Use "sows" in a sentence

1. Backfatter Sows (Buyers) Backfatter Sows (Sellers) PRIME PRICE AVERAGE PRICE

2. An Optician Sows a Seed

3. The point is this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows Bountifully will also reap Bountifully

4. One who sows Bountifully, will reap Bountifully

5. He who sows misery, reaps but penury!

6. The disease kills piglets and causes sows to abort.

7. Example of sows which should be Culled

8. Backfatter Sows (Sellers) PRIME PRICE AVERAGE PRICE

9. One man sows and another man reaps.

10. As a man sows, so he shall reap. 

11. A man sows the right kind of seed, but “while men were sleeping,” an enemy sows weeds in among the wheat.

12. But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows Bountifully will also reap Bountifully.

13. The Cheerful Giver - The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully

14. As a man sows, so shall he reap.

15. It sows the seeds of fear in those who oppose them.

16. A clearer structure of Chorions, better-developed capillaries and absence of necrosis were observed in L-carnitine-treated sows compared with control sows

17. Here another Scriptural principle came into play: “He that sows sparingly will also reap sparingly; and he that sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

18. ‘Sow Bountifully, Reap Bountifully’ “He that sows sparingly will also reap sparingly; and he that sows Bountifully will also reap Bountifully.” —2 CORINTHIANS 9:6

19. Wolves primarily target piglets and subadults and only rarely attack adult sows.

20. The protein abundance of IGF-1 and IGF-2 in placental Chorions was greater in L-carnitine-treated sows compared with control sows (p < 0.05).

21. So they came up with this five- point stimulation plan for the sows.

22. Sows will convert feed at between 6:1 and 8:1, so the price of feed must be extremely low and Backfatter prices extremely high before you would attempt to fatten sows

23. Is like the one who plows and plows but never sows.

24. There are now only around 1500 sows registered to this breed.

25. The central argument is that capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction .

26. For he who sows to his flesh, will of the flesh reap... "

27. 14 Breed is fostered with cent individual plant, organization or asepsis sows.

28. 28 More than half the sows are kept in close confinement systems.

29. The breed is recovering and there are now more than 2 500 purebred sows.

30. So they came up with this five-point stimulation plan for the sows.

31. All Boars in our stud are used on our sows and not just for semen sales

32. They're like " dogs eating their own vomit and sows wallowing in their own feces. "

33. Should the mother die prematurely, the piglets are adopted by the other sows in the sounder.

34. He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. 

35. Non - estrus of Sows causing sterile is a perplexing problem in raising pig produces.

36. But will a person reap true pleasure and satisfaction if he ‘sows wild oats’?

37. Synonyms for Bestrews include scatters, strews, sprinkles, peppers, sows, sprays, dots, spots, spreads and disperses

38. Sows are Anesthetized and then rolled into a surgical suite, where veterinarians remove eggs from their ovaries

39. The sows are known as good mothers, having litters that average 5 to 6 piglets.

40. 2 He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. 

41. The gestation period in sows varies from 112 to 116 days , the average being 113 days .

42. In what ways does a person ‘reap what he sows’ when living a life of debauchery?

43. If sows are in estrus 6 -7 d PW, inseminate immediately, then inseminate 12 h later.

44. Revolvers Briquettes ridicules knife labyrinths extensors scoutmasters sows contraction cancels subcontractor sorcerer wrestlers impugned SSbCdSlvNIhfw7p $ 0.99

45. The Blighter is an extremely dangerous and powerful monster that sows death and destruction wherever it appears

46. The Book of Mormon teaches that Satan whispers unclean and unkind thoughts and sows thoughts of doubt.

47. 13 A ghaele might lash out with a blast of wintry cold sows strife among her enemies.

48. With the radio interview of Philippe Nicod, founder of Arborise, we understand the convictions that drive the community that sows forests

49. If sows are in estrus on d 5 PW, wait 12 h to inseminate, then inseminate 12 h later.

50. For nearly their entire four month pregnancies, mothers sows are locked in --- metal stores barely larger than their own bodies.

51. Mia-Agil is a new feed supplement for improvement of claw health and foundation stability in high-yielding sows and in piglets.

52. In time, they devised “the law of karma,” the law of cause and effect—‘whatever a man sows, that shall he reap.’

53. Commercial producers operating terminal Crossbreeding systems also can intensify their management, as the genetic composition of the sows and pigs are consistent.

54. Boars are generally about 250 kg (550 lb) in weight and sows range from about 150 to 200 kg (330 to 440 lb).

55. 2 Corinthians 9:6, ESV: "The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows Bountifully will also reap Bountifully." 2 Corinthians 9:6, KJV: "But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth Bountifully shall reap also Bountifully."

56. Last month in Arizona, despite well-funded opposition from agribusiness, the ban on small cages for sows and veal calves also passed, with 62% support.

57. He sows his seed and has no choice but to wait patiently —doing what he can to protect his crop— until it is time for the harvest.

58. His long-gestating speech on Europe, although containing elements that many might share, also sows the seeds for a prolonged and acrimonious debate – and not just in Britain.

59. • Backfatter pigs (cull sows) for secondary processing (salami pigs) >150 kg pigs The smaller carcass weight ranges (weaner or porker pig carcass) tend to be preferred by small scale or outdoor producers

60. Latvia in January 2017 declared African swine fever emergency in relation to outbreaks in three regions, including a pig farm in Krimulda region, that resulted in a cull of around 5,000 sows and piglets by using gas.

61. Generally they can be divided into piglets, which are 1.5 to 3 months old; the fattening pigs, intended for pork and bacon, which are 4 months to one year old; and finally the older pigs, such as sows (female pigs) and boars (uncastrated male pigs).

62. "With many a floryn he the hewes Boghte": Ekphrasis and Symbolic Violence in the Knight's Tale - Robert Epstein; Murderous Sows in Chaucer's Knight's Tale and Late Fourteenth-Century France - Edward Wheatley; Representing Rebellion: The Ending of the Knight's Tale and the Castration of Saturn - …