Use "social class" in a sentence

1. There are no social class differences.

2. Access to it varies by social class.

3. There was also some correlation with social class.

4. Access to this information varies by social class.

5. Otis despised inherited wealth and social class.

6. Social class, Contextualism, and empathic accuracy Psychol Sci

7. Does this indicate the end of social class distinctions?

8. We regard health as inversely related to social class.

9. Social class 4 consists of semi-skilled manual occupations.

10. Social class matters a lot less than it used to.

11. Bourgeoisie - the social class between the lower and upper classes

12. There were some clear social class differences in their answers.

13. Casteism in Nepal is a centuries-old social class system

14. Old values are being grafted onto a new social class.

15. Social class is a major determinant of consumer spending patterns.

16. Its emphasis was more upon social class, rather than race.

17. Social inequality was measured by means of a social class index.

18. Scholars suggest that sexual capital is closely tied to social class.

19. The statistics show a clear link between social class and crime.

20. She said social class in America was largely decided by celebrity.

21. There is a clear link between social class and educational achievement.

22. But then where it says "low social class," that's unskilled manual occupations.

23. For Marx, social class was determined by and coterminous with, economic class.

24. There is little variation by sex or social class in these attitudes.

25. Booboisie (plural Booboisies) A social class made up of ignorant and uncultured people.

26. Social class systems divide people, resulting in envy, hatred, heartache, and much bloodshed.

27. These include illegitimacy, family breakdown and reconstitution, social class, unemployment, poverty, and ethnicity.

28. The Aristocracy is a social class that a particular society considers its highest order

29. Race, ethnicity, and the social class of our parents are examples of Ascribed statuses

30. Service in this position also allowed entry into the equestrian social class upon retirement.

31. There is considerable dispute over the precise definition of 'social class' as a term.

32. Wealth during industrialisation was no longer adequate as a distinguishing feature of social class.

33. 14 Market researchers often segment the population on the basis of age and social class.

34. Gifted children are not peculiar to one ethnic group or to a particular social class.

35. On the complex differences of social class, gender and ethnicity, Ramp ton was conspicuously silent.

36. Linear regression analysis on aggregate data (school level), controlling for gender, ethnicity, and social class.

37. Educational Attainment is one of the primary indicators of social class in the United States

38. This is after accounting for smoking, social class, diet, all those other known risk factors.

39. There was no association with social class or cigarette smoking as has been suggested elsewhere.

40. There is variation depending particularly on social class, household composition, and stage in the life cycle.

41. In many cases, the clothes people wear identify them as belonging to a particular social class.

42. • Parental education will be Confounded with social class and it is therefore important to consider them jointly

43. An Aristocracy is also a government ruled by or consisting of people of a high social class.

44. An Aristocracy is also a government ruled by or consisting of people of a high social class.

45. Famously in France’s Ancien Régime, the judges collectively acted as a close-knit, self-contained social class.

46. The passage which opens this chapter is an instance of a satirist attacking a higher social class.

47. All those patterns and differences can be qualified by taking account of age, gender and social class.

48. 18 The proportion of children passing Ordinary and Advanced level examinations is positively correlated with social class.

49. They are distinctive in style and colour, and indicate the caste, social class and region of the wearer.

50. For Christine, Classlessness is the consequence of compromise; a recognition of the tenuousness of her social class positioning

51. Social class inequalities, however, remain as strong as ever despite the enormous growth in education provision and expenditure.

52. The Ten Statements Test thus appears to reveal social class differences in self-concept of an unambiguous kind.

53. Nor have there been many recent sample-survey investigations of the relationship between social class and educational attainment.

54. These human-scale Contexts are lent order by the family’s cultural heritage, home language, race, and social class

55. 15 The passage which opens this chapter is an instance of a satirist attacking a higher social class.

56. The Bourgeoisie is the dominant social class within capitalist society that has risen to power in line with industrialization

57. Every social class except women was to be ranked on a hierarchical scale of importance and specialization of function.

58. Demographic studies have shown clearly that low social class or disadvantaged status is a potent predictor of school failure.

59. Bolivia - Bolivia - Daily life: Bolivian daily life is largely dependent on social class, economic status, and place of residence

60. By comparison, social class, the system of stratification in capitalist industrial society, provides an example of an open system.

61. Well-Bred definition is - having or displaying the politeness and good manners associated especially with people of high social class

62. 10 Demographic studies have shown clearly that low social class or disadvantaged status is a potent predictor of school failure.

63. This then influenced those of higher social class and of significant wealth to give diamond rings to their loved ones.

64. It has long been known in education circles that a clear correlation exists between social class background and examination success.

65. Video Chat offers a completely new standard of communication, combining Chat partners by interests, regardless of race and social class.

66. There continued to be striking regional and social class variations in infant mortality and in life expectancy at later ages.

67. People used to think that you could work only at those occupations your family or social class were supposed to do.

68. Dissertation Title: The Role of Aestheticized Markets in Contemporary Formations of Social Class and Gender MA, University of Rennes I, 2006

69. SOCIAL CLASS, SOLIPSISM, AND Contextualism 547 This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers

70. What does Bourgeoisie mean? The social class between the aristocracy or very wealthy and the working class, or proletariat; middle class

71. Social studies textbooks have only comparatively recently begun to include gender as an area of study alongside social class or ethnicity.

72. Bourgeoisie: 1 n the social class between the lower and upper classes Synonyms: middle class Types: petit bourgeois , petite Bourgeoisie , petty Bourgeoisie lower middle class (shopkeepers and clerical staff etc.) Type of: class , social class , socio-economic class , stratum people having the same social, economic, or educational status

73. This alone could not take into account the much finer distinctions that it is necessary to look at when determining social class.

74. One explanation is that there are social class differences of a more superficial kind which overlay the similarity in role-identification patterns.

75. (The ancient Hawaiian Chiefdoms had as many as four social classes.) An individual might change social class during a lifetime by extraordinary behavior.

76. In Britain, dropping your Aitches is considered by some to be a sign of a lack of education or of inferior social class

77. At the individual level they included race, gender, and social class as control variables, in addition to earlier academic and disciplinary problems, and absenteeism.

78. While the American social class system is a vaguely defined concept with many contradicting theories, educational Attainment emerges as one of the top assessments of

79. Bonding social capital is within a group or community whereas Bridging social capital is between social groups, social class, race, religion or other important sociodemographic or socioeconomic characteristics.

80. Booboisie: 1 n class consisting of all those who are considered boobs Type of: class , social class , socio-economic class , stratum people having the same social, economic, or educational status