Use "stained by rain" in a sentence

1. Would not the courier also be stained by it?

2. Hideaway Rain by Animater_iguana

3. Here, hardwood doors are flanked by stained-glass side panels.

4. The underside of the sea ice is stained by algae.

5. Buttons are pressed, turned, and stained in New York by U.S

6. You stained me!

7. That's stained oak.

8. By sun and cold, by rain and snow,

9. The campers got drenched by rain.

10. By midday the rain had stopped.

11. Basophil (plural Basophils) Any cell that has granules stained by basic stains

12. Estimation of porosity in rocks is aided by impregnation with stained resin.

13. Page 518: Joseph Wiped Our Tear-Stained Faces, by Clark Kelley Price.

14. » Themed Stained Cornhole Sets

15. He stained the wood brown.

16. The incident stained his career.

17. 1 Estimation of porosity in rocks is aided by impregnation with stained resin.

18. Dawn came glassy orange , stained from below by a gelatinous band pale green.

19. Slides of FNAB aspirate were air-dried and stained by anti-TPO-MoAb47.

20. By now the rain was pelting down.

21. Damp had stained the walls.

22. Atinctus, Attainted, stained, or blackened

23. Acid rain consists of rain, snow or fog that is polluted by acid in the atmosphere.

24. Bloodstained: smeared or stained with blood.

25. His clothing was stained with mud.

26. Dawn came glassy orange , stained from below by a gelatinous band of pale green.

27. Sun, rain, sun, rain.

28. These ice Accumulations are caused by freezing rain

29. The rocks are disintegrated by frost and rain.

30. The grass had been saturated by overnight rain.

31. She stained the wood green.

32. The plan was quite spoiled by the rain.

33. The coffee stained his shirt brown.

34. He stained the wood dark brown.

35. They stained the floors dark brown.

36. The blackberry juice stained their fingers .

37. He stained the wood reddish - brown .

38. His crimes stained the family honour.

39. The new building was stained by smoke, but there was no disruption to normal operations.

40. Dientamoeba fragilis Binucleate trophozoites stained with trichrome

41. After air-drying the slides are stained.

42. Arches with stained glass -- even more glamorous.

43. And new stained glass in the windows.

44. Crop yields in rain fed areas up by 25%.

45. We were buffeted by the wind and the rain.

46. The original stained glass window was destroyed by vandals in the 1960s and replaced by a plain glass one.

47. The heavy rain retarded our arrival by seventy minutes.

48. We were Buffeted by the wind and the rain

49. Everything shot into growth, fortified by weeks of rain.

50. 14 The rain was accompanied by a high wind.

51. Sweat stained his dusty cowboy hat.

52. The chapels glow through stained glass.

53. 'Acid rain' is rain, snow or hail that has been acidified by atmospheric pollutants, namely, sulphur and nitrogen oxides.

54. The doors are then stained and varnished.

55. I was Admiring the cathedral's stained-gl

56. And I have stained all my clothing.

57. Your shirt has stained. Change another one.

58. Nicotine marks stained his chin and fingers.

59. This cup is stained on the inside.

60. The windows have beautiful stained glass insets.

61. Acid rain "highly Acidity in rain caused by atmospheric pollution" is first recorded 1859 in reference to England

62. These structures appeared to be negatively stained by NaCl or heavy cations adsorbed from the growth medium.

63. JGoldcrown Bobs Rain Check Love Rain Boot

64. Jane smelled of coriander and clay soaked by hard rain.

65. Shoppers picked their way through puddles caused by persistent rain.

66. Because rain, the shoes on her foot by rainwater flyblown.

67. The roses bloom into November, nourished by lots of rain.

68. Once exposed, soil is quickly eroded by wind and rain.

69. Today, the dominant theories are that the rain is caused by red dust suspended in the water (rain dust) or by the presence of micro-organisms.

70. Acidophil definition: (of cells or cell contents ) easily stained by acid dyes Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

71. Survival was measured by colony-forming assays, and chromosome aberrations were scored in Giemsa-stained metaphase spreads.

72. Arborizations of Single Corticofugal Axons in the Feline Cuneate Nucleus Stained by Iontophoretic Injection of Horseradish Peroxidase

73. Antiserum from rLH-coated wells stained no cells, whereas the control serum stained cells that were morphologically typical of LH cells

74. Cystic membranes were stained by CD 68 , PAS, Masson ; not by VIM , S - 100 , HMB CD 1 a , EMA, and CK.

75. These stained glass windows display biblical scenes.

76. The shirt was heavily stained with blood.

77. His white coat was grubby and stained.

78. The pocket's all stained and that's mouldy too.

79. He soaked his stained shirt in hot water.

80. The events had stained the city's reputation unfairly.