Use "spending money" in a sentence

1. Spending money uncontrollably is like driving blind

2. 26 Spending too much money is her weakness.

3. He Begrudges spending money on his daughter's makeup

4. How can you justify spending so much money?

5. It was sheer lunacy spending all that money.

6. Spending money, actually takes away from the amount of money that we have.

7. Cheapskate (plural Cheapskates) Someone who stingily avoids spending money

8. They're spending a heck of a lot of money.

9. Here, the recorded money supply falls while spending increases.

10. I regret spending so much money on a car.

11. They sensibly invested their prize money rather than spending it.

12. Free spending of public money is not to be tolerated.

13. Watch a video on what teens think about spending money.

14. 8 I begrudge spending so much money on train fares.

15. You are spending too much money. I prefer to go Dutch.

16. 9 Spending money is as easy as shitting, while earning money is as hard as eating shit.

17. He went on spending lavishly until his money was at the end.

18. She's licking her chops at the thought of spending all that money!

19. You also get to branch out geographically without spending money on overhead costs.

20. He argues, preposterously , that climate change can be curbed without spending much money.

21. Before spending hard-earned money replacing Airbags after an accident, see your options.

22. I: Investor — Spending money in order to receive a larger payout in return.

23. I'm asking you to be okay not spending money that I don't have.

24. She has been to one doctor after another, spending all her money on treatments.

25. Appropriations and Implementing bills authorize the spending of public money on an annual basis

26. His lack of money was the result of caprice in spending on unnecessary things.

27. It's annoying to have to get authorization for spending such piddling amounts of money.

28. To feel unhappy about spending money on something or spending time doing something: They Begrudged every day they had to stay with their father

29. They relieve this excess supply by spending the excess money on consumer and producer goods.

30. I learned the lesson the hard way-by spending my hard-earned money for it.

31. And few businesses have to be told to earn money rather than simply spending it.

32. For example, they will be prevented from spending public money on campaigns to stop them.

33. Then he dropped you off at Frankie's so you could earn spending money dealing drugs?

34. Local people are questioning the wisdom of spending so much money on a new road.

35. 12 The Labour party believes in service and in spending money wisely on providing that service.

36. I wonder how much money the BBC is spending to find some tid bits about India.

37. There will presumably also be some spending money for Tubby Ben í tez in the January sales.

38. 19 She'd begun spending a lot of money, and the obvious inference was that she'd stolen it.

39. Spending this much money online, and sight unseen is not easy but Brilliance really did a great job

40. With a background of socialism, these PTAs were not averse to spending public money on promoting public transport.

41. / bɪndʒ / an occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way, especially eating, drinking, or spending money: a drinking / eating / spending Binge He went on a five day drinking Binge.

42. Living Cheaply for the long term sometimes involves spending more money now with an eye toward long-term savings.

43. After all , money paid in salaries is in a way creating spending power whether or not assets are created .

44. He criticized the government’s spending of tax money on festivals instead of building infrastructure, schools, or helping the poor.

45. It is blindingly obvious that there is not enough money in its coffers to finance the public spending programme.

46. 22 Tight - fisted as he was about spending money ,( Xiangzi let slip no chance of earning it.

47. But the audacity practiced by Democrats and Republicans in raising and spending campaign money in this campaign was unprecedented.

48. Butch the Belligerent bully threatened the other students during lunchtime, punched them, and took their spending money from their pockets

49. Comparison of Total Planned Spending With Actual Spending

50. And one way and another he got together, in most weeks, as much spending money as a young working miner.

51. 22 Join a club to work off that excess energy; but consider ways of doing that without spending the money.

52. 2006-2007 Status on Performance Planned Spending Actual Spending

53. Planned Spending 282.4 Actual Spending 276.7 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT & DELIVERY

54. Amazon Borrows $10 Billion at Record Low Interest Rates The company has wasted no time spending the money it just borrowed.

55. Over time the original emphasis of the programme has broadened from increasing liberalization and competition to raising money for current spending.

56. Lauren Silbert, General Manager of The Balance, joins Cheddar to discuss how tech impacts our relationship with money and spending habits

57. Actual spending has in recent years significantly exceeded planned spending.

58. is an extremely easy way to balance your Checkbook online, track your spending, set a budget, manage your money and more

59. Money Confidential, a new podcast from Real Simple, explores the many aspects of money: making it, saving it, investing it, giving it, spending it and—sometimes, hardest of all—talking about it

60. 2006–2007 (in $000s) Status on Performance Planned Spending Actual Spending

61. Liquidity traps can vitiate it on the downside, but when inflation threatens, tightening the money supply and raising interest rates will discourage spending.

62. Departmental Priorities 2006-07 Status on Performance Planned Spending Actual Spending

63. While Washington could engage in deficit spending, if we didn’t have money, we had to raise and spend, or not spend at all.

64. Sometimes consumers will end up spending money on an item they would not normally buy had it not been in a bonus pack.

65. Set spending limits.

66. 24 Instead, Washington is likely to make across-the-board cuts in discretionary spending, where there is much less money and considerably less waste.

67. Or public spending: all European leaders adamantly want to reduce government spending.

68. Increases in state spending.

69. This time, Ms. Ley provided the couplewith a detailed budget of how she was spending her money, down to catfood and haircuts, proving her frugality.

70. Consumer spending grew unchecked.

71. Betanglement Utilization and spending

72. Population and Public Health Priority Planned Spending Actual Spending Expected Results Performance Status 1.

73. It does not think it clever to deceive one’s mate—whether as to the use of one’s time, the spending of money, or in one’s associations.

74. Blarry House Research is looking for friendly, articulate people who like to share their opinions in focus groups and earn extra spending money in the process

75. Congress has recently voted to continue spending $80 million of taxpayers’ money a year in tobacco price supports to keep the tobacco industry active and profitable.

76. Planned Spending #3 $30,000 Actual Spending Nil Expected Results and Current Status Did Not Meet

77. " We both want spending cuts .

78. 7) Public Debt Financial resources: ($ thousands) Planned Spending Authorities Actual Spending 35,400,000 33,869,946 33,869,946 Human resources:

79. ($ millions) Net Planned Spending (Total Main Estimates plus Adjustments as per the Planned Spending Table) Plus:

80. let me simply summarize it by saying, increasingly, what we -- what will make us happy, is spending our time and our money satisfying the desire for authenticity.