Use "socioeconomic" in a sentence

1. There's no difference in socioeconomic status.

2. the socioeconomic dynamic's Predominantly working class.

3. 6 Today such skills are directly correlated with socioeconomic class.

4. Luck: The factor that defines and Congeals socioeconomic classes

5. Urgently requiring attention: a host of Compelling socioeconomic problems

6. Arteriosclerosis heterogeneity inhomogeneity plenipotentiary septuagenarian socioeconomic acetophenetidin actinodermatitis Adenosarcomata agglutinability

7. Arteriosclerosis heterogeneity inhomogeneity plenipotentiary septuagenarian socioeconomic acetophenetidin actinodermatitis Adenosarcomata agglutinability

8. The new nation is a testing ground for socioeconomic theories.

9. Different socioeconomic backgrounds, levels of education, and areas of work.

10. Multiple sector-based alternatives driven by sector, environmental, and socioeconomic objectives.

11. Affording The Flexible Tuition program ensures access and socioeconomic diversity at LWHS

12. This suggests they enjoy higher socioeconomic status, Mr. Frey, the demographer, said.

13. These values remained after adjustment for socioeconomic factors and for coffee and alcohol consumption.

14. The activity of Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production Technologies has a strong socioeconomic relevance.

15. They also measured their current socioeconomic status in terms of household income and grade of employment .

16. Open a window that commercial port is clairvoyant China latter - day socioeconomic oneself.

17. Legislation since the mid-20th century represents Canadians' commitment to multilateralism and socioeconomic development.

18. Animalizing the disadvantaged, mechanizing the wealthy: The convergence of socioeconomic status and humanity attributions

19. One significant issue remains reduced accessibility of the system for individuals of lower socioeconomic standing.

20. Socialist economy system is human society progress up to now most socioeconomic system of progress.

21. What does Castroism mean? The political and socioeconomic principles and policies of Fidel Castro

22. Although Botswana is rich in diamonds, it has high unemployment and stratified socioeconomic classes

23. Amoebiasis is more closely related to poor sanitation and socioeconomic status than to climate

24. These aims must be implemented gradually, however, in accordance with the country’s overall socioeconomic advancement.

25. People in a target Audience share demographic similarities, such as age, location, or socioeconomic status

26. 28 The situation of frequent socioeconomic turbulence following intensified financial risks must be speedily put right.

27. Undergraduates, or Yale College students, come from a variety of ethnic, national, socioeconomic backgrounds, and personal backgrounds.

28. African swine fever is a viral disease of domestic and feral pigs that can have serious socioeconomic consequences.

29. History as a distorting prism Socioeconomic reality is readily accepted as a construct rather than a predetermined given.

30. Alternative development; regional, interregional and international cooperation on development-oriented balanced drug control policy; addressing socioeconomic issues:

31. The nonresponse adjustment applied to the survey weights was done by considering the effect of many socioeconomic variables.

32. According to the experts, socioeconomic data from 1900, rather than from 2000, can be used to elucidate current alien species richness.

33. The main challenge of our analysis was to approximate missing individual information on socioeconomic status by using spatial data.

34. 1 Taking a stand as a theologian and spokesman of theocracy, Thomas Aquinas argued on some important socioeconomic issues.

35. Access and entry into hospitals depends on gender, socioeconomic status, education, wealth, and location of residence (urban versus rural).

36. Dominant narrative can be defined and decided by the sociopolitical and socioeconomic setting someone lives his or her life in.

37. And what we found was that our lower socioeconomic status people, when they were comfortable, were actually reaching out to more people.

38. Group S2-The Affluentials The six segments in The Affluentials are one socioeconomic rung down from the Elite Suburbs—with

39. The Chinese, in addition to having their livelihood eradicated on the whole, also suffered because of their socioeconomic class.

40. 28 It is obvious that high socioeconomic status does not insulate children from this particular type of academic failure.

41. One of these factors is socioeconomic status, which may have an effect on the practice of Coitus interruptus by women.

42. The traffic in Concubines flourished in Ming-Qing Jiangnan as a result of large scale interactions of political and socioeconomic contexts

43. UNEP is also developing an atlas of the changing African mountain environment to convey environmental and socioeconomic data in a cartographic format.

44. By preventing ageism and related attitudes, citizens will be able to see the elderly as full contributors to the EU's socioeconomic growth.

45. But what is equally remarkable is socioeconomic rights in Africa have not moved forward very fast even since the age of colonialism.

46. We welcome people from various races, religions, ages, ethnicities, genders, and socioeconomic statuses to bring unique ideas and perspectives to the Apar community

47. When asked what specific higher-quality foods might be inaccessible to those in a lower socioeconomic bracket, Bonaccio used olive oil as an example

48. Objective: This study aimed to assess the association between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and Adiposity in adolescents from two cohorts in different socioeconomic contexts

49. The prevalence of dental caries among Egyptian children and Adolescences and its association with age, socioeconomic status, dietary habits and other risk factors

50. First discussed are the unAlterable variables--abilitiy, socioeconomic status, and learning styles--which are related to student achievement but cannot be manipulated by educators

51. Among these assessments there are advanced socioeconomic scenarios and yield projections of the distribution of species, communities and biomes, and of the functioning of ecosystems.

52. The impact of the epidemic has been devastating, calling into question our three countries’ significant socioeconomic progress in the aftermath of decades of conflict and instability.

53. These countries in the Middle East have governance structures that have fallen out of sync with their socioeconomic development, causing a sea change in political movements.

54. In light of the consistent SES gradient in cardiovascular diseases, current research is focusing on possible pathways through which the socioeconomic status (SES) may impact health.

55. This socioeconomic entrepreneurship on the ground within these neighborhoods really begins to suggest ways of translating that into new, inclusive and more equitable land use policies.

56. Communism refers to a theory for revolutionary change and political and socioeconomic organization based on common control of the means of production as opposed to private ownership.

57. Blacks do lag whites in many socioeconomic indicators — but most Blacks don’t live in poverty, don’t have constant run-ins with law enforcement and aren’t uneducated

58. In contrast, Thinking about Suicide (Paul Durcan), Exeat (Stevie Smith) and A Commination (A D Hope), along with others, indicate a world-weariness arising from chronic socioeconomic stress

59. Objectives The legitimacy of policies that aim at tackling socioeconomic inequalities in health can be challenged if they do not reflect the Conceptualisations of health that are valued in all strata

60. The next issue on the agenda is to settle the pile of socioeconomic problems, to improve the humanitarian situation, and to foster economic revival and other vital activity in the region.

61. With respect to the home setting and socioeconomic conditions, parent trust and communication is much more critical to understanding emotional health than living with both parents or family affluence.

62. Bonding social capital is within a group or community whereas Bridging social capital is between social groups, social class, race, religion or other important sociodemographic or socioeconomic characteristics.

63. They also amassed socioeconomic data for 26 indicators that make up the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) in order to calculate a summary innovation index (SII) for the two countries.

64. S2: The Affluentials The six segments in The Affluentials are one socioeconomic rung down from the Elite Suburbs—with a significant drop in median income—but their residents still enjoy

65. Three constructs, corresponding to three ecological systems/subsystems, were measured: child cognitive development (Bioecology), indices of child use of the Internet at home (techno-subsystem), and family socioeconomic characteristics (microsystem).

66. “The six segments in The Affluentials are one socioeconomic rung down from the Elite Suburbs—with a 25 percent drop in median income—but their residents still enjoy comfortable, suburban lifestyles

67. Now the interesting thing is, reputation is the socioeconomic lubricant that makes collaborative consumption work and scale, but the sources it will be generated from, and its applications, are far bigger than this space alone.

68. As a result of the Bolivarian government's policies, Venezuelans suffered from shortages, inflation, crime and other socioeconomic issues, with many Venezuelans resorting to leave their native country to seek a better life elsewhere.

69. Casteism is the practice of singling out and discriminating against a group of people on the grounds of their inherent characteristics. Classism, on the other hand, is prejudice against people belonging to a certain socioeconomic class

70. Edited Abstract English (1999/11/28) This project will incorporate a socioeconomic component into the Rwanda Root Crops Research Program, and other programs within the Eastern and Southern Africa Roots Research Network (ESARRN).

71. S2 – The Affluentials The six segments in The Affluentials are one socioeconomic rung down from the Elite Suburbs—with a 25 percent drop in median income—but their residents still enjoy comfortable, suburban lifestyles

72. Triangle Aikido is committed to welcoming all students regardless of race, color, age, culture, ability, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religious or political affiliation, veteran status, citizenship, or socioeconomic status.

73. Rosemary Hiscock, Fiona Dobbie, Linda Bauld, Smoking Cessation and Socioeconomic Status: An Update of Existing Evidence from a National Evaluation of English Stop Smoking Services, BioMed Research International, 10.1155/2015/274056, 2015, (1-10), (2015).

74. He was also a member of the Socioeconomic Advisory Council, the Dutch government’s highest body for economic and social policy issues, one that is anchored in the constitution and whose members are appointed by the crown.

75. Group S2 – The Affluentials The six segments in The Affluentials are one socioeconomic rung down from the Elite Suburbs--with a significant drop in median income--but their residents still enjoy comfortable, suburban lifestyles.

76. The Aerogramme Center for Arts and Culture Realms of Potentiality // Gabriel Soto Realms of Potentiality reflect on our current socioeconomic situations that had exposed vulnerable populations across the United States and around the Globe.

77. The Biopsychology Area is committed to fostering a safe and supportive research culture for our members regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, socioeconomic status, or religion.

78. Belles Belles Belles, a 2003 musical by Redha; Southern belle, a stock character representing a young woman of the American South's upper socioeconomic class This page was last edited on 22 January 2021, at 07:47 (UTC)

79. Full-fledged Corporatism, as a system for organizing the formulation and implementation of economic policies, requires the replacement of political representation according to area of residence by political representation according to position in the socioeconomic division of labor.

80. Sex, socioeconomic status, intelligence, a clinical symptom score, and an index of abnormal psychosocial situations as proposed by a recent WHO draft were studied as correlates of the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAFS), which comprises Axis V of theDSM-III-R.