Use "space satellite" in a sentence

1. The satellite will be thrown into space.

2. The orbit of a space satellite decayed.

3. 10 The orbit of a space satellite decayed.

4. Space Aggressors generally focus on three types of space-borne threats — GPS electronic attacks, satellite communications electronic attacks, and anti-satellite attacks.

5. Earth's largest artificial satellite is the International Space Station.

6. In 1957 , Russia sent the first satellite into space . The name of the satellite was Sputnik.

7. The Agreement proposes cooperation in the areas of Satellite Remote sensing, satellite communications and satellite meteorology; space sciences and planetary exploration; data collection and location; operations of satellite ground stations and spacecraft mission management; space research and applications.

8. Water lilies vie for space with a communications satellite exhibit

9. Troop movements can be observed from space by a satellite.

10. Astronauts re-launch stranded satellite Astronauts on the space shuttle have sent a stranded satellite back into orbit.

11. • BDB00 Generic Space Activities in support of Earth Observation, Space Science and Exploration and Satellite Communications

12. The first satellite, a Russian sputnik, was sent up into space.

13. Nowadays, putting satellite into orbit is old hat to space scientists.

14. The space agencies of India and Russia will engage more actively on space technology applications, space transportation, satellite navigation, space science and planetary exploration.

15. One astronaut used the space shuttle's robot arm to pick up an 1800-pound satellite from space.

16. As of December 2016, five satellite collisions have generated space debris.

17. Generic Space Activities in support of Earth Observation, Space Science and Exploration, and Satellite Communications Program Activity Priority:

18. Research relevance Improved understanding of space weather and how to limit effects on satellite communications and space activities.

19. Sputnik is the first satellite to enter the great beyond of space.

20. It will provide impetus to explore newer research activities and application possibilities in the field of remote sensing of the earth; satellite communication; satellite navigation; space science and exploration of outer space.

21. * Agreement between the Indian Space Research Organization and the Federal Space Agency on cooperation in the joint satellite project ‘YOUTHSAT'.

22. Agreement between the Indian Space Research Organization and the Federal Space Agency on cooperation in the joint satellite project ‘YOUTHSAT';

23. The prediction was made after satellite studies by the European Space Agency and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

24. The MoU will provide impetus to explore newer research activities and application possibilities in the field of remote sensing of the earth; satellite communication; satellite navigation; space science and exploration of outer space.

25. The communications payload for the BADR-4 satellite was supplied by Alcatel Alenia Space.

26. The signed MoU will provide impetus to explore newer research activities and application possibilities in the field of remote sensing of the earth; satellite communication; satellite navigation; space science and exploration of outer space.

27. The traditional business model for accessing space is one satellite to one launch vehicle.

28. 4)investing in satellite communications and autonomous access to space and permanent earth observation;

29. ESA The European Space Agency has plans to launch a satellite for Earth observation.

30. JAXA has monitored close approaches of other space objects to the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS), a large-size Earth observation satellite, since 2008.

31. The Framework Agreement will provide impetus to explore newer research activities and application possibilities in the field of remote sensing of the earth; satellite communication; satellite navigation; space science and exploration of outer space.

32. • supporting the advancement and development of science and technology through various Canadian Space Agency programs, including space technologies, Earth observation, satellite communications.

33. Radio advertising in the fields of aeronautics, space, satellite observation, the environment and green technologies

34. The Minister and the Secretary welcomed civil space cooperation between India and the United States in Earth Observation, Space Exploration and Satellite Navigation.

35. This practice is most common when States register space objects in the geostationary satellite orbit (GSO).

36. The communication satellite will become a major asset for our space programme,” said the Prime Minister.

37. Generic Technological Activities in support of Earth Observation, Space Science and Exploration and Satellite Communications Description:

38. PCMA Hub Canceller Maximize the capacity of your network with a satellite signal Canceller that reduces satellite space segment costs and frees up bandwidth for new applications

39. Astronautics is a textbook for graduate level courses such as Satellite Engineering and Space Systems Engineering as well as professionals working in space industry

40. SARAL or Satellite with ARgos and ALtiKa is a cooperative altimetry technology mission of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and CNES (Space Agency of France).

41. The two sides agreed to explore bilateral cooperation on space policies and programmes including global satellite navigation.

42. ($ in millions) Space Science and Exploration Satellite Communications Total Contributions Total Program Activity Planned Audits and Evaluations

43. Noctilucent clouds were first detected from space by an instrument on the OGO-6 satellite in 1972.

44. The satellite will be nicknamed Arase after a river running near the Uchinoura Space Center in Japan's

45. As of 2018, the latest version, EMM2017, includes data from The European Space Agency's Swarm satellite mission.

46. MDA is the builder of Canadarm, the robotic limb used on the space shuttle and on the international space station, as well as the Dextre robotics and the Radarsat 2 satellite, a remote-sensing satellite that allows observation of Canada's Arctic.

47. The Russians orbited the first man-made earth satellite in 1957 and the space age became a reality.

48. The European Space Agency plans to launch a new satellite, called CryoSat-2, at the end of 2009.

49. Earth's gravity interacts with other objects in space, especially the Sun and the Moon, Earth's only natural satellite.

50. Building on the successful Chandrayan-1 lunar mission, NASA and ISRO reviewed potential areas for future cooperation in earth observation, space exploration, space sciences and satellite navigation.

51. [18] The activity on satellite communications is done in coordination with the activities in priority 4 "aeronautics and space".

52. (4) The activity on satellite communications is done in coordination with the activities in priority 4 "Aeronautics and space".

53. Satellite communication and satellite based navigation

54. Encourage the space agencies and other space entities to enhance space cooperation under the Memorandum of Understanding, particularly in Earth observation, planetary exploration and satellite ground station activities, through inter alia an Indo-Swedish Space Seminar and a visit by an Indian delegation to Swedish space establishments.

55. [16] The activity on satellite communications is done in coordination with the activities in priority 4 "aeronautics and space".

56. Aliens Exterrestrial Theory Forgotten Past Unexplained Views from Space The Myth And Truth About The 13,000 Year-Old Alien Satellite

57. Welcome to Airspace, a satellite brand of the National Air and Space Museum focused on arts, entertainment, and (pop) culture

58. Because of pressure on space at the airfield, satellite sites were set up at Charlton Horethorne and Henstridge in 1942.

59. Cheops, or CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite, is a planned space telescope that will focus on bright stars known to host planets

60. Advancements in satellite infrastructure offered space borne measurements of CO2 concentrations that can complement observations from earth-based monitoring systems.

61. 2. Satellite communication and satellite-based navigation;

62. 12 The United States of America NASA Skylab space station 32 years ago in Western Australia fall, the satellite will is since then falls to the earth's largest space debris.

63. Argans is committed to concentrating its efforts on satellite missions infrastructure, whether satellite ground segment development or operations on behalf of satellite services industry and space agencies, whilst keeping its strong scientific expertise in remote sensing science in coordination with Plymouth University and the parent company

64. Satellite transmission services, namely, operation of earth- to-satellite transmitters for transmission of signals to satellite

65. Satellite geodesy

66. Receivers of satellite data (audio and video), aerials, satellite dishes

67. Bhaskara-I and II were two satellites built by the Indian Space Research Organisation that formed India's first low orbit Earth Observation Satellite.

68. Subsequently both agencies have signed cooperative documents addressing lunar exploration, satellite navigation, X-ray astronomy and Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF).

69. * Brazil and South Africa welcomed India’s decision conveyed at the Working Group on Science and Technology meeting that India will host the IBSA Satellite Technical Meeting In Bengaluru to discuss (i) modalities of cooperation in space weather, earth observation and micro satellite; and (ii) translating the IBSA Satellite concept into action.

70. Cosmic-2 satellite image courtesy of Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd.

71. Satellite linkup engaged.

72. generous space, attention to details and modern furnishings including amentities such as modem, Wireless-LAN, voice mail, satellite TV, room safe, and much more.

73. An iceberg has broken off Pine Island Glacier (PIG) on the edge of Antarctica, according to satellite images taken Tuesday by the European Space …

74. They welcomed the agreement between Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) to pursue cooperation in the areas of lunar exploration, satellite navigation and space science and application as below:

75. The Cobe satellite was developed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center to measure the diffuse infrared and microwave radiation from the early universe to …

76. Only satellite images.

77. high-speed communication satellite, Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite (WINDS).

78. The satellite should detect that small bits of time and space are actually missing from each orbit, something indiscernible to orbiting astronauts but measurable nonetheless.

79. In addition to the above, a letter of Intent concerning launch services of the Egyptian Nano Satellite EGYCUBESAT-1 on board the Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) by Antrix Cooperation Ltd., was signed between Antrix Corporation Ltd., the commercial wing of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Egyptian National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS).

80. * The two sides acknowledged the on-going cooperative civil activities in the field of space between Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and look forward to enhanced cooperation in such areas as Earth Observation, Satellite Navigation, Space Science and Planetary Exploration.