Use "solar radiation test" in a sentence

1. Solar radiation sensor (actinometer)

2. The ozone layer absorbs solar radiation.

3. 8 The ozone layer absorbs solar radiation.

4. Resistance-to-radiation test

5. Solar radiation heat absorber for a stirling motor

6. Radiation comes from the sun during solar flares.

7. A0400 Actinometer (P2140) Instrument for measuring the direct solar radiation.

8. P2140 Pyrheliometer Actinometer Instrument for measuring the direct solar radiation.

9. Thus, radiation dominates in the inner portion of solar mass stars.

10. 26 The mass - loss includes the light radiation and solar wind.

11. Solar radiation energy absorber based on metamaterial and method of manufacturing same

12. The average annual solar radiation is 955 kilowatt hours per square meter.

13. Overall: Average monthly solar radition in Brunsville is 27% lower than an example high average monthly solar radiation in NV.

14. Actinometer (plural Actinometers) (physics) A device used to measure the heating power of electromagnetic radiation, especially that of solar radiation.

15. Actinometer (plural Actinometers) ( physics ) A device used to measure the heating power of electromagnetic radiation , especially that of solar radiation

16. Cess et al. So, the anomalous absorption of solar radiation by clouds is basically equal to the absorption of solar actinic radiation by the substance with photochemical reactions in the atmosphere.

17. Actinometers may be classified, accordingly to the quantities that they measure, in the following manner: 1) pyrheliometer, which measures the intensity of direct solar radiation; 2) pyranometer, which measures global radiation (the combined intensity of direct solar radiation and diffuse sky radiation); and 3) pyrgeometer, which measures the

18. Sea temperature depends on the amount of solar radiation falling on its surface.

19. A0410 Actinometry Radiometry Branch of physics devoted to the study and measurement of radiation; especially, in meteorology, solar and terrestrial radiation.

20. The optical radiation, in particular solar radiation is fed to the converter where the photons are absorbed and charge carriers are produced.

21. Increased absorption of solar radiation must change energy balance of leaf and leaf temperature.

22. Another very important factor is long-term exposure to solar and cosmic particulate radiation.

23. An Actinometer is a device that is used to measure the intensity of solar radiation

24. Method for the production of a ceramic absorber member for solar radiation, and absorber member

25. Indeed, infra-red light is chiefly responsible for the general warming effect of solar radiation.

26. 8 The term "renewable energy" is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.

27. The invention relates to a conversion device for converting solar radiation energy to electrical power and/or to heat, comprising a photovoltaic module (2) for the photovoltaic conversion of solar radiation energy to electrical power and a solar thermal module (3) for the absorption of thermal energy that was generated in particular by solar energy.

28. A few of one species of tardigrade also managed to survive extreme levels of solar radiation.

29. They are the patent holder for the Spectral Radiometer, the national standard for monitoring solar radiation.

30. It also studied the lunar radiation environment, the gamma-active lunar surface, and the solar wind.

31. A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface measure solar radiation.

32. The solar radiation then heats water to 200°C, which drives the absorption-refrigeration machine.

33. First, it enables the hairs to reflect solar radiation in the visible and near-infrared ranges.

34. Two photometers were on board for measuring solar radiation (ultraviolet and x-ray emissions) and cosmic rays.

35. Both land and open water are on average less reflective than ice and thus absorb more solar radiation.

36. Variability in the absorption of solar radiation by the Earth-atmosphere system is the driving force behind climate.

37. Inside the magnetosphere, there are relatively dense regions of solar wind particles called the Van Allen radiation belts.

38. Preventing temperatures from rising out of control will require a second geoengineering fix, known as solar radiation management.

39. Upper air: temperature, wind speed and direction, water vapour, cloud properties, Earth radiation budget (including solar irradiance)b

40. The heating unit (34) comprises a solar radiation absorption device for direct heating of the pressurised working fluid.

41. The phenomenon is similar to auroras, but where auroras are driven by high-energy particles originating from the solar wind, Airglow is sparked by day-to-day solar radiation

42. A grid of LTE model Atmospheres is presented for effective temperatures ranging from 5500 to 50,000 K, gravities from the main sequence down to the radiation-pressure limit, and abundances solar, 1/10 solar, and 1/100 solar

43. Apparatus for converting radiation to electrical energy namely, photovoltaic solar modules, inverters, which convert electricity from DC voltage to AC

44. Actinometer: Any of several radiometric instruments, such as a pyrheliometer, used chiefly for meteorological measurements of terrestrial and solar radiation.

45. The main reason for Backdowns is the erratic or ‘infirm’ nature of solar and wind energy, which varies according to the intensity of solar radiation and the velocity of the wind

46. Ambient Effects of solar radiation and feeding time on behavior, immune response and production of lactating ewes under high Ambient temperature

47. The detector 8 provides for a possibility of measuring alpha-, beta-, gamma- and neutron emissions as well as solar radiation levels.

48. During the day, since no clouds are present to reflect sunlight, there is more incoming shortwave solar radiation and temperatures rise.

49. Due to the Poynting–Robertson effect, the pressure of solar radiation causes this dust to slowly spiral inward toward the Sun.

50. Like solar radiation in general, Albedo values also vary across the globe with latitude but Earth’s average Albedo is around 31%

51. Direct solar radiation was measured at Innsbruck in the period 1968–1972 with an actinometer equipped with OG1 and RG2 Schottfilters.

52. A pressure tank is taken as a reverberation chamber to test noise radiation of submerged jets experimentally.

53. The author presents a critical study of actinometric measurements of the solar radiation with interference filters, carried out at the Freiburg/Br.

54. 8 For water supply system of the natatorium, the scheme of large-scale solar energy system was proposed to make full use of the solar radiation energy that is a regenerable resource in plateau.

55. This reduces the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface and therefore cause a cooling in the troposphere. However, they also absorb some radiation, and so in the lower stratosphere, they actually cause a warming.

56. The author presents a critical study of actinometric measurements of the solar radiation with interference filters, carried out at the Freiburg/Br. Observatory.

57. The amount of absorbed radiation depends upon the type of X-ray test and the body part involved.

58. Read in studio Scientists monitoring the level of solar radiation have warned people not to sunbathe without protection for more than forty minutes.

59. Airglow, faint luminescence of Earth’s upper atmosphere that is caused by air molecules’ and atoms’ selective absorption of solar ultraviolet and X-radiation

60. On Dec 200 the sun itself provided a crucial clue, when a solar flare sent a stream of particles and radiation toward Earth.

61. Solar Eclipse: "Solar Eclipse".

62. Photovoltaic solar installations and absorber solar installations, solar collectors (absorbers), panels containing solar collectors

63. Solar absorbers (parts of solar collectors), solar selective layers for heating (parts of solar collectors)

64. The city of Brunsville (Iowa) has an average annual solar radiation value of 4.85 kilowatt hours per square meter per day (kWh/m2/day)

65. These gases either return into the regolith because of the Moon's gravity or are lost to space, either through solar radiation pressure or, if they are ionized, by being swept away by the solar wind's magnetic field.

66. Ceres The Cloud's and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (Ceres) is a 3-channel radiometer measuring reflected solar radiation in the 0.3-5 µm wavelength band, emitted terrestrial radiation in the 8-12 µm band, and total radiation from 0.3 µm to beyond 100 µm.

67. Concentrated solar power energy is a carbon-free source of electricity and is best suited for regions and countries with strong radiation such as …

68. However, as the Sun already contains 99.86% of the Solar System's total mass, these impacts cannot offset the mass lost by radiation and ejection.

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70. Actinism: action of solar radiation causing chemical change actinograph: instrument used to calculate time of photographic exposure actinometer: instrument for measuring incident radiation actinotherapy: use of ultraviolet rays as medical therapy acton: stuffed jacket worn under armour; haqueton

71. Actinometers are used chiefly in meteorology to measure solar radiation as transmitted directly by the sun, scattered by the atmosphere, or reflected by the earth.

72. The proposed CPC system would have a larger acceptance angle for concentrating solar radiation compared to a normal CPC of the same geometrical concentration ratio.

73. L1030 Lyman alpha emission line Feature in the emission spectrum of solar radiation, identified with neutral hydrogen, which occurs at a wavelength of 0.1215 mm.

74. The radiation pressure of the solar wind then expelled most of the unaccreted matter, and only those planets with sufficient mass retained their gaseous atmosphere.

75. In particular, the Milankovitch cycles of Milutin Milankovitch are based on the premise that variations in incoming solar radiation are a fundamental factor controlling Earth's climate.

76. Bifacial solar panels have solar cells on both sides of the solar panel

77. This includes: electromagnetic rAdiation, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rAdiation (γ); particle rAdiation, such as alpha rAdiation (α), beta rAdiation (β), proton rAdiation and neutron

78. Actinometer ăk˝tənŏm´ətər [ key], instrument used to measure the heating power of radiation. Actinometers are used chiefly in meteorology to measure solar radiation as transmitted directly by the sun, scattered by the atmosphere, or reflected by the earth.

79. Until now only actinometers have been used for the routine determination of the turbidity of the atmosphere by haze. These instruments have thermal receivers for solar radiation.

80. Also covered are topics such as the temperature gradient and energies in the thermosphere, conditions at 200km and above 250km, solar radiation and ionization, and Aeronomic reactions