Use "solitary confinement" in a sentence

1. to be in solitary confinement.

2. Guard misconduct, overuse of solitary confinement.

3. He spent eleven years in solitary confinement.

4. Tonight he's being held in solitary confinement.

5. My days of solitary confinement were over.

6. The arch - criminal was kept solitary confinement.

7. 5 The arch - criminal was kept solitary confinement.

8. 14 Tonight he's being held in solitary confinement.

9. 4 He spent eleven years in solitary confinement.

10. 12 My days of solitary confinement were over.

11. Prisoners are punished by being put in solitary confinement.

12. She had been held in solitary confinement for four months.

13. Next, Ella was placed in solitary confinement for three days.

14. After a year spent in solitary confinement, he publicly recanted .

15. First guy I've ever met who actually prefers solitary confinement.

16. 11 Prisoners are punished by being put in solitary confinement.

17. Fry opposed the penal reformers' prevailing orthodoxy of solitary confinement.

18. 10 She had been held in solitary confinement for four months.

19. 7 After a year spent in solitary confinement, he publicly recanted .

20. He has been put in solitary confinement for attacking another prisoner.

21. The Humane Alternatives to Long-Term Solitary Confinement Act, which passed 42-21, would prevent inmates from being held in solitary confinement for more than 15 Consecutive days, or …

22. I spent the vast majority of my time in solitary confinement.

23. Other practices included solitary confinement and denial of access to medical treatment.

24. He spent more than half his time in prison in solitary confinement.

25. 4 Frost, though chummy enough, is like a prisoner in solitary confinement.

26. These allegations were never proved despite months of solitary confinement and torture.

27. 29 Frost, though chummy enough, is like a prisoner in solitary confinement.

28. 8 He has been put in solitary confinement for attacking another prisoner.

29. He also wants to be moved from solitary confinement into house arrest.

30. Mordechai Vanunu continues to be held in solitary confinement in Ashkelon prison.

31. Kaminsky was put in solitary confinement cell number 35 in KGB headquarters.

32. How did Sister Pötzinger* wisely use her time while in solitary confinement?

33. Last night he was being held in solitary confinement in Douglas jail.

34. 23 He spent more than half his time in prison in solitary confinement.

35. 3 Last night he was being held in solitary confinement in Douglas jail.

36. When I was in solitary confinement I was in a state of hatred.

37. But the guard saw it, and we both received two weeks’ solitary confinement.

38. While in solitary confinement, Harold King wrote poems and songs about the Memorial

39. Riina himself was caught the same year and now languishes in solitary confinement.

40. 16 When I was in solitary confinement I was in a state of hatred.

41. When he eventually came down, he was punished with two months in solitary confinement.

42. New legislation adopted in July # limited solitary confinement for minors to cases of absolute necessity

43. 30 When he eventually came down, he was punished with two months in solitary confinement.

44. While waiting for my trial, I was kept in solitary confinement and interrogated day and night.

45. For 18 months in 1982 and 19 he had been kept permanently handcuffed in solitary confinement.

46. He was held in solitary confinement in the General Intelligence headquarters in Riyadh and was reportedly tortured.

47. In Solitary, Tony requests to be moved from solitary confinement to general population, in an interview with a Department of Justice attorney and the prison administrator.

48. [The solitary confinement cell] was about two meters by two meters with a small seat and small window.

49. Asylum seekers, with tales of torture, rape and solitary confinement, can go to the end of the queue.

50. After a brief show trial they were put in solitary confinement in appalling conditions until March this year.

51. Held in solitary confinement in Evin Prison’s Ward 209 for three months which is controlled by the Intelligence Ministry.

52. However, solitary confinement is now abolished as a sanction, mainly due to the detrimental effects this sanction may have.

53. And because of my activity, I landed in solitary confinement for seven and a half years out of my incarceration.

54. There is plenty of evidence, too, that orangs kept in cramped solitary confinement become not only bored but mentally sick.

55. For the next seven weeks, Gobalkrishnan was held in solitary confinement and denied access to a lawyer or his family.

56. Carlos was mentally unstable and was imprisoned by his father in early 1568, dying after half a year of solitary confinement.

57. I read once that nobody can stand more than ten years in prison, or more than one year of solitary confinement.

58. In addition to performing forced labor, prisoners are allegedly tortured using electric batons, force-feeding, prolonged solitary confinement, and other forms of abuse.

59. Due to the affair's being related to national security, the prisoner was then held in solitary confinement in a cell awaiting transfer.

60. After an altercation with another prisoner, prison authorities chained him in solitary confinement in a cell without air conditioning despite the 40-degree heat.

61. Many people think of obvious examples of torture that are sometimes used in the military, such as beatings, Blindfoldings, solitary confinement, and electric shocks

62. CMUs aren't solitary confinement, but they radically restrict all of these to levels that meet or exceed the most extreme prisons in the United States.

63. The other major stressor leading to suicide or mental breakdown in solitary confinement is the near total lack of contact with loved ones and caring others.

64. 13 The other major stressor leading to suicide or mental breakdown in solitary confinement is the near total lack of contact with loved ones and caring others.

65. Remember, not even prison walls or solitary confinement can cut off our communication with our loving heavenly Father or disrupt the unity we have with fellow worshippers.

66. While in solitary confinement in a prison in China, missionary Harold King wrote poems and songs about the Memorial and made the emblems from black currants and rice.

67. Solitary, Self-Directed, Autodidact; Solitary, Self-Directed, Autodidact

68. He was arrested by the Gestapo in 1933 and held in solitary confinement for eleven years, before being shot in Buchenwald on Adolf Hitler's personal orders in 1944.

69. She was imprisoned in December 1610 within Čachtice Castle, in Upper Hungary (now Slovakia), and held in solitary confinement in a windowless room until her death four years later.

70. Alone (adj., adv.) "unaccompanied, solitary; without companions, solitary," c

71. 9 Her confinement was approaching.

72. Ho Thi Bich Khuong told the court that she was held in solitary confinement and was not even informed about the appeal trial, and she successfully appealed for a postponement of the hearing.

73. Tigers are solitary animals.

74. They are primarily solitary.

75. Solitary, Self-Directed, Autodidact

76. Accouchement translate: giving birth, childbirth, confinement, delivery

77. Put Mr. Lucas in solitary.

78. She enjoys long solitary walks.

79. In welcoming the abolition of the death penalty in Rwanda, the Committee noted with concern that it had been replaced by life imprisonment in solitary confinement, which is treatment contrary to article 7 of the Covenant.

80. Writing is a solitary pastime.