Use "soaked" in a sentence

1. SoakBesplatter with any liquid soaked soaked in soaked in vinegar soaking soap soak in Latin English-Latin dictionary

2. Your clothes are soaked!

3. My shoes are soaked .

4. He was soaked with rain.

5. The blood soaked through the bandage.

6. The pelting rain soaked his clothes.

7. Her headscarf was already soaked through.

8. Blood soaked through the bandage.

9. His clothes are soaked in dribble.

10. I was soaked for that mistake.

11. Love soaked in paper, deduce sadness.

12. Their bodies were soaked in sweat.

13. Bunch of blood-soaked voodoo fanatics there.

14. The rain has soaked into the subsoil.

15. We got soaked to the skin.

16. I was soaked and very cold.

17. The sardines were soaked in brine.

18. My shirt was soaked in perspiration.

19. The water soaked into the soil.

20. They were soaked to the skin.

21. Our Congressman seems a bit soaked.

22. Blood had soaked through the bandage.

23. Blood had soaked through both bandages.

24. The ground soaked up the rain.

25. He woke up soaked with sweat.

26. 10 My shirt was soaked in perspiration.

27. He was soaked in sweat and shivering.

28. The rain had soaked through his coat.

29. Safely dispose of rags soaked with oil.

30. She soaked the dirty clothes in water.

31. Drizzling? Look at my clothes, they're soaked.

32. It is pouring rain, and we are soaked!

33. They reached Leighton Manor soaked and saddle-sore.

34. She soaked her dishcloth in some diluted disinfectant.

35. He soaked his stained shirt in hot water.

36. She's soaked to the skin in the rain.

37. The cloth is then soaked in blue dye.

38. 26 He soaked his stained shirt in hot water.

39. I soaked in the hot tub for an hour.

40. The champagne-soaked event took over the city's main thoroughfare.

41. Ajowan seeds are powdered, soaked in breast milk.

42. Don't stand out there: you'll get soaked through.

43. 27 Their fur became soaked with the dew.

44. SPECIFIC HAZARDS: Biodiesel soaked rags or spill absorbents (i.e

45. Asoak: In or into a soaked or soaking condition; thoroughly wet.

46. You're soaked! Did you get caught in the shower?

47. From the petrol-soaked armchair he aired his views.

48. The Compost should be moist, but not soaked and sodden

49. Residues (petroleum), steam-cracked, heat-soaked naphtha; Cracked gas oil

50. Sometimes the locusts were salted or soaked in vinegar or honey.

51. Drizzling rain soaked Hodgesaargh as he trudged back to the castle.

52. He moved on through wet grass that soaked his trouser legs.

53. The magnitude of the problem finally soaked into his mind.

54. 18 She put her finger to the soaked nylon mesh.

55. You'll get soaked if you go out in this rain.

56. Jane smelled of coriander and clay soaked by hard rain.

57. After swimming with my friends, our swimming trunks were soaked.

58. Seeds can also be soaked in water to soften the coat.

59. I've soaked these nuts overnight, these are almonds we're using today.

60. Did getting soaked in the rain make you a bit sad?

61. 19 The postman emerged from his van soaked to the skin.

62. Many buildings collapsed under the weight of rain-soaked ash and mud.

63. I've gotten my feet thoroughly soaked and feel frozen through and through.

64. He soaked a handkerchief in some tepid water and wiped her forehead.

65. Their heavy woolen pants and jackets, hideously ill-fitted, were soaked with sweat.

66. Someone puts a sponge soaked in sour wine to Jesus’ lips.

67. He was a sorry sight, soaked to the skin and shivering.

68. The wind had blown the rain in and soaked the carpet.

69. The crowds had been soaked and were now nicely drying out.

70. Netflix's sweat-soaked family drama Bloodline has had a somewhat rocky road

71. Drinking water in which jade has been soaked will strengthen your body.

72. So Brer Fox is tricked, Brer Rabbit escapes, and we get soaked

73. Caramelize The sugar is soaked with rum and set alight, melting and caramelizing.

74. Banaba leaf was traditionally soaked into a tea to relieve symptoms of UTI

75. I returned to the inn cold and wet, soaked through by the drizzling rain.

76. Chiles also lose a little bit of their spiciness when they are soaked

77. I tried wiping off a screwdriver handle with an Acetone soaked rag once.

78. 16 I've gotten my feet thoroughly soaked and feel frozen through and through.

79. 15 Gasping for breath, soaked and dishevelled, Duvall backed away from the doors.

80. The spontaneous combustion of the oil - soaked rags caused the barn to catch fire.