Use "solicitor general" in a sentence

1. • Nicole Jauvin, Deputy Solicitor General, Solicitor General Canada

2. The Solicitor General is here.

3. No. Is it the solicitor general?

4. Former Solicitor General Dunbar is next.

5. The role of the Solicitor General is discussed above.

6. The case will Be presented By the Solicitor General.

7. As Solicitor General, I'm friendly with all the justices.

8. Shri Harish Salve, an eminent Lawyer and former Solicitor General

9. The Department is part of the Portfolio of the Solicitor General.

10. You brought me on as solicitor general because of my integrity.

11. Brooks Borks Cruz A deceptive attack on the former solicitor general

12. Then the solicitor general responded that “it’s a very modest restriction.”

13. A re-trial is ordered by the Solicitor-General of New Zealand.

14. Speaker, my question is for the Parliamentary Secretary to the Solicitor General

15. Yesterday, coincidentally, the solicitor general introduced a bill that proposes the same thing

16. The former solicitor general said that woman who bring false charges should be named.

17. The Union of India was represented by the Ld. Solicitor General Shri Gopal Subramanium.

18. Solicitor General – Royal Canadian Mounted Police – Three new statutory items have been added as follows:

19. The justice secretary said the policy was being pursued by Scotland's Solicitor General Frank Mulholland.

20. The Solicitor General heads the Legal Policy Division, which includes the Law Reform Commission Secretariat.

21. The preprogrammed responses of the solicitor general and the Deputy Prime Minister are getting tired

22. As solicitor general, Elena Kagan was appointed by President Obama and reported to the Attorney General in the U.S. Justice Department.

23. Similarly, the solicitor general decides whether to seek Supreme Court review of adverse appellate court rulings.

24. The solicitor general is the top lawyer who argues the government's cases before the high court.

25. The Solicitor General responded with admirable openness and rapidity in accommodating amendments to improve the bill

26. The Outer Circle represents the Commissioner who is responsible and accountable to the solicitor General of Canada.

27. She is the current U.S. Solicitor General, a post that represents the U.S. government before the Supreme Court.

28. The Solicitor General dismissed an application from the Police to lay charges under the Terrorism Suppression Act 2002.

29. Elena Kagan, the former solicitor general of the United States, is now the 112th Justice of the Supreme Court.

30. Find a Solicitor.

31. I'm a solicitor.

32. Being a woman, who has served as Solicitor General, one of the few in the history of the court.

33. As a remedial measure Additional Solicitor - General Kirit Raval has suggested certain procedural changes to quicken the pace of work .

34. Llewelyn, Solicitor, and V.

35. MacLean, Solicitor, and A.

36. Keane, Solicitor, and P.

37. Black, Solicitor, and S.

38. Saliger, Solicitor, and P.

39. The solicitor general, an official in the U.S. Justice Department, represents the government when cases are brought to the Supreme Court.

40. She is the first woman to serve as solicitor general of the United States and earlier, as head of Harvard Law School.

41. Shall I send a solicitor?

42. Massachusetts Solicitor General Samuel Quincy and private attorney Robert Treat Paine were hired by the town of Boston to handle the prosecution.

43. When the government receives an adverse ruling in the trial court, the solicitor general determines whether the government will appeal that ruling.

44. With his 20 minutes expired, counsel for the Village handed over the argument to the solicitor general for the state of Ohio.

45. The report added that, under a 1986 Ministerial Direction, ``...successive Solicitors General have routinely approved operations involving sensitive sources and the Solicitor General is now told the identity of those sources.''

46. Senate, and Solicitor General) the average costs for these years were unusually high due to a particular claim in each of these departments.

47. The seller's solicitor or Conveyancer will prepare the draft contract to be approved by the buyer's solicitor

48. At first, this decision was defied by both the solicitor general and the premier (who was also attorney general) of the province of Quebec, but gradually it was enforced through the courts.

49. • information protected by solicitor-client privilege;

50. Batchelor, Solicitor, and subsequently by C.

51. 27 I'm seeing my solicitor tomorrow.

52. 22 Our solicitor holds our wills.

53. A Conveyancing solicitor is a fully qualified practising solicitor who can undertake the Conveyancing process on your behalf

54. Sellar, Solicitor, and subsequently by K.

55. Garner, Solicitor, and lastly by M.

56. 7 My mother is a solicitor.

57. Information regarding applicants that is obtained from CBSA, CSIS, the Solicitor General, the RCMP or provincial government departments will be added to the individuals' files.

58. 20 You need to see a solicitor.

59. My solicitor is no longer in practice.

60. His solicitor is granted power of attorney.

61. His solicitor be grant power of attorney.

62. This is best obtained from a solicitor .

63. 26 Her solicitor is one John Wintersgill.

64. The solicitor was accused of professional negligence.

65. 9 His solicitor drew up the will.

66. In addition to litigating cases in the Supreme Court, the Office of the Solicitor General supervises litigation on behalf of the government in the appellate courts.

67. He added that the Solicitor General may wish to give CSIS guidance on when and how he should be informed of the outcome of approved operations.

68. A solicitor was charged with administering the estate.

69. Many solicitor respondents disagreed vehemently with this view.

70. She practised as a solicitor for many years.

71. Appoint a solicitor to act on your behalf.

72. Karen Davies, solicitor, for the guardian ad litem.

73. The client's uncanny intrusion started the solicitor stuttering.

74. There will be no court duty solicitor today.

75. 18 My solicitor is drawing up the contract.

76. 16 He was initially articled to a solicitor.

77. Appellant: Evets Corp. (represented by: S. Ryan, Solicitor

78. It might be sensible to get a solicitor.

79. 24 We were badly advised by our solicitor.

80. 14 Have you been onto the solicitor yet?