Use "solar wind" in a sentence

1. Hydropower, geothermal, wind, solar, biomass.

2. Coronal Holes and Fast Solar Wind

3. They are geothermal energy, solar energy and wind power.

4. • Investigate the use of alternative energy sources (wind, solar).

5. How do solar wind particles interact with Pluto's atmosphere?

6. In addition, Jupiter's radio emissions strongly depend on solar wind pressure and, hence, on solar activity.

7. Since July of 2012, the solar wind has decreased, while the galactic wind has sped up.

8. (The vast majority of Curtailed energy is from solar, not wind.)

9. Wind, water, and solar plants added 51 gigawatts of generating capacity.

10. Solar and wind power continue to grow at a rapid pace.

11. Curtailment can affect the revenue of wind and solar energy projects

12. Alte Store's Educational Video Channel - Learn about Solar & Wind Energy systems, technologies and products from the solar experts

13. 26 The mass - loss includes the light radiation and solar wind.

14. It would cover solar, wind, bio-energy, tidal and wave energy sectors.

15. Commissioners send letter to lawmakers Arguing against solar and wind farm bill

16. Publications for teachers and pupils on wind and solar power are available.

17. The main reason for Backdowns is the erratic or ‘infirm’ nature of solar and wind energy, which varies according to the intensity of solar radiation and the velocity of the wind

18. Auroras are the result of disturbances in the magnetosphere caused by solar wind.

19. One is a dust tail, which is blown away by the solar wind.

20. The solar wind protons must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust.

21. Wind power and passive solar are competitive with the cost of nuclear power.

22. Anemometry Specialists, Inc is a wind and solar energy assessment company. We provide installation, maintenance and repairs for met towers, solar …

23. 7 Solar wind to shield Earth during pole flip New Scientist - May 200

24. 24 The gas pressure eventually overcomes the force of solar gravity and the corona inevitably expands into space as the solar wind .

25. 3 Between the bow shock and the magnetopause the solar wind is greatly decelerated.

26. Auroras and the Solar Wind The activity that creates Auroras begins on the sun

27. China produces more wind turbines and solar panels each year than any other country.

28. These transient phenomena are thought to be related to interaction with the solar wind.

29. Old concerns about integrating wind and solar into traditional electricity systems are dropping away.

30. Unlike solar and wind energy, geothermal energy is always available, 365 days a year.

31. 17 The solar wind protons must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust.

32. 2 Daedalus now points out that the solar wind is an exactly similar phenomenon.

33. Welcome ! Artistic Afterthoughts is a Solar/ Wind Campground hosting unique camping- Alaskan Style! On site

34. A continuous stream of charged particles , called the solar wind, impinges on the earth's magnetosphere.

35. Despite not attaining the intended lunar orbit, the mission met many of its original goals in exploring solar wind, interplanetary plasma, and solar X-rays.

36. In the 1970s, two Helios spacecraft and the Skylab Apollo Telescope Mount provided scientists with significant new data on solar wind and the solar corona.

37. It also studied the lunar radiation environment, the gamma-active lunar surface, and the solar wind.

38. 15 Solar wind: What you do there are a broom, I can sweep clean for you ... ...

39. Advertising, Business management,Business administration and office functions in the field of solar and wind energy

40. In addition to solar and wind energy, rain water is major renewable resource of any land.

41. 6 When the solar wind is strong the magnetopause retreats to about 50 R J upwind.

42. A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) is an explosive outburst of solar wind plasma from the Sun

43. Investment in alternative energy technologies like solar and wind is no longer peddled on environmental grounds.

44. 1 Some theorists even believe that solar wind particles hitting the atmosphere may trigger cloud formation.

45. So this really changes our understanding of solar wind - magnetosphere coupling thealso at the press conference.

46. The alternative is to develop renewable alternatives, such as wind, solar, tidal and hydro-thermal sources.

47. 30 The moon's lunar soil is chock-full of helium reserves, thanks to the solar wind.

48. 12 Shielded from the buffeting of the solar wind, ions quietly leak out of the atmosphere.

49. The transfer of magnetic energy from the solar wind radically alters the shape of the magnetosphere.

50. But fortunately, most of the solar wind particles have been kept out of the Earth magnetosphere.

51. 28 Physics of Solar System Plasmas provides a comprehensive introduction to the plasma physics and magnetohydrodynamics that are needed to study the solar wind and magnetosphere.

52. We will need new technologies to mobilise large - scale solar power, wind power , and geothermal power.

53. 25 A continuous stream of charged particles , called the solar wind, impinges on the earth's magnetosphere.

54. 16 What if you could generate your own solar wind with laser and particle beam technology?

55. In addition to wind, solar and geothermal power, Europe's energy needs can also be met by biofuel.

56. 11 The final speed of the solar wind depends mainly on the maximum temperature in the corona.

57. 10 But fortunately, most of the solar wind particles have been kept out of the Earth magnetosphere.

58. Chinese factories churn out 30 % of the world's solar panels and thedoubling its wind - power capacity annually.

59. 16 Many photogenic auroras have been triggered from a solar wind stream that recently passed the Earth.

60. 14 The phenomenon is produced by the action of solar wind on the atmosphere at Earth's Poles.

61. 27 This energy involves tons of charged particles, hurled our way in the so - called solar wind.

62. A multigrid, split-collector Faraday cup mounted on the equator of the spacecraft was used to study the directional intensity of solar wind positive ions and electrons with particular emphasis on the interaction of the solar wind with the Moon.

63. Choppers are mostly applied in electric cars, conversion of wind and solar energy, and DC motor regulators

64. Before the solar/wind revolution, Portugal had generated electricity from hydropower plants on its rivers for decades.

65. The term is most commonly used when discussing renewable energy sources, notably solar power and wind power.

66. 8 Many photogenic auroras have been triggered from a solar wind stream that recently passed the Earth.

67. The planet's magnetosphere, though small enough to fit within Earth, is strong enough to trap solar wind plasma.

68. The phenomenon is similar to auroras, but where auroras are driven by high-energy particles originating from the solar wind, Airglow is sparked by day-to-day solar radiation

69. Inside the magnetosphere, there are relatively dense regions of solar wind particles called the Van Allen radiation belts.

70. 18 "When the solar wind blows out plasma it too causes a bubble: the heliosphere,[]" he explains.

71. 13 The origin of the solar wind in the hot sun's outer atmosphere, the corona that well - known.

72. Upper air: temperature, wind speed and direction, water vapour, cloud properties, Earth radiation budget (including solar irradiance)b

73. President Barack Obama’s administration has thrown billions of dollars at wind, solar, ethanol, and other alternative-energy resources.

74. In addition to solar and wind energy, biomass was also suggested as a key provider of clean energy.

75. Solar and wind tariffs have now achieved grid parity, with rates well below 4 rupees per Kilowatt-Hour.

76. Planets require large magnetic fields in order to reduce the ionization of their upper atmosphere by the solar wind.

77. The primary scientific objective of ICE was to study the interaction between the solar wind and a Cometary atmosphere

78. The Actual wind, Actual solar and Actual load is updated every five minutes and represent an integrated 5minute average

79. Arcadia is making it easy and affordable to power every home in our country with wind or solar energy

80. 5 Kulcinski argues that the solar wind has implanted great quantities of hydrogen and helium into the lunar regolith.