Use "splashed" in a sentence

1. Villages splashed happily to cadres and stationary soldiers, and they splashed laughingly.

2. • Besmottered †* splashed or spattered as with mud or dirt c1386 • BESPRENTED sprinkled, splashed Bk1898 Eng

3. Warm blood splashed my face.

4. Lightweightseeds to be Blownor splashed out

5. 10 We splashed across the stream.

6. 7 Rain splashed against the windows.

7. Children splashed through the puddles.

8. 24 They splashed through the puddles.

9. 6 Children splashed through the puddles.

10. 4 Water splashed onto the floor.

11. 2 Rain splashed against the windows.

12. Tap water splashed into a basin.

13. Blood to be splashed on doorposts (7)

14. He splashed his face with cold water.

15. She splashed her face with cold water.

16. 17 He splashed in the heavy rain.

17. 5 The children splashed in the pool.

18. He splashed cold water on his face.

19. The children splashed in the pool.

20. The ocean splashed against the pier.

21. Unfortunately some paint splashed onto the rug.

22. The children splashed about in the surf.

23. 3 The ocean splashed against the pier.

24. 26 His name was splashed in the newspaper.

25. 23 Unfortunately some paint splashed onto the rug.

26. 16 The spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific.

27. 1 She splashed her face with cold water.

28. 27 They splashed out £3000 on a holiday.

29. 22 We splashed out on a new kitchen.

30. 20 He splashed cold water on his face.

31. A small fountain splashed musically in the courtyard.

32. The whole toilet compartment had been splashed.

33. 30 My clothes were splashed with mud.

34. His uniform was Crumpled, untidy, splashed with mud

35. Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.

36. His uniform was crumpled, untidy, splashed with mud.

37. 25 He splashed his face with cold water.

38. 11 The children splashed about in the surf.

39. 14 His uniform was crumpled, untidy, splashed with mud.

40. On 10 June, she splashed a Heinkel bomber.

41. Water splashed in the basin of the fountain.

42. 18 He splashed the soup on the table.

43. 7 My car was splashed over with mud.

44. 21 The hot oil splashed out of the pot.

45. 15 Her clean washing was all splashed with mud.

46. 12 Passing vehicles splashed the wall up with mud.

47. 19 A single drop of blood splashed onto the floor.

48. 13 Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.

49. 28 The gunman's picture was splashed across the front page.

50. 29 The green water splashed and foamed over the rocks.

51. She accidentally splashed oil over her apron while cooking lunch.

52. 16 His uniform was crumpled, untidy,( splashed with mud.

53. Before dawn on 14 May, the cruiser splashed a Japanese plane.

54. She splashed some petrol onto the wood and set fire to it.

55. The cowboy splashed his way across the shallow stream with his cow.

56. Children splashed gleefully in the shallow water, trying to catch crabs.

57. 9 Brian splashed water on his face, then brushed his teeth.

58. She poured a large gin and splashed soda into it from a siphon.

59. 8 Big tears ran down her cheeks and splashed onto the paper.

60. Edward lifted it and splashed a little water into the teapot, swirling it around.

61. On August 8 , two young women in downtown Srinagar were splashed with acid .

62. Synonyms for Bedabbled include spattered, splashed, bespattered, splattered, sprayed, sprinkled, daubed, dirtied, soiled and speckled

63. 6 The steamy yellow gruel in the bucket splashed out on to the kitchen floor.

64. Synonyms for Besprinkled include sprayed, sprinkled, scattered, strewed, strewn, spattered, showered, splashed, bestrewed and bestrewn

65. Synonyms for Bedaubed include smeared, besmeared, daubed, spattered, stained, anointed, bespattered, smirched, soiled and splashed

66. She sank two enemy ships and splashed eight Japanese planes, either as kills or assists.

67. 5 The steamy yellow gruel in the bucket splashed out on to the kitchen floor.

68. Acanthus mollis ‘Whitewater’ has dark green leaves heavily splashed with white, with bold margins

69. Heavy pearl drops of dew splashed noisily on jute leaves that had fallen to the ground.

70. His heart lurched and he splashed his goblet full to the brim with dark red claret.

71. Then he switched on the torch and splashed through the puddle in the concrete to the shed.

72. She was about ten yards behind him as the party splashed its way into the swampy grass.

73. She went over to the sink and splashed her face with cold water over and over again.

74. I turned to tell my wife about it, and as I did, I stumbled and splashed loudly.

75. She began to wipe the tops down with unnecessary vigour, muttering crossly when water splashed on her dress.

76. An investigation indicated that chemicals and water splashed onto the asphalt and washed into the storm sewer system.

77. Enjoy laid-back British civility in a sun-splashed Caribbean tropical locale on your Carnival Grand Cayman cruise

78. The devoted duo have splashed out £000 on Butlins visits - £000 more than they paid for their house.

79. Later, 19 high altitude bombers passed over, dropping sticks of bombs that splashed harmlessly into the water.

80. Fish splashed in small pools and the sweet scent of the river hurrying by charmed our days.