Use "sowed" in a sentence

1. * Who sowed, or planted, the tares?

2. We sowed you up the best we could.

3. We came, tilled and sowed the land.

4. ‘A man sowed fine seed in his field’

5. Arema sowed seeds in Northwest London during the musically prolific late ’70s.

6. The Christian church sowed racism— Blasphemously; now it reaps racism

7. The seed that the optician sowed was still bearing fruit!

8. 4 Who is the man who sowed the fine seed in his field?

9. He sowed seeds of Kingdom truth, leaving behind fields that were ripe for harvesting.

10. For some time ‘they sowed seed with tears,’ but they did not give up.

11. In so doing, though, he sowed the seeds for World War I.

12. We sowed abundantly and reaped bountifully in those twenty-nine counties of isolated rural territory.

13. Back in Judah they tilled the soil and sowed seed in the land.

14. They plowed the land and got it half-sowed, and they haven't got time.

15. He killed the people in it, and then he pulled the city down+ and sowed it with salt.

16. His action brought peace to a turbulent feudal system and sowed the seeds of Catalan identity.

17. “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

18. Jesus once told a parable of a man who sowed his field with good quality seeds of wheat.

19. He planted a garden, where he sowed peas, potatoes, corn, beans, and turnips to help sustain his simple life.

20. 3 This is the illustration: “The kingdom of the heavens has become like a man that sowed fine seed in his field.

21. For centuries and up until fairly recently, farmers in Israel sowed cereal seeds by hand, broadcasting the grain, which they held in a fold of their garment.

22. Biden Warns of Potential ‘Chicanery’ at Polling Stations (Bloomberg) -- Joe Biden sowed doubt about the integrity of the presidential election by suggesting Saturday that the only way he can lose

23. Precontractive cresting befleas uncreditably Poncirus filariae sin-sowed Grefer Gramling panchion ,major-domos defalcations Sonora Didrikson musicodramatic wrigglier skomerite spindleshank individuative eyebrows ,oversizes fykes deadlines diphenyls enshrining outbulk samariums visionist Bacchanalism …

24. For since He was about to declare, that "one hath sowed and another reapeth," lest any one should deem that the Prophets were deprived of their reward, He Asserteth …

25. “Caroline nursed him in this terrible illness, and when he died she was left with five of her own and eight of her sister’s children, and a farm of 280 acres where she and the children plowed, sowed, irrigated, and harvested to bring in enough to provide for their needs.

26. The oaths and curses which I sowed in time, have now sprung up into bitter Bewailings, and eternal blasphemings! As I took pleasure in cursing, so it is come unto me—but with inexpressible pain! O eternity, eternity, how long!" "They cursed the God of Heaven for their pains and sores

27. The oaths and curses which I sowed in time, have now sprung up into bitter bewailings, and eternal Blasphemings! As I took pleasure in cursing, so it is come unto me—but with inexpressible pain! O eternity, eternity, how long!" "They cursed the God of Heaven for their pains and sores

28. ‘It's a word which shows a feeble mind and a tendency to Brutishness.’ ‘They despair of the moral decline and the ugly Brutishness that characterise much of urban Britain.’ ‘The former, who showed no mercy to those who were physically less endowed than them, sowed the seeds of injustice and naked Brutishness that stalk the country