Use "south eastward" in a sentence

1. Eastward flows the Changjiang River.

2. Its Pacific range extends northward to Korea and southern Japan, eastward to New Guinea, and southward to New South Wales.

3. The river here tends eastward.

4. Desert land stretches eastward across Arabia into Central Asia.

5. The eastward route might be quicker.

6. A powerful snow storm is moving eastward.

7. Reindeer receded northward and eastward, and bison and horse followed.

8. The boy went out of school and wandered eastward.

9. 9 The eastward route might be quicker.

10. And for the east side eastward fifty cubits.

11. He was crossing the street and moving eastward.

12. Here at last was the opportunity for almost unlimited eastward expansion.

13. Conversely, going eastward across the line, the traveler gains one day.

14. He made his way eastward through town and into adjacent fields.

15. The freeway then veers eastward before turning back northeast toward Julesburg.

16. The Harel Brigade proceeded eastward, descending to the Jordan River.

17. From Mission Peak, the trail meanders eastward into Sunol Park.

18. Congeries Sentence Examples (3) A well-marked chain running in a south-easterly direction among the Congeries of hills that extend south-eastward from the central mountains, and attaining, near the southern part of the east coast, heights up to and exceeding 6000 ft.

19. Machinery, spare parts, whole factories including the roofs, had disappeared eastward.

20. Banded Archerfish inhabit the brackish mangrove estuaries of India and eastward to northern Australia

21. San Francisco followed suit and withdrew eastward along the north coast of Guadalcanal.

22. The French army then seized Milan on 2 June, followed by Pavia, Piacenza and Stradella, Lombardy, cutting the main Austrian supply route eastward along the south bank of the Po river.

23. The crowd is heading eastward, believing that they can find gold there.

24. The land of Antum was eastward of the land of Boaz

25. Big white clouds sailed eastward toward the San Bernardino mountain range.

26. He turned away and headed eastward, keeping to the safety of the deserted side streets.

27. Any eastward expansion would be regarded by the government as an act of aggression.

28. Cenozoic tectonic activities are controlled by the eastward propagation of Tibetan Plateau uplift.

29. If the wheel is rotating counterclockwise, its angular - momentum vector is directed eastward.

30. The eastward bulge in the A15 road can still be seen north of Lincoln.

31. The dry air is driven eastward by the winds in the higher atmosphere.

32. The combined Enterprise and Hornet task force retired eastward and made Pearl Harbor on 25 April.

33. Abert and his men left Bent's Fort on August 12 and spent the next two months marching eastward

34. Speaking through various medicine-men, the deity suggested sending a Navajo delegation eastward to Taos.

35. In his letter to Payne of 23rd December 1882, Burton Adumbrates a visit eastward

36. Unfortunately, we sailed straight into a terrible storm, which drove us many miles eastward.

37. The day was bright and windy, a string of filmy white clouds scudding eastward.

38. As the Roman Empire expanded eastward there was intense traffic on the ‘queen of the highways.’

39. Your Majesty You are requested to leave Ye City eastward for a winter hunting party

40. AAchen would then be surrounded, isolated, and ripe for reduction while the rest of First Army proceeded eastward

41. Aachen would then be surrounded, isolated, and ripe for reduction while the rest of First Army proceeded eastward

42. This moraine covers the current parishes of Saint-Narcisse, Saint-Prosper and continues eastward into the Portneuf region.

43. Terrified of Russia's push eastward, Kuroda returned to Tokyo and advocated quick development and settlement of Japan's northern frontier.

44. During the early afternoon, 90th Light had extricated itself from the El Alamein box defences and resumed its move eastward.

45. It extends eastward to the plaine de la Crau, westward to Aigues-Mortes, and northward to Beaucaire.

46. Flowing eastward through the southern portions of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, the ACC links these three otherwise separate oceanic basins.

47. The symptoms are generally worse the further you fly and they are more marked after eastward flights than those to the west.

48. Arabesk, Marrickville South, New South Wales

49. From the town of Cepu in Blora, the river turns eastward and passes through Bojonegoro regency's capital city.

50. Bontebok national park, south africa restricted within south-western cape, south africa

51. American Alumroot (Heuchera americana) of the Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage) Family occurs from northeastern Texas to eastern Nebraska and eastward to the Atlantic

52. Similar dust plumes originate in the Gobi Desert, which combined with pollutants, spread large distances downwind, or eastward, into North America.

53. But South-South is not meant to be a substitute for North-South.

54. OLIVE IN ITALY MORAY DALTON I found the Short-Billed Marsh Wren quite abundant, and in such localities as it is found eastward

55. The Almoravid power was at its height at Yusuf's death: the Moorish empire then included all of North-West Africa as far as Algiers, and all of Iberia south of the Tagus as far eastward as the mouth of the Ebro, including the Balearic Islands

56. Baden general boundaries are defined as the City Limits to Maline Creek on the North, eastward to Hall St

57. South Campus 4009 Beltway South Abilene, TX 79606

58. If desertification continues to spread, the dust bowl will not only undermine the economy but also trigger a huge migration eastward.

59. That means the inner core makes a complete eastward rotation about two-thirds of a second faster than the rest of the planet.

60. azimuth angle of the South façade (deviation from the South direction of the ‘South’ oriented façade)

61. Much of this dialogue has concentrated on bridging the divide between North-South and South-South engagements.

62. They reiterate that South - South cooperation enjoys important comparative advantages and complements rather than replaces North - South cooperation.

63. All WTO members should engage in tariff dismantling to facilitate South-South as well as North-South trade

64. The Ministers reaffirmed that South-South cooperation is complementary to and not a substitute for North-South cooperation.

65. Since then, the industrial core of the area has shifted eastward; the current industrial triangle consists of Lombardy, Veneto, and Emilia-Romagna.

66. Bitterroot is widespread in the western United States, ranging from Washington and California eastward to Montana (where it is the state flower), Colorado, and Arizona.

67. The range stretches from the Mediterranean Sea north above the Po basin, extending through France from Grenoble, and stretching eastward through mid and southern Switzerland.

68. As one travels south in Bayberry’s native range (south of Delaware) its

69. Mine Head south

70. Downtown is south.

71. The South African Boerboel is the official farm dog of South Africa

72. From the Atlantic coast eastward, the Namib gradually ascends in elevation, reaching up to 200 kilometres (120 mi) inland to the foot of the Great Escarpment.

73. Nine Study Alcoves are located at the south end of South Courtyard

74. Inhabitants of New South Wales are referred to as New South Welshmen.

75. Note: Shipping to South Korea from outside South Korea is not permitted.

76. Microsoft has been keen to mention in recent interviews its intent to reach "two billion gamers," looking eastward beyond its Anglocentric home markets

77. Antechinus swainsonii is found in south-eastern Australia, ranging from southern Queensland to eastern South Australia, throughout Victoria and New South Wales, …

78. Columbia is South Carolina's capital and home to the University of South Carolina

79. A) South Africanese b) Africanish c) South african 8) He is from Mexico

80. Chalked., Charleston, South Carolina