Use "steady state stability" in a sentence

1. These results on the local stability of the steady state can be related directly to the existence of periodic solutions.

2. Aphototaxis Bain for steady state

3. This is called quasi-steady-state Cornering

4. Ecotopians develop steady state systems and technologies.

5. One was the so-called steady state theory.

6. Both steady- and transient-state conditions were tested.

7. Chemostats allow for the steady-state cultivation of microbes

8. The steady state theory therefore had to be abandoned.

9. Only a steady state, or pathway equilibrium, is reached.

10. Maximum range of steady-state voltage level in PU

11. Either explanation contradicted the predictions of the steady state theory.

12. The developed technique, called the microsecond-pulsed steady-state nanocalorimetry method, combines the signal enhancement of fast scanning with advanced signal averaging of steady-state techniques.

13. According to the steady-state flow regular pattern, to analysis H-K hydrodynamic model, to collate pressure calculation model of under-balanced drilling steady-state design.

14. In this case, the vehicle is capable of steady-state Cornering …

15. The simulation results show that the simple and direct control can also reach rapid settling time without overshoot and steady-state error,[ ] and has satisfactory robust stability to model perturbation.

16. The economy, Ricardo concluded, is bound to tend towards a steady state.

17. The proposal that gained widest support was called the steady state theory.

18. State ventricular Bigeminies, including paired-pulse stimulation, in the same way as in steady-state regularly beating hearts

19. steady, steady love.

20. This results, even in steady state, in a rapid decline in serum concentrations.

21. Steady state crack propagation in solids is analyzed as a thermally activated process.

22. At steady state plasma levels accumulate about #-to #-fold compared with single dose

23. These include questions related to DC power flow, DC relaying protection, steady state operation, dynamic stability, fault‐ride through capability, and impacts of DC grids on the operation of AC grids and power market.

24. For the overshoot is only 5 %, and the response steady state much sooner.

25. These standard Creep laws are used for modeling secondary or steady-state Creep

26. Sorafenib accounts for approximately # % of the circulating analytes in plasma at steady state

27. Steady-state is achieved between # days after once daily dosing with # times accumulation

28. At any given dosage, 2-4 days are required to reach steady state.

29. The steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory.

30. Broadband absorption spectroscopy in turbid media by combined frequency-domain and steady state methodologies

31. At steady state, bosentan plasma concentrations were #-to #-fold higher than with bosentan alone

32. This paper gives a method of analyzing sine steady - state circuit by phasor graphology.

33. Input-to-state stability (ISS) applies Lyapunov notions to systems with inputs.

34. Whether such a steady state is locally stable depends on the assumptions made concerning expectations.

35. While it is not a requirement, Chemostats are typically maintained in a steady-state condition.

36. Some numerical examples and an algorithmically tractable steady state analysis of the model are presented.

37. It is important to measure serum levels at steady state after each change of dose.

38. The steady state is here regarded as the solution of a partial differential-algebraic equation.

39. Then, refrigerant flows through the steady-state orifice (62) which has a remotely adjustable needle (68).

40. It is believed that organisms soon adapt to microgravity and establish a new biological steady state.

41. In this paper, steady state distribution parameter model out computer simulation of herringbone wavy fin condenser.

42. In a word, a steady state system is lively, even truly alive, like a Darwinian universe.

43. The simulating results show the analytical solver is consistent with the numerical approach and steady - state response.

44. The question we now have to ask is whether the equilibrium path converges to a steady state.

45. Na V Conductances were almost identical in their peak activation, steady‐state inactivation, kinetics and density (Fig

46. The steady - state harmonic response of stiffened unconstrained damped layer was analyzed using a modal superposition method.

47. Based on the overview of soil steady - state theory development are carried out on the subaqueous landslides.

48. 15 In a word, a steady state system is lively, even truly alive, like a Darwinian universe.

49. Accumulation of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine occurred following multiple doses until reaching a steady-state within approximately # days

50. There was no reasonable mechanism in the steady state theory to generate microwaves with such a spectrum.

51. Figure 4 exemplarily illustrates the sequence of steady state measurement setpoints to be followed for the test.

52. The steady state probabilities of the underlying queueing process satisfy an (n+1)-th order homogeneous difference equation.

53. An economic theory that has been proposed as a remedy is the introduction of a steady state economy.

54. The error in the integral term must be the true control error to avoid steady-state control errors.

55. In higher dimensions, steady-state Bifurcations occur at parameter values where the Jacobian matrix has a zero eigenvalue

56. But, steady state doesn't mean that things are getting better, it's just that they have stopped getting worse.

57. steady love.

58. A phase shifter is used to adjust the phase of the power between ignition and steady state operation.

59. On repeated dosing, steady-state concentrations of metabolites # and # are achieved within # days, with an approximately #-fold accumulation

60. Three path-independent line integrals J'k, M', and L'3 are derived for steady-state, two-dimensional thermoelasticity.

61. For efficacy in schizophrenia, an expert guideline recommends trough steady-state Clozapine concentrations of 350–600 μg/L

62. Anemometer steady.

63. Bearing steady

64. In general, absorption was higher for both sexes during early exposure, approaching a steady state only after 3 hours.

65. In this sense the steady state may be a poor approximation, and we should study the full equilibrium path.

66. The definition of Continuity refers to something occurring in an uninterrupted state, or on a steady and ongoing basis

67. The steady state solutions include convection (constant velocity flow), conduction (no-flow) and periodic with constant amplitude and frequency.

68. Steady state dissolution rates for Brucite and olivine at 0.0004 bars P(CO 2) from Palandri and Kharaka, 2004

69. Close agreement between Arterialized venous and arterial pH, PCO2, and lactate has previously been demonstrated during steady-state exercise

70. The a.c. resistance is found to be in general different from the isothermal or the steady-state differential resistance.

71. An Astable multivibrator is a free running oscillator that have no permanent “meta” or “steady” state but is continually changing its output from one state (LOW) to …

72. The nation-state holds, but nationalist mentalities are a constant threat to regional economic and political stability.

73. Steady as faith.

74. Such a forecast would not attempt to predict the moment-to-moment changes that have led to the steady state.

75. Steady state describes the condition in which the rate of drug elimination equals the rate of input into the body.

76. Arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic means as well as integrated and upstream weighted Conductances were used to calculate steady‐state water …

77. Connecticut takes its name from an Algonquian word meaning “land on the long tidal river.” “Nutmeg State,” “Constitution State” and “Land of Steady Habits” are all nicknames that

78. A Chemostat is operated at steady state, therefore it has better control maintaining the same conditions for all product produced

79. Using the condition, the denominator may be shown to be proportional to, which in steady state is strictly positive for.

80. Hold it steady.