sentence

1. One millimolar Ca2+ in the bathing medium inhibited abaxial stomatal opening by 60% but only inhibited Adaxial stomatal opening by 15%

2. The stomatal region showed the greatest density of wax crystals, filling the stomatal antechambers formed by subsidiary cells. Wax crystals were present on the abaxial margins in a gradient of density from that of the abaxial stomatal region to that of the adaxial surface.

3. ‘Hydraulic Conductance was calculated as the flow rate divided by the pressure driving force.’ ‘The thermal indices were compared with measured stomatal Conductance.’ ‘Further, at a given vapour pressure difference, O can serve as a measure of stomatal Conductance as well.’

4. The core of the leaf ozone flux model was the stomatal conductance (gsto) multiplicative algorithm:

5. 21 Antitranspirants may work by depositing a waterproof film over the stomata or by inducing stomatal closure.

6. In C4 grasses the stomatal density at the abaxial and adaxial surface of the leaf is nearly equal.

7. Stomatal density on the adaxial (but not the abaxial) leaf surface was strongly correlated with latitude (p <0.001).

8. The number of chloroplast and chlorophyll content in the dodecaploid are more than hexaploid, stomatal density are lower than hexaploid.

9. Positive correlations between biomass production and abaxial stomatal density, as well as between biomass production and nitrogen concentration were found.

10. Diffusion resistance to water vapour was reduced at high temperatures approaching the limits of heat resistance, due to increased stomatal aperture.

11. Indirect measures of ploidy level (number of chloroplasts per guard cell, stomatal size) indicate that aquiferous stomata could be endopolyploid relative to aeriferous ones.

12. Abaxial and mean stomatal length were significantly correlated with yield (represented by stem volume data), but relationships between other characteristics and yield were not significant.

13. We conclude that the wax-filled stomatal Antechambers reduce the rate of transpiration by about two thirds but reduce the rate of photosynthesis by only about one third.

14. The reduced transpiration in water-efficient clones per unit of dry matter produced was associated with a higher stomatal resistance on the abaxial leaf surface.

15. Franco.). The wax crystals were aggregated in tufts of variable area and density in discontinuous but uniform distribution along the adaxial surface, abaxial midrib, and stomatal regions.

16. Waterlogging significantly reduced growth (leaf initiation was inhibited, root decay and early leaf abscission occurred) and modified photosynthetic activity (stomatal closure and reduction of CO2 net assimilation rates).

17. The effect of soil water deficits on net photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal activity, twig xylem pressure potentials, and cambial growth were studied in large, field-grown Douglas-fir (Pseudotsugamenziesii (Mirb.)

18. We quantified specific leaf area (SLA), specific leaf nitrogen (SLN), net photosynthesis (A), transpiration, stomatal conductance, and net canopy photosynthetic index (CNPI) from cotton with and without aboveground and belowground interactions.

19. Mutants lacking this protein are completely Aphototropic under phot1-dependent conditions (10, 11, 15–17) while retaining other major phot1 functions such as chloroplast movements (11) and stomatal aperture control (11, 18)

20. The programs are available on disc for the Apple II microcomputer and feature text output, screen graphics, multiple curves, exploration of curves by roving dots, entries for adaxial and abaxial cuticular and stomatal resistance, the Swinbank approximation, and Grashof–Reynolds numbers.

21. The micromorphology of the abaxial epidermis of the first and sixth leaf has been studied in seven annual species of Medicago L. The pattern of the epidermal cells and of the stomatal complex does not allow differentiation of the taxa.

22. Responses of abaxial, adaxial, and total leaf conductance to incident photosynthetic photon flux density, solar irradiance, and changing leaf water potential, as well as diurnal and seasonal patterns of stomatal conductances, were examined under field conditions for six Populus clones.

23. It is related to the Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), differing from it in having larger cones, slightly longer-lasting leaves (2–3 years, rather than 1.5–2 years) with more prominent stomatal bands, and a somewhat denser and narrower habit.

24. In experiments with attached and detached shoots of balsam fir, Abies balsamea L., synthetic (±)abscisic acid (ABA) (1) reduced photosynthesis and transpiration by inducing stomatal closure, (2) inhibited indoleacetic acid (IAA) - induced cambial activity in photosynthesizing and non-photosynthesizing shoots, and (3) inhibited the basipetal movement of [14C]IAA.