Use "specific risk" in a sentence

1. Specific alowances for credit risk

2. (ii) Specific and general credit risk adjustments;

3. Actively work to reduce risk in specific positions.

4. Specific credit risk adjustments and positions treated similarily

5. RASA = the total amount of specific credit risk adjustments;

6. Several significant risk factors were identified for organ-specific Complications

7. A beta β representing the relation between the market risk and the risk involved in a specific investment

8. A ‘beta’‘β’ representing the relation between the market risk and the risk involved in a specific investment.

9. The Hour-Specific Risk for Neonatal HyperBilirubinemia predicts risk of hyperBilirubinemia in newborns based on total serum Bilirubin (TSB) measurement

10. (i) a description of the type of specific and general credit risk adjustments;

11. Medical software allows computing these rupture risk indices from standard clinical CT data and provides a patient-specific AAA rupture risk diagnosis.

12. Aggregation of risk-class specific own funds requirements for delta, vega and curvature risks

13. specific risk profiles of assets exposed to activities associated substantially with environmental or social objectives;

14. IRB excess (+) or shortfall (-) of specific credit risk adjustments to expected losses for defaulted exposures

15. Interestingly, some Carcinogenic agents are associated with increasing the risk of developing specific types of cancer.

16. 4 IRB excess (+) or shortfall (-) of specific credit risk adjustments to expected losses for defaulted exposures

17. Specific credit risk adjustments and recoveries recorded directly to the income statement shall be disclosed separately.

18. 4 IRB excess (+) or shortfall (–) of specific credit risk adjustments to expected losses for defaulted exposures

19. Adjustment for site-specific oral bioavailability will increase the accuracy and validity of contaminated site risk assessment.

20. But investors also know that other factors may offset the advantages of risk retention in specific cases.

21. I accept this minimal risk because it is cost-effective to do so. In conducting my audit, however, I perform specific audit procedures that reduce this risk further.

22. Methods: We examined sex- and site-specific associations of Adiposity with CRC risk and whether Adiposity-associated metabolites

23. (i) the reconciliation of changes in the specific and general credit risk adjustments for impaired exposures, shown separately.

24. The capacities of internal expertise do not cover all specific competencies of ERP implementation and risk technical quality.

25. Alcoholised females and males belong to a specific group of risk patients in anesthesia and intensive care medicine.

26. In addition, the own funds requirement for specific interest rate risk of securitisation positions shall be disclosed separately.

27. (b) where an independence risk remains due to specific threats which may result from the nature of a non-audit service, this risk is reduced to an acceptable level.

28. Risk factors specific to the individual such as work ethic or commitment to the organisation need to be considered.

29. Preamble The mode(s) and risk of transmission for each specific disease agent included in Appendix A were reviewed

30. An elevated risk of WT is also observed in some overgrowth syndromes, various tumor predisposition syndromes, and specific constitutional aneuploidies.

31. Buten was very specific in explaining risk factors, citing research, and statisics to allow me to make a very informed decision.

32. Abbreviated IDE Requirements (US) Summarized in this document are the FDA regulations specific for when a device is not a significant risk

33. Under national GAAP based on BAD, it shall include specific and general allowance for credit risk, as well as the general allowance for banking risk where it reduces the carrying amount of debt instruments.

34. 6 Chattel mortgage; The Third-Party Logistics; Risk identification; Risk control; Risk evaluating; Risk matrix technique.

35. An Assessable unit’s functions include the documentation, identification, and insertion of controls associated with a specific sub-function in order to mitigate identified risk.

36. If specific, previously absent signs of such a failure were to appear, the bank would have to increase its level of risk provisioning accordingly

37. This lecture explains risk averse, risk neutral, and risk Acceptant (risk loving) preferences in a game theoretical context

38. Although small countries can make bets in specific industries to kick-start innovation (and growth more broadly), such a strategy is not without risk.

39. Attestation Risk: Another risk to consider is what is known as Attestation risk

40. Second, no direct and exclusive link can be established between the risk that a monopoly may be created and a specific absolute ground for refusal.

41. The system consists of 6 grade I indexes and 20 grade II indexes as policy management, surroundings risk, owner risk, deviser risk, supervisor risk and contractor risk.

42. The slope of the age specific risk curve is steeper than linear and similar to that of achondroplasia, Apert-syndrome and haemophilia A (see Fig. 1).

43. Then a risk transfer algorithm is presented, as well as risk evaluating, bottleneck risk identifying, risk adjusting and optimizing is discussed by taking lead time risk as an example.

44. Although allergen skin testing and serological estimation of specific IgE antibodies do not predict who will develop anaphylaxis, they help to identify sensitized individuals at risk.

45. I am aware that this is a rather small selection of online publications on transfer risk, Convertibility risk, sovereignty risk and political risk

46. 3.3 Legal Framework 3.4 Payments System Risks Sources of Risk Risk Control and Risk Allocation Mechanisms

47. The accompanying Regulations outline three risk dimensions: institutional adjustment, escape risk and risk to public safety.

48. (This supports operational efficiency and focus by ensuring the major risks receive maximum attention b. risk mitigation strategies should be assigned to the accountability of specific persons.

49. Risk arbitrage is practiced by investors called risk Arbitrageurs

50. The escrow account has exposure to the following financial risks: credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk.

51. Risk factors

52. Specific promoters are activated in specific cells.

53. 'Health risk '

54. Risk Rating for Barbarica Low Risk Last risk assessment was performed on 08 Jan 2019, 17:15 UTC

55. Risk Rating for Achilleas Low Risk Last risk assessment was performed on 26 Feb 2021, 12:16 UTC

56. Some specific foods are linked to specific cancers.

57. This risk is therefore often referred to as capital risk.

58. 23 BSE risk assessments in the UK: a risk tradeoff?

59. Risk Rating for Asteris Moderate Risk Last risk assessment was performed on 10 Apr 2020, 15:16 UTC

60. Thus, a cohort-specific risk pattern of Arrhythmic taxa enables classification and prediction of T2D, suggesting a functional link between circadian rhythms and the microbiome in metabolic diseases

61. Haldane rightly complained that banking regulation has evolved from a small number of very specific guidelines to mind-numbingly complicated statistical algorithms for measuring risk and capital adequacy.

62. Both specific surface area and specific volume increased.

63. Some banks are risk Averse (= do not like taking a risk).

64. We also categorized participants by severity of kidney disease (low risk, moderately increased risk, high risk, and very high risk) using the combination of eGFR and albuminuria levels.

65. Aggregation of market and credit risk into the summary risk indicator

66. These reports are agency-specific, process specific (import, export, transit), and trade specific (Customs broker, transporter), etc.

67. Like antibiotics, specific Antivirals are used for specific viruses

68. @RISK (pronounced “At risk”) is an add-in to Microsoft Excel that lets you analyze risk using Monte Carlo simulation

69. Specific introductions.

70. Others risk factors

71. Hedge funds share many of the same types of risk as other investment classes, including liquidity risk and manager risk.

72. Healthcare risk management Located in Columbia, SC, Antum Risk provides a variety of risk management services to the healthcare industry

73. She's a risk.

74. You risk all.

75. Our mutual risk?

76. It's high-risk.

77. These Crutches reduce the risk of falling and the risk of injury

78. It's specific.

79. Diagram - Risk Assessment Model for Decision-Making Impact: Risk Management Actions Likelihood:

80. Apotropaic observances-traditional practices intended to prevent evil-were not uncommon in post-medieval Poland, and included specific treatment of the dead for those considered at risk for becoming vampires