Use "sprang" in a sentence

1. He sprang back in alarm.

2. Tears sprang to her eyes.

3. Anthroposophy sprang from theosophy

4. Finally the engine sprang to life.

5. 11 He sprang from peasant stock.

6. 9 I sprang my cue yesterday.

7. 7 The sentry sprang to attention.

8. He sprang from peasant stock.

9. The sentry sprang to attention.

10. I sprang my cue yesterday.

11. A mighty wind sprang up!

12. He sprang through the creek.

13. I sprang to my feet.

14. He sprang the lock open.

15. The error sprang from carelessness.

16. The ball sprang back and hit him.

17. Then they sprang an ambush on us.

18. He sprang forward to help me.

19. Tents sprang up like strange plants.

20. My dog sprang at the game.

21. He sprang up from his seat.

22. He sprang up from the sofa.

23. From Attis' blood sprang the first violets.

24. I sprang 400 pounds for her overcoat.

25. Touching something soft, I sprang quickly back.

26. Flames of fury sprang to my heart.

27. Brick buildings suddenly sprang up amid the wooden houses.

28. The cat sprang back after touching the hot pot.

29. He sprang to his feet and rushed after her.

30. Touching something soft[ ], I sprang quickly back.

31. Suddenly a rabbit sprang out of its cave.

32. The door sprang open and he came in.

33. He sprang to the telephone with unwonted eagerness.

34. He sprang to his feet and ran outside.

35. He sprang up and rushed to the door.

36. A tiger's head sprang out from it snorting and snarling.

37. She sprang out of her chair to greet her father.

38. (Matthew 26:31) Then, suddenly, his disciples sprang into action.

39. Tasteful, subdued lighting sprang up around an elegant interior lounge.

40. 24 A breeze sprang up as we were returning.

41. Joy went crimson and tears sprang into her eyes.

42. The soldiers sprang up when they heard the bugle.

43. Fedorov writhed from his attacker's grip and sprang to his feet.

44. At Hermes' words she sprang up joyfully, eager to go.

45. A magnificent gleam of triumph sprang into Cowper - wood's eye.

46. He went from looking 45 to 25 and sprang into flirt mode.

47. With him a great array of unique qualities suddenly sprang into existence.

48. 25 Concussion rings sprang away from the muzzles in the high humidity.

49. Gal sprang to the door and found it would no longer open.

50. He sprang to his feet, grabbing his keys off the coffee table.

51. She set her teeth, then, half stooping, sprang towards the next stone.

52. Panicked, angry and perilously close to tears, Isabel sprang for the door.

53. In the early months of reformasi, dozens of Islamist parties sprang up.

54. The leaders lifted the yelp of the pack and sprang away into the woods.

55. The defeated candidate sprang to the front of the platform, " Comrades, are we downhearted? "

56. So you can go on back to whatever burrow you sprang from.

57. He sprang from spot to spot fanatically with an intricate black camera.

58. With a lash of its tail, the lion sprang at its prey.

59. When the stone was turned toward the afternoon sun, the letters sprang to life.

60. And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold.

61. As Liz sprang to her feet, the house seemed to darken about her.

62. The current started in my shoulder, raced down my arm, sprang into our joined hands.

63. She sprang off the bed and reached the window in a swoop of wild excitement.

64. In spite of his burns, he sprang up and rushed towards the fighting.

65. 18 In spite of his burns, he sprang up and rushed towards the fighting.

66. Everything was all right for a while, but then a strong wind sprang up.

67. They smote the rock, forever, and the water sprang , perpetually, in the perpetual desert.

68. Out of which maladroit delay sprang anxieties, disappointments, shocks, catastrophes, and passing-strange destinies.

69. The deer caught the scent of the man, and sprang off over the hill.

70. Yet, he expressed strength and unbreakable loyalty, which sprang from complete trust in God’s promises.

71. Viol sprang to his feet, politely drawing back to allow his superior to precede him.

72. 28 All of a sudden, a southeasterly wind sprang up and the sky was overcast.

73. At every stage new groups of showmen sprang up out of the maelstrom of society.

74. The current crisis sprang from voracious capital accumulation, ambition and the absence of a national regulatory framework

75. Boomtowns, settlements that sprang up or grew rapidly as the result of some economic or political development

76. She wished she hadn't; vivid fragments of the previous evening's escapade sprang only too easily to mind.

77. Ahriman sprang from the darkest shadows of the elements at the birth of the genie races

78. Question: What is the scientific basis for saying that the first cell sprang from nonliving chemicals?

79. 3 Viol sprang to his feet, politely drawing back to allow his superior to precede him.

80. The man sprang from his chair and paced up and down the room in uncontrollable agitation.