Use "standing at attention" in a sentence

1. I'm still standing at attention, thank you.

2. The ladies only vicariously involved were standing almost at attention as they waited.

3. Some of the Army’s more common Courtesies include rendering the hand salute, standing at attention or …

4. And I was so proud to be a marine... and in uniform, standing there at attention.

5. They were listening with keen attention to a tall, white - bearded man standing alongside an overhead projector.

6. 4 Look at that man standing there.

7. Standing at the Threshold of Greater Activity

8. We're definitely standing at the crossroad now.

9. The Grand Inquisitor was standing at the doorway.

10. He saw a stranger standing at the doorstep.

11. The people, standing at a distance, were terrified.

12. Look at her standing there with those yams.

13. At Bask, you can enjoy undivided attention

14. He was standing in the street, yelling at him shooting at him.

15. + It is standing at Haʹman’s house, 50 cubits* high.”

16. Well, look at Jose's attention to detail.

17. A lone figure was standing at the bus stop.

18. Grandma was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

19. She noticed a diminutive figure standing at the entrance.

20. He saw me standing there, grinning foolishly at him.

21. She was standing at the top of the stairs.

22. If raising or lowering the flag is part of a special ceremony, with people standing at attention or saluting the flag, then performing this act amounts to sharing in the ceremony.

23. She is standing at the front of the room glowering down at them.

24. I would inwardly squirm at the unwanted attention.

25. 13 He saw me standing there, grinning foolishly at him.

26. Nobody who paid me any attention at all...

27. He kept standing at a distance with his head bowed.

28. YOU are standing at the door, fumbling with your keys.

29. No two persons are standing precisely at the same location.

30. She looked a forlorn figure standing at the bus stop.

31. Stephanie was standing at the door with a welcoming smile.

32. Pay attention pause at the end of each cadence.

33. Peter turned his attention to the task at hand.

34. So he called her, and she kept standing at the entrance.

35. He mopped at his chin, his attention turned inward.

36. Baobabs do not like standing water at all over longer periods

37. 17 They had to remain standing for hours at a stretch.

38. She received a standing ovation at the end of her speech.

39. Take a look at where you're standing, and make a deduction.

40. At that time Bosnia was standing on the edge of an abyss .

41. We are standing at an important crossroads in the history of Europe.

42. I still catch my breath at the sight of you standing tall.

43. 20 Standing at the bar, Langford felt a touch on his elbow.

44. You left me standing at the crime scene like a fucking idiot.

45. We're all standing at the edge of the abyss, paralyzed by fear!

46. It is marvelous to see their rapt attention at conventions.

47. A singing and standing ovation after their two-all draw at Milwall.

48. And now he was standing at her elbow, holding out her glass.

49. 23 The dog was standing at the gave, looking fierce and growling.

50. His lordship was standing at the archway that led into the ballroom.

51. Alice was standing working at the table, wearing her long fawn smock.

52. I believed that burglar shuddered when he saw a dog standing at door, piercingly at him.

53. Basenjis are small, graceful hounds standing 16 or 17 inches at the shoulder

54. Such assiduous attention has never been directed at this market before.

55. Pay attention to the pause at the end of each cadence.

56. At Bourgeois Guitars in Lewiston, Maine, attention to detail is unmatched

57. Standing at 22,837 feet, Aconcagua is the tallest mountain in the Western Hemisphere

58. They're standing alone at the high school dance, and they've never been kissed.

59. Terry was standing at the landing window, Rose just retreating down the stairs.

60. He was at my door night and day, demanding my attention.

61. But wait till you see Jim standing up there at the altar tomorrow.

62. 9 Siva Himself is standing guard at the nine doorways of my house.

63. 28 The train now standing at Platform 3 is the 50 to Brighton.

64. Thanks to the ABA we can get her attention at all.

65. Accessories Breastplates Running Attachment Running Martingales Standing Attachment Standing Martingales Color

66. An elderly man was standing in line at the post office to buy stamps at the service counter.

67. It is called the Amidah because when at all possible, it is said standing

68. Britta was still at her post, standing in the semicircle of two-D screens.

69. If all tables are high (e.g. at standing level), the business isn’t wheelchair friendly.

70. Amidah in Hebrew means standing, and this prayer is said while standing

71. + 13 Then she saw the king standing there by his pillar at the entrance.

72. A gargantuan Teddy boy was standing in the stalls, looking down at his feet.

73. Standing places (Pst):

74. Comrade leaders at all levels, you must give it your full attention.

75. At the de la Garza ranch, the Texians had been taking turns standing sentry.

76. After you take care of Kalloor, I'll be standing left hand at my side.

77. Sci - tec competency is the focus of attention at home and abroad.

78. Standing places (Pst

79. With standing ovations.

80. Attention!