Use "stereotyped idea" in a sentence

1. The media quickly stereotyped Bobbysoxers

2. He was stereotyped a villain.

3. Mistakenly, I had expected a stereotyped vulgarity.

4. Blondes are often stereotyped as dumb

5. He was stereotyped by some as a rebel.

6. He is the stereotyped monster of the horror films'

7. They have their stereotyped smile and their fashionable manner.

8. Mistakenly,[] I had expected a stereotyped vulgarity.

9. We are all lumped together and stereotyped as rich.

10. 10 Mistakenly, I had expected a stereotyped vulgarity.

11. The practice has been stereotyped into a tradition.

12. Men and women are becoming less Constrained by stereotyped roles

13. She encapsulates the stereotyped image that the British have of Americans.

14. Children from certain backgrounds tend to be stereotyped by their teachers.

15. Men and women are becoming less constrained by stereotyped roles.

16. We tried not to give the children sexually stereotyped toys.

17. Their vocalizations are usually stereotyped and they call throughout the year.

18. The aforesaid eight counts are our call to arms against stereotyped Party writing.

19. It is the stereotyped image of the helpless female which arouses modern indignation.

20. At weddings, funerals, triumphs, etc., these Acclamations were generally limited to certain stereotyped forms

21. At weddings, funerals, triumphs, etc., these Acclamations were generally limited to certain stereotyped forms.

22. Iconoclasts, however, can upset the best laid plans of stereotyped one-day skippers.

23. Even non - verbal folklore makes use of stereotyped habits, gestures, patterns, designs, and the like.

24. Are our prayers stereotyped, mechanical, repetitious, or do they really come from the heart?

25. I thought: we live in a multicultural society, but everything we see is white and stereotyped.

26. The first indictment against stereotyped Party writing is that it fills endless pages with empty verbiage.

27. Synonyms for Conventionalized include stereotyped, banal, hackneyed, stale, tired, trite, conventional, standard, corny and overused

28. Behaviour in patients with complex partial seizures is usually more repetitive and stereotyped than in psychiatric illness.

29. I get very worked up about the way women are stereotyped in a lot of mainstream films.

30. His speech seems to have no original ideas, furthermore it's full of hackneyed and stereotyped expressions.

31. He had followed his script, fulfilled his stereotyped purpose, but never really acted of his own accord.

32. Compulsions were distinguished from "impulsions," which included various forms of paroxysmal, stereotyped and irresistible behavior

33. Utamaro's individuated beauties were in sharp contrast to the stereotyped, idealized images that had been the norm.

34. This reflects not only homophobia but also sexism, since gay men are stereotyped as effeminate, too much like women.

35. One particularly gifted black student refused to be stereotyped into teaching only ESOl and literacy by potential employers.

36. Automatisms are nonpurposeful, stereotyped, and repetitive behaviors that commonly accompany focal impaired awareness seizures (in the semiologic classification, they …

37. Stereotyped deviant behaviour is inevitably a social phenomenon, and concerns us almost as much as it does social psychologists or psychiatrists.

38. So, the stereotyped growth cycle provides a clock, or calendar, by means of which embryological events may be triggered.

39. Attendance at a special school may automatically limit the choices subsequently offered to individuals when expectations are low and stereotyped.

40. 9 This reflects not only homophobia but also sexism, since gay men are stereotyped as effeminate, too much like women.

41. Actually, I think he said your idea was a lousy idea.

42. And Léila came up with an incredible idea, a crazy idea.

43. Blackface is the tradition of a performer putting on stylized black makeup to appear as a stereotyped character of African descent

44. The core idea of Causality is closely related to the idea of determinism

45. The man with a new idea is a Crank until the idea succeeds

46. Pranking was your idea.

47. That's a terrific idea!

48. That's a ludicrous idea.

49. I have no idea.

50. What a wonderful idea!

51. What a splendid idea!

52. Your idea lacks morals.

53. That's a cockeyed idea.

54. 13 Stereotyped as huffy and inhospitable, the Shanghainese are downplaying these complaints on the one hand, and making subtle overtures on the other.

55. It's a progressive idea.

56. What a preposterous idea!

57. The idea of development is married to the idea of the nation-state.

58. Bosporanic Another illegal idea

59. It was his idea.

60. That's a swell idea!

61. What a crazy idea!

62. What a potty idea!

63. It's a crazy idea.

64. Team and execution came in second, and the idea, the differentiability of the idea, the uniqueness of the idea, that actually came in third.

65. Adrian loved the idea.

66. What a brilliant idea!

67. The idea intrigued her.

68. That's a provocative idea.

69. I don't want to give you the idea that synchrony is always a good idea.

70. 2 The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. 

71. The management idea Rites is a explanation of humanist social management idea of Confucian.

72. [Idea] Bunkermen/Underfolk So while reading through r/aftertheendrpg I thought up of this idea

73. The idea is to build on convergences, idea is to enhance economic and trade linkages.

74. Brainstorming Method 2: Idea List

75. The Idea of Antidepressive Wear

76. The whole idea was preposterous.

77. " Goldman, not a good idea.

78. Sometimes you have no idea.

79. This idea is totally implausible.

80. 4 What a screwy idea!