Use "stealing" in a sentence

1. He wasn't stealing.

2. Stealing from travellers.

3. Stealing and killing.

4. I'm not about stealing.

5. Why were you stealing shoes?

6. He was punished for stealing.

7. Stealing my truck was your idea?

8. The pupil was expelled for stealing.

9. Stealing reflects dishonour on your family.

10. He got the sack for stealing.

11. That whore is stealing my date!

12. The jury acquitted him of stealing.

13. This man was exiled for stealing.

14. So we're stealing his clients too?

15. A painting that we dreamt of stealing.

16. Chris kept stealing furtive glances at me.

17. He preferred to die instead of stealing.

18. He was dismissed for stealing bicycle parts.

19. The boy was cruelly flogged for stealing.

20. He exculpate himself from stealing the money.

21. Dad, I'm tired of running and stealing.

22. But the top brass is stealing it.

23. He spilt out his story of stealing.

24. For stealthily stealing my sympathy before, too.

25. Kleptomania is a mania for stealing things.

26. Messenger boys stealing to put on sixpence.

27. Lagos police Arraigns worker for stealing beer

28. Somebody's been stealing his fucking kerosene too.

29. Frank framed him for stealing state secrets.

30. Lying, stealing, dishonesty and cruelty are sins.

31. Plagiarist is always suspicious of stealing from.

32. 14 I'm stealing that for Stirrup Cup!

33. He was charged with stealing a jeep.

34. How would you punish somebody for stealing?

35. A delicious languor was stealing over him.

36. She accused him of stealing her bicycle.

37. 15 She accused him of stealing her bicycle.

38. Why should we observe the precept against stealing?

39. The Bible says that stealing is a sin.

40. I canceled my subscription because they kept stealing-

41. He was caught in the act of stealing.

42. This is for stealing my dad' s job

43. Bootlegging might be profitable, but it is stealing.

44. They dismounted the general by stealing his horse.

45. She was arrested for Allegedly stealing a car

46. Stealing from thieves, that's what I love best!

47. She admitted stealing the money from her employers.

48. Stealing has become that rascal's second nature.

49. Of course, it's not just about stealing things.

50. He freed himself of the charge of stealing.

51. He had been stealing from his employer for years.

52. No one has owned up to stealing the money.

53. Is the “sneak thief of sight” stealing your vision?

54. He claimed that his motive for stealing was hunger.

55. God hates drunkenness, stealing, gambling, and acts of violence

56. He keeps stealing', they'll find him in a dumpster.

57. The bank staff anticipated his dismissal by stealing money.

58. The children had to survive by begging and stealing.

59. Police Arraigns Lawyer For Stealing ₦5 Million In Ebonyi

60. And robbing and stealing And just plain dirty dealing

61. He was accused of stealing a small boy's bicycle.

62. By stealing the ring, we've effectively ruined the proposal.

63. 7 All forms of stealing are offensive to Jehovah.

64. Somebody better not be stealing the kerosene up there.

65. Cao Cao has a reputation for stealing men's wives

66. I caught a boy stealing apples from the garden.

67. The theif was severely drubbed for stealing the car.

68. His arrest for stealing brought shame on his family.

69. Stealing a look at charming classic and contemporary Boathouses

70. Cao Cao has a reputation for stealing men's wives.

71. Stealing from the poor is an example of an Amoral …

72. Stealing a glance , I noticed her back was ramrod-straight .

73. 19 You can be sacked on the spot for stealing.

74. And here was some one else stealing his rebellious thunder.

75. Took a month for me to begin stealing from her.

76. 20 The thief was detected in the act of stealing.

77. I mean, I'm not sure about the stealing thing, but...

78. 12 He was accused of stealing a small boy's bicycle.

79. We found out he'd been stealing from us for years.

80. Why do such ones commonly forbid incest, murder, and stealing?