Use "spoils system" in a sentence

1. He spoils?

2. His presidency marked the beginning of the ascendancy of the party "spoils system" in American politics.

3. Supporters of the spoils system claimed it made government more efficient because like-minded individuals Cooperated

4. Spoils will be enjoyed.

5. Too much liberty spoils all.

6. To the victors belong the spoils.

7. Set's army returns with spoils of war.

8. He is a financier who spoils widows.

9. Instruction for spoils of war (13-54)

10. To the victor go the spoils. 

11. To the victor go the spoils.

12. Take time for deliberation; hste spoils everything. 

13. Blight: something that spoils the appearance or …

14. I would set desire towards greater spoils.

15. The soldiers began to divide the spoils.

16. Apparently by desiring the spoils gained by evil means.

17. 2 One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. 

18. A rotten apple spoils the (whole) Bushel 1

19. But the spoils are for you to enjoy.

20. He will share these spoils with “the mighty ones.”

21. The spoils of victory/war included mounds of treasure and armour.

22. Blights: something that spoils the appearance or completeness of …

23. • But Anyhow it was an argument over the spoils

24. Take what spoils from Egypt you will, but go!

25. If something Blights an area, it spoils it and makes

26. Capstans became customizable with the release of the update Shrouded Spoils

27. Capstans became customizable with the release of the update Shrouded Spoils

28. The figure on the left spoils the unity of the painting.

29. A wet blanket Meaning: person who spoils other people’s fun

30. Let's get the spoils back to base and appropriate their finer accoutrements.

31. The Anglo-Saxon fleet emerged victorious and, as Huntingdon accounts, "laden with spoils".

32. Some common synonyms of Booty are loot, plunder, prize, spoils, and spoil

33. Who better to lug our spoils back to the ship when we make landfall?

34. A Blemish is a small mark on something that spoils its appearance

35. If something Blights your life or your hopes, it damages and spoils them

36. Now thou Assemblest from Iberia's mines, And golden-channel'd Tagus, all the spoils

37. Detail on the Arch of Titus in Rome, showing spoils from Jerusalem’s destruction

38. When news of this reached Silvanus, he demanded the spoils be sent to him.

39. As for splitting the spoils and building separate, well, you must be off your noddle.

40. Still commoner and no less repellent is the hardness which spoils so many pretty faces.

41. Promise to take me with you and share in the spoils of you're adventures.

42. Antonyms for Bedecks include blemishes, defaces, disfigures, scars, spoils, mutilates, ruins, defiles, maims and flaws

43. Synonyms for Banjaxes include blights, ruins, destroys, spoils, wrecks, damages, devastates, injures, impairs and shatters

44. Synonyms for Besmirches include defiles, stains, befouls, soils, contaminates, pollutes, spoils, spots, taints and tarnishes

45. The Coalitionist Party was a political faction created by OmegaInvictus sometime before the Jacksonian Eras to establish a foothold against the spoils system that CSA had been operating since its creation

46. Blemish definition: A Blemish is a small mark on something that spoils its appearance

47. Synonyms for Cossets include babies, coddles, mollycoddles, pampers, indulges, pets, spoils, cockers, overindulges and dandles

48. I am purebred Short - haired Cat note of cats, My master spoils me very much.

49. During wartime a money payment was made from the sultan's coffers to supplement the spoils of war.

50. ‘Though things improve, Serkin, lyrical in the outer movements, spoils the Andante with heavy accents.’.

51. Giant petrels are the vultures of Antarctica and are always the first to the spoils.

52. Accordingly, the trade became a stimulus for capture of slaves as war spoils in numerous wars.

53. Synonyms for Coddles include cossets, indulges, pampers, spoils, babies, mollyCoddles, pets, cockers, nurses and wet-nurses

54. 15 Now shipwreck looters brave a police helicopter circling overhead as they carry their spoils away by bicycle.

55. The Medes and the Persians regarded the glory resulting from a conquest more highly than the spoils of war.

56. Thriftiness is a great quality; however, if you're too thrifty on a date, it spoils the romance.

57. You can refer to something as a Blight when it causes great difficulties, and damages or spoils other things

58. Astore … a self-Aggrandizing cad bent on gathering for himself whatever spoils he can amass from the public coffers.

59. Just as when sweet wine spoils it becomes acid, so the joy of charity, when it sours, becomes acedia.

60. The dumping of solid wastes as already stated , spoils the beauty of cities and towns , and causes health problems .

61. 15: The Soviet Union is invited to join Tripartite Pact and to share in the spoils of British Empire.

62. Has the sympathy. Sense of responsibility. Gentleman. He is good-natured. Affable, broadminded, charms. Optimistic. Spoils the gentleman in the wife.

63. You can refer to something as a Blight when it causes great difficulties, and damages or spoils other things

64. Then microorganisms and worms go to work eating the mixture and encouraging the decomposition that turns spoils into soil.

65. Contract Bidding is a competitive sport and the spoils go to the organization that has the best players, strategy and record

66. Crowdsourcing in Action A prime example of Crowdsourcing can be seen in the Victors & Spoils (V&S) agency model

67. Reverse of Roman coin struck c.AD 177 showing bound Sarmatian captives seated Adorsed either side of a vexillum draped with spoils

68. Hey, you want to come over and, uh, help me eat all the food in my fridge before it spoils?

69. There are two categories of Appointees, and each category is subject to additional and slightly different ethics restrictions: The spoils or patronage system is a practice where government jobs are given, usually after winning an election, to political party supporters

70. A wet blanket someone who spoils other people's fun because they are boring or miserable `Hey', said Thack, looking at Michael

71. The two warring factions within the ruling elite, which fight primarily over the spoils of power while Abjectly serving corporate interests, peddle alternative realities

72. Synonyms for Acidifies include sours, vinegars, makes sour, adds tang to, goes sour, increases the pH level of, turns, curdles, spoils and taints

73. A substance that pollutes, spoils, or poisons something: High levels of Contaminants have been found in the groundwater, causing concerns about possible health risks to nearby neighborhoods

74. Countable noun If something is a Blot on a person's or thing's reputation, it spoils their reputation.a Blot on the reputation of the architectural profession

75. Everything is positively changed – the glandular system, the circulatory system, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the skeletal system, and the nervous system.

76. Acoustic System ❖ Sonobuoy Receiver & Positioning System ❖ Acoustic System Modernization

77. Now, all monies received, including taxes, customs revenue, military spoils and informal gifts and bribes, will be placed in the treasury under the supervision of a Saturnine priest.

78. Backfilling a foundation wall involves using either trench spoils or premium granular backfill material to fill in the trench from the bottom of the excavation to the desired grade above

79. Teen sensation beats his hero Roger Federer - but spoils the occasion with foul-mouthed tirade and Brattish fight with the umpire Rising Australian star Nick Kyrgios overcomes boyhood idol Roger

80. Commercial Centre CCTV system, patrol system, TV aerial system, carpark access control sensor system.