Use "specific treatment" in a sentence

1. Specific Backwardness Treatment

2. Treatment depends on the specific subtype of Amyloidosis.

3. Abortive treatment options include nonspecific and migraine-specific therapy

4. There is no specific standard treatment besides rest and adequate nutrition.

5. There is no specific treatment for hand , foot and mouth disease .

6. Objective To examine the association between Antihypertensive treatment and specific adverse events

7. Specific antibiotic treatment must be given during the acute phase of osteomyelitis.

8. But other than treating your Allergies, there’s no specific treatment for allergy headaches.

9. Snake antivenom immunoglobulins (Antivenoms) are the only specific treatment for envenoming by snakebites

10. Without specific treatment, food and pharmaceutical products are exposed to contamination and spoilage.

11. The decrease in blood pressure was asymptomatic and did not require specific treatment.

12. Snake Antivenom immunoglobulins (Antivenoms) are the only specific treatment for envenoming by snakebites

13. We describe the diagnostics and specific toxicological treatment of patients with hydrofluoric acid burns.

14. How is Bilobed Placenta Treated? A Bilobed Placenta does not require any specific treatment

15. Under IPSAS, no specific standard prescribes the accounting treatment of expenses and expense recognition.

16. Calcium supplement as an adjunct to specific therapy in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis

17. Drug containing antibodies for treatment of t cell specific immune reactions and t cells leukemias

18. Synonyms for Countermeasure include physic, remedy, medicine, cure, medication, drug, medicament, specific, medicinal and treatment

19. Background: Nasal Crusting is frequently encountered by the otorhinolaryngologist and often requires no specific treatment

20. Treatment of materials to create surfaces with specific wave interaction, absorption, emission and/or propagation properties

21. Ratios could serve to guide the selection of age-specific blood pressure cutoff levels for treatment.

22. While for many overdoses and intoxications the treatment involves supportive care and treatment of the sequelae there are specific Antidotes available for a variety of substances.

23. Acute pancreatitis is a severe disease with significant morbidity and mortality for which no specific treatment exists.

24. Tuberculosis, lymphogranuloma venereum (caused by Chlamydia trachomatis), Neisseria gonorrhoeae and actinomycosis can cause perianal suppuration, resulting in a specific clinical presentation requiring a specific treatment strategy.

25. It re- TI%AISIV~AI'~: Acetars,ONE IN CONGENITAL SYPHILIS 507 sponds just as rapidly to specific treatment

26. When selecting a specific file for submission, the principle of equal treatment shall be duly taken into account.

27. Patient specific parameters of data collection with SPSS 17.0 were age and sex distribution, TNM stage and treatment.

28. After the procedure , all patients presented microscopic hematuria. Without specific treatment, the symptom relieved in 1 ~3 days.

29. During treatment, the Chiropractor applies sudden, controlled force with her hands or an instrument on specific points along your spine

30. Maize seedlings respond to heat shock, water stress, abscisic acid treatment, and wounding with the synthesis of stress-specific proteins.

31. Management of the complications of Antiemetic drugs can range from simple observation after discontinuing the drug to treatment with specific agents

32. In knee joint Crepitus due to osteoarthritis, if you do not have any other symptoms, no specific treatment is necessary for

33. With the suspicion of poisoning with Amanita phalloides treatment started with elimination of the toxins, symptomatic therapy and specific therapy with silibinin.

34. 13 The levels of serum parathyroid hormone(PTH) and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase(BAP) were detected respectively before and after the treatment.

35. A shrinkable copolyester film having shrinkage of not less than 30 % in either the machine direction or transverse direction after specific heat treatment.

36. Glycerophosphate and calcium-cobalt treatment gave only specific demonstration of alkaline phosphatase in regions of highest enzyme concentration (plexus cochlearis, acoustical nerve, capillaries).

37. Discussion of the specific advantages: both acyclovir and idoxuridine have been shown to be equally effective in the treatment of ulcerative herpetic keratitis.

38. Concrete information about psychosocial impairments in older cancer patients is lacking as is a systematic assessment of age-specific psycho-oncological diagnosis and treatment.

39. But, should we honestly feel this way when the patient cites a religious belief as the basis for his reluctance to accept specific treatment?

40. Environmental cues that trigger Chlamydospore formation in fungi are usually species specific and include nutrients, osmolarity, light, pH, temperature, air, drug treatment, and plant stimulants

41. Plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA (EBV DNA) is a sensitive and specific molecular marker, which can reflect stage, response to treatment and prognosis of NPC.

42. Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting very thin needles through a person’s skin at specific points on the body, to various depths

43. [Treatment of Anurias] [Treatment of Anurias] [Treatment of Anurias] Rev Clin Esp

44. Venous access was obtained percutaneously through varices for saphenous vein and variceal closure and through specific targeted veins for treatment of CVI, Angiomata and KT syndrome

45. The overvoltage of oxygen reduction decreases at paste electrodes of active carbon with a greater specific surface and, in particular, after special treatment with various catalysts.

46. Aerobic and/or anaerobic treatment (secondary treatment)

47. However, the actual loss is a fraction of the amounts indicated, because the preferential treatment refers only to a specific element of the total MFN value.

48. 18 Plasma Epstein-Barr virus DNA (EBV DNA) is a sensitive and specific molecular marker, which can reflect stage, response to treatment and prognosis of NPC.

49. Specific promoters are activated in specific cells.

50. Some specific foods are linked to specific cancers.

51. In order to find out if this condition is curable or not we must first find out the cause of Azoospermia as its treatment is cause specific.

52. Ammonia was added to the samples in the tube. Because of this treatment samples could be ashed at higher temperatures and non-specific absorption was thereby minimised.

53. Duke CustomID ® is a decision support tool intended to provide clinicians with institution-specific, accessible, easily Customizable information about the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.

54. The psychologists and therapists at Bhc are warm, welcoming and highly trained in helping individuals and families identify their specific needs and develop personalized plans for treatment

55. Both specific surface area and specific volume increased.

56. Specific treatment for Anomalous coronary artery will be determined by your doctor based on: Age, overall health, and medical history; Extent of the disease; Tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies; Expectations for the course of the defect; Personal opinion or preference

57. Acoustic treatment vessel and method for acoustic treatment

58. Specific rules for veterinary treatment should be laid down ranking the different types of treatments and limiting the frequency of use in the case of allopathic treatments

59. To date, however, there have been very few specific efforts to define the term, and few studies have determined what factors predict Amenability to treatment or have determined if indicators of an individual's level of Amenability to treatment can be altered with intervention.

60. These reports are agency-specific, process specific (import, export, transit), and trade specific (Customs broker, transporter), etc.

61. Like antibiotics, specific Antivirals are used for specific viruses

62. Specific introductions.

63. The invention further provides methods of using ADDL-specific antibodies in modulating ADDL formation and/or activity, inter alia in the treatment of learning and/or memory disorders.

64. The tumor-cell specific agglutinin derived from wheat germ lipase reacts like an “incomplete” lectin with human red blood cells after pronase treatment, independent of AB0 blood group.

65. Abreaction is a specific technique that involves the reliving (dramatic) of traumatic events under hypnosis for the treatment of trauma victims (e.g., child abuse cases; posttraumatic stress disorder)

66. Benetting from maintenance treatment with these new treatment options

67. Diffusion treatment, relies upon an immersion or spray treatment.

68. The use of this technology was pioneered by Rothbaum and colleagues in a controlled study of VRE in the treatment of a specific phobia, fear of heights (Acrophobia)

69. See: Carrel treatment , Carrel-Lindbergh pump , Dakin-Carrel treatment .

70. Treatment Considerations Treatment options for syphilis are currently limited.

71. It's specific.

72. Sixty-Three randomly selected subjects (43 Canakinumab treatment; 20 placebo treatment) were analysed Blindedly to treatment assignment

73. Aerobic treatment

74. They can be given orally, as a topical treatment, or via IV.How an Antifungal drug is given depends on factors like the specific drug, the type of infection you

75. Antivenom, also known as antivenin, venom Antiserum, and antivenom immunoglobulin, is a specific treatment for envenomation.It is composed of antibodies and used to treat certain venomous bites and stings

76. Treatment : Chemotherapy

77. Temperature-sensitive absorbent, water treatment method, and water treatment apparatus

78. In addition, biome-specific Crates can contain biome-specific loot

79. Ballasts are designed to operate with a specific type of lamp of a specific type at a specific voltage

80. An Allergist consults with their patient and performs a series of tests in order to discover specific allergies, determine their severity, and figure out the best course of treatment