Use "starved" in a sentence

1. I was starved.

2. The people starved.

3. The refugees starved out.

4. The kitten looked half starved.

5. The baby starved to death.

6. The poor cat was half starved.

7. I felt starved of intelligent conversation.

8. The villagers were starved into surrender.

9. I suppose I should have starved myself.

10. They looked thin, waif - like and starved.

11. Who walked away as I starved?

12. The schools are starved of funding.

13. The department has been starved of resources.

14. Sadly, the FOP project remains starved of resources.

15. Many of the prisoners looked half starved.

16. Leningrad will be either Beleaguer or starved to death

17. Adipocere forms when fat cells are starved of oxygen

18. The poor dog looked like it had been starved.

19. They looked thin, waif - like and half starved.

20. Many people starved to death in the famine.

21. Many children in the orphanage were starved often.

22. Leningrad will be either Beleaguer or starved to death

23. 15 Many people starved to death in the famine.

24. As a child, she was starved of intellectual nourishment.

25. She refused food and literally starved herself to death.

26. Whole communities starved to death during the long drought.

27. The five survivors eventually reached safety, ragged, half-starved and exhausted.

28. In these places people starved, were flogged, were clubbed to death.

29. The lipid uptake also decreased in adipose tissue of starved rats.

30. There was a risk the brain might be starved of oxygen.

31. 1 She refused food and literally starved herself to death.

32. 4 In prison they were starved and deprived of sleep.

33. To us poorly equipped and half-starved rebels it was a revelation.

34. They starved to death with the sumptuous feast laid out before them.

35. I have been at war in the trenches starved with my men.

36. People starved of sleep start to lose their concentration and may hallucinate.

37. The rich flaunted their wealth while the poor starved on the streets.

38. Local schools have been starved of cash for a number of years.

39. Even as this sorting out took place, 11,000 prisoners starved to death.

40. Children are often held captive, beaten, and starved to force them into prostitution.

41. Is he going to think I'm some kind of kinky, sex - starved, divorcee?

42. I'm starved very much now because I have had nothing at all today.

43. They starved the caterpillars for a day or two before roasting them.

44. Dynamic bias current-starved inverter and low-power delta-sigma modulator using the inverter

45. Indigenous consultancy agencies have also been starved of funds for R & D work .

46. The electricity industry is not the only one to have been starved of investment.

47. The five survivors eventually reached safety, ragged(sentencedict .com), half-starved and exhausted.

48. The scenario was familiar: VIPs visit from Washington, and the attention-starved assistant Belabors the …

49. If Synthetic brains are starved of conductive fluid for too long, they can be permanently damaged.

50. These ravenous companies claim to provide jobs to communities starved of employment following the pit closures.

51. After they had been starved and deprived of water for two weeks, only Kolbe remained alive.

52. We were adrift, destined to float amongst the ruins of our planet until we starved.

53. However, recently newer narrower filters and higher framerates have also driven solar telescopes towards photon-starved operations.

54. From talking to former prisoners in the camps, an obvious conclusion is that they have been starved.

55. When you are starved of food, your body begins to use up fuel reserves stored throughout the body.

56. One possibility is that they may have had hallucinations caused by medication or the brain’s oxygen-starved condition.

57. The photographers stormed the railing and took aim like a starved infantry picking off fish from a bridge.

58. Rather, they are like living things that grow slowly with constant feeding but that wither and die if starved.

59. In this view, men starved amid abundance because goods were produced for private gain and not for public good.

60. 4 Few of them starved to death: diseases take a deadlier toll of weakened bodies than undernourishment.

61. Infected-Aestivated snails exhibited greater mortality rate and weight loss after 7 days than did the infected-starved snails

62. When his fields are starved of minerals through self-indulgent agriculture, he tries to impose his own will upon the land.

63. IL2 dendritic Arborization is observed in 100% of wild-type dauers from starved conditions or induced through exposure to dauer pheromone

64. Like the diarist, the other two men were sickly, and they seemingly starved after their applications for welfare were rejected.

65. True, topics favored by sex-starved male geeks have been elaborated in disturbingly exquisite detail, while less alluring matters often lie fallow.

66. She's small but vicious like aadger that your brother's caught and starved for ve days and then put in your sleeng bag.

67. Stalin's Lysenkoism starved millions when the ideologically correct wheat failed to grow and anyone who pointed this out was sent to dissident prison.

68. The selectivity of starved leeches offered equal densities of the two chironomids was not affected by the absolute abundance of prey.

69. Analysts forecast an extra fillip to early water dealing with a wave of institutional buying from foreign buyers starved of stock.

70. If you have a heart starved for affection or a spirit crushed by injustice, please consider how the Mosaic Law* reveals Jehovah’s concern for his people.

71. Starved and filthy after the long Besiegement of the city, soldiers suffering from malnutrition and intestinal disorders were left to die in their own excrement

72. The Watch Tower Society’s factories in Germany, Italy, and South Africa have sent truckload after truckload of literature, in a number of languages, to spiritually starved countries.

73. Finally, abrupt subsidence, which generated an olistostrome containing a minimum of of debris, drowned all reefs and the slope became essentially starved of resedimented carbonate debris.

74. Brit fishermen STARVED by EU mega-trawlers Blockading UK waters - COMMENT FISHING was the undoubted poster boy for Brexit, underpinned by expansive promises from senior Government officials of

75. The 30-m-wide isthmus of Eaglehawk Neck that was the only connection to the mainland was fenced and guarded by soldiers, man traps, and half-starved dogs.

76. Sometime later, Julia Livilla was discreetly starved to death and her remains probably brought back to Rome when her older sister Agrippina the Younger became influential as Claudius' wife.

77. The steryl ester concentration in the infected-starved snails was significantly increased (P = 0.010) compared with the controls but not compared with infected-Aestivated snails; the concentration of phosphatidylcholine

78. The Kuma battalion's survivors, attempting to follow Kawaguchi's Center Body forces, became lost, wandered for three weeks in the jungle, and almost starved to death before finally reaching Kawaguchi's camp.

79. An even higher dose killed all of the well-fed mice from a different genetic strain but none of the starved mice, and again the mice that fasted regained their weight.

80. If it were some poor majadero who swam across, got lost in the brush and starved out there it wouldn't go much further, but this is a once prominent citizen who disappeared.