Use "so to speak" in a sentence

1. Borrowing it, so to speak.

2. Code of commerce, so to speak.

3. To get back to business, so to speak.

4. I unlocked the secret, so to speak.

5. He is, so to speak, an upstart.

6. Why do you speak to me so casually?

7. The babies, so to speak, are helplessly powerful.

8. So I will have the chance to speak?

9. So every country will have a slot to speak.

10. Such divisions are not, so to speak, purely academic.

11. He speak so clearly as not to is misunderstand.

12. What the dickens, so to speak, was he to do?

13. Bayed: to speak so as to be heard at a distance.

14. Leese had never let the Huey relax, so to speak.

15. Call: to speak so as to be heard at a distance.

16. Kindly but firmly put on the brakes, so to speak.

17. They are, so to speak, medications or courses of treatment.

18. The new procedures have been officially christened, so to speak.

19. Called: to speak so as to be heard at a distance.

20. Baying: to speak so as to be heard at a distance.

21. Accessorizing is the jewelry of the outfit so to speak

22. And speak to her like a dummy so she'll eat.

23. Being in charge of a lethal weapon, so to speak.

24. We have to pull down the barriers, so to speak, of poverty.

25. He is, so to speak, a bit too cruel to his wife.

26. She was his favorite and could speak to him so impudently.

27. (Acts 4:5-13) What enabled them to speak so boldly?

28. The Autobiographies were our way of coming clean, so to speak

29. Matthew was elated, so pleased he couldn't speak.

30. She is so proud that she will not condescend to speak to us.

31. The 8 successful trips so far speak volumes.

32. She is so proud that she will not Condescend to speak to us

33. They were just shooting off to town so we didn't stop to speak.

34. Other than that, the world was my artistic oyster, so to speak.

35. It is however, of immense importance, so to speak, from another angle.

36. The principal Bullfighter is the star of the show, so to speak

37. 17 I don't speak Greek so Dina offered to translate for me.

38. Beauty is nature's way of acting at a distance, so to speak.

39. Reply to Abatua : I speak native Spanish, so I would also like to help

40. Are you telling me you're frightened to speak to her? Don't be so pathetic!

41. Try to see the sights, hear the sounds, smell the aromas, so to speak.

42. His ambition for Approbation sets bounds and limits to his ambition, so to speak

43. She didn't speak loudly because she was so shy.

44. To the beneficiary, as to the inferior, a certain feeling (so to speak) of Bashfulness

45. As you speak, do you seem to be doing so without facial movement?

46. She couldn't speak much English so her children had to interpret for her.

47. 10 Evidently, the chariot stops so that its Rider may speak to Ezekiel.

48. 19 So Bath-sheʹba went in to King Solʹo·mon to speak to him for Ad·o·niʹjah.

49. All that heat is then locked, so to speak, in the water vapor.

50. Divorce was so common, marital happiness so important, that it was boorish and backward to speak against it.

51. She is so near to me that it almost seems indelicate to speak of her.

52. This is a simple test to get me going, to "prime the pump," so to speak.

53. 26 Perry's agitation was so great he could hardly speak.

54. As a man’s heart is, so does he speak. 

55. It ill Behoves you to (= You should not) speak so rudely of your parents

56. If this happens then the parents have the right of way, so to speak.

57. So why did James speak of such things among Christians?

58. I so seldom get a chance to... speak my mind or air my dreams.

59. (1 Timothy 2:4) We can use the correct fishing gear, so to speak.

60. Meg is so prim she won't let me speak to him when we pass.

61. These men, he said, were, so to speak, “indulging in dreams.”—Jude 4, 8.

62. (Titus 1:13) Even so, overseers must take pains never to speak unkindly to the congregation.

63. Let us now break down the various stages of Bruising colors so to speak: Red

64. Well, I speak the most Italian, so I'll be your escort.

65. Patients with cancer, I believe, die from a negative state of stress so to speak.

66. To eliminate the ecological debt caused by man, God will rebalance the ecological budget, so to speak.

67. Cultural Conceptualisations enable the members of a cultural group to think, so to speak, in one mind

68. Well, line 1 declares, so to speak, a variable called n and initializes its value to zero.

69. To be encouraging means to speak or act so as to increase the confidence and hope of another.

70. He rolled up his sleeve, so to speak, to work at bringing them back to their beloved homeland.

71. And these are percentages versus the original state, so to speak, the pre- industrial era, 1750.

72. And these are percentages versus the original state, so to speak, the pre-industrial era, 1750.

73. The cherry on the top, so to speak, is that it also an Alkalizing food choice

74. The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life.

75. We can’t speak to them, and they can’t speak to us.

76. My native language is Franch, so I speak Japanese after a fashion.

77. Country Bumpkins tend to speak in terms of social overtones indicative of pre-civil rights America and characteristically speak in offensive terms without knowledge of doing so.

78. Notifications to speak

79. Bespeak (v.) Old English besprecan "speak about, speak against, complain," from be-+ sprecan "to speak" (see speak (v.))

80. A word’s Connotation is the emotional baggage, so to speak, that it has acquired through popular usage