Use "staring at" in a sentence

1. What's everybody staring at?

2. What are you staring at?

3. Are you staring at my butt?

4. They are all staring at me.

5. Why are you staring at me?

6. He was staring at her midriff.

7. He is staring at her covetously.

8. Eleanor was staring at the altar.

9. He is staring at her Covetously: 3

10. Bad boy, quit staring at my... cards.

11. Though I'm staring at it, completely lost,

12. What the fucking hell are you staring at?

13. He was staring at her with cold eyes.

14. I kept staring at him with a grudge

15. I stood staring at them in utter bewilderment.

16. They're clicking on things and staring at screens."

17. They're clicking on things and staring at screens. "

18. I was staring at the ceiling in abject horror.

19. I could see a man staring at me intently.

20. Don't look now, but there's someone staring at you!

21. In the airport lobby, he kept staring at me.

22. I was staring at the ceiling for three hours.

23. She sat there silently, staring at the blackboard vacantly.

24. Cantor slowly stroked his chin while staring at Stafford.

25. Because I really feel like everyone's staring at me.

26. You spend a lot of time staring at nothing.

27. She stood rooted to the spot, staring at him.

28. She was staring at the footprint, full of fear.

29. He was still staring at himself in the mirror.

30. He lay on his back, staring at the ceiling.

31. Fergus was staring at the plasterboard expanse above them.

32. He stood staring at the dead body, unable to comprehend.

33. 2 I could see a man staring at me intently.

34. You know all that from staring at marks on paper?

35. He asked that you kindly stop staring at his hairline.

36. 29 Don't look now, but there's someone staring at you!

37. As he came to, he saw many men staring at him.

38. He stood staring at the ghost,[] transfixed with terror.

39. Got a classroom full of freshmen staring at a Smart Board.

40. The next, she's staring at a photograph from a Grayson party.

41. She sat there with her mouth agape, staring at the ring.

42. I'm staring at hundreds of thousands of dollars as we speak.

43. " Humph, " muttered Mrs. Medlock, staring at her queer, unresponsive little face.

44. He peeped through his fingers, staring at the quarry-tiled floor.

45. He was unnerved by the way Sylvia kept staring at him.

46. Ron Artest made George W . Bush stutter by just staring at him.

47. I can't believe this, thought Kugelmass, staring at the doctor's ravishing wife.

48. Also who is staring at Sakura with Bloodlusting eyes? Find out AU

49. You have been staring at those dogs like a hawk all day.

50. I've been staring at this blank page for the last two hours.

51. He kept staring at her and it began to grate on her nerves.

52. Have pig head and idiocy only, staring at screen to read this poem.

53. He wedged the picture inside the locker door and stood staring at it.

54. Um... do you have any idea why everyone's staring at me out there?

55. In fact, a lot of people are staring at this ( demon animal dealership ).

56. 23 I found myself staring at her as if she were a phantom.

57. Crossing to the dressing-table, she sat down, staring at her reflection glumly.

58. The watchman had come out of his hut and was staring at them.

59. This sage sat on a rock and spent all day staring at the sky.

60. He was a real creep - he was always staring at me in the canteen.

61. I don't need everyone staring at me hanging here like a camel's ball sack.

62. I lie awake all night staring at the canopy thinking about how they died.

63. And I looked at it, and I kept staring at it, and I said:

64. (Laughter) We spend long days and nights staring at this part of the spider.

65. 12 He found himself staring at an extraordinary architectural confection of old and new.

66. Clock reads MARTIN WELLS is sitting in a prison cell staring at the wall.

67. Dawn Allenby was standing in her coat and headscarf staring at herself in the mirror.

68. Light from the ceiling moved uncertainly over the carved wood Quiss was still staring at.

69. 11 Ivanov clad in a maroon and gray jogging suit, was staring at a television.

70. I just lay awake, staring at the ceiling... just thinking about different ways to nail him.

71. He remembered the general's pale baleful eyes staring at him blankly, and then the inexplicable wink.

72. I can't touch it, I whimpered, feeling that kitten was staring at me with reproachful eyes.

73. 22 An enormous number of people spend an inordinate - amount of their time, staring at screens.

74. As feared, she did not behave too well, staring at the visitors beneath a furrowed brow.

75. Jessica said soothingly, staring at the smoking pot, at the same time pushing herself to her feet.

76. And then I turned around and there was about 200 pairs of eyes just staring at me.

77. When he opened his eyes again he was staring at a pinkish whirlpool running into the drain.

78. Imperceptibly Hamilton had switched from talking to her to the girl who was still staring at her.

79. Blankly staring at the print, a visible record of his inner conflict, Sarella reeled forward, arms outstretched.

80. It's mostly an older crowd but at least I don't get hipster dudes staring at my ass, right?