Use "sniffing" in a sentence

1. Sniffing sniffing sniffing at her passage through the house, an enraged fascination with the intoxicating trail.

2. I observed the doctor sniffing and sniffing, like someone tasting a bad egg.

3. Their books , ' Soluble Problems ' and ' Sniffing Solutions ' , cover practical responses to solvent sniffing .

4. I said, sniffing the food intently, sniffing the air like an alert rodent.

5. His constant sniffing annoys me.

6. Dogs love sniffing each other.

7. Stop sniffing! Use your handkerchief.

8. A dog was sniffing round my heels.

9. We don't want journalists sniffing around.

10. Stop sniffing and blow your nose.

11. His habit of sniffing loudly really disgusted her.

12. 7 Hollywood agents have been sniffing around him.

13. Glue sniffing can be just as harmful.

14. Sniffing glue is injurious to your health.

15. The dog was sniffing at the carpet.

16. Glue Sniffing —Can It Really Hurt Me?

17. Sniffing around here like a hound dog.

18. The dog was sniffing the lamp-post.

19. He took to drinking and sniffing glue.

20. Hollywood agents have been sniffing around him.

21. and you have caused a sniffing at it.”

22. Journalists are good at sniffing out a scandal.

23. We've all seen dogs sniffing each other's Butts

24. Rex, the dog, was sniffing at the carpet.

25. Does sniffing too many scents desensitize your nose?

26. 5 Sniffing glue is injurious to your health.

27. I stand on the balcony, sniffing the dawn air.

28. I became an expert at sniffing out potential humiliation.

29. They all had colds and were sniffing and sneezing.

30. For some young people, sniffing is a pleasurable activity.

31. Because they derive a high from sniffing toluene, a chemical solvent.

32. A few computer firms are sniffing at the project already.

33. The dog was rushing around excitedly, sniffing at the ground.

34. 1 They all had colds and were sniffing and sneezing.

35. We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.

36. We stole and used drugs, mainly sniffing thinner or glue.

37. Officers were aided in the search by drug-sniffing dogs.

38. Why, then, is solvent sniffing so appealing to some youths?

39. After the blood, comes the boys sniffing, slobbering like dogs.

40. The very idea of sniffing glue is repellent to me.

41. “My brother got me interested in sniffing glue,” says young David.

42. You were sniffing a lot - I presumed you had a cold.

43. Glue is just one of many substances that some youths are sniffing, though.

44. 27 We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and sneezing.

45. I just don't want them to come sniffing in my other pockets.

46. You find things to admire where you shouldn't be sniffing at all.

47. You low-down, dirty, mangy, filthy, flea-bitten, bum-sniffing toilet drinker!

48. Sniffing solvents damages the liver and kidneys and quite often leads to death.

49. The other eye looked like he'd been sniffing glue since he was four."

50. But are just caviling crities or dogs sniffing around, aren't you?

51. and you have caused a sniffing at it,’ Jehovah of armies has said.

52. Drugs( ), glue sniffing and under-age drinking are prevalent amongst the older teenagers.

53. Use him to scare the bark nuts off any Rover that comes sniffing around.

54. Gesner, sniffing the advance of his adoring fans, suddenly became smug and rather patronizing.

55. He, the gangling lad, always head and shoulders above his classmates and always sniffing.

56. • Gesner, sniffing the advance of his Adoring fans, suddenly became smug and rather patronizing

57. The first signs noted in baby pigs affected with this condition are sneering and sniffing.

58. Once I was sniffing glue in the living room when the cops raided our house.

59. I checked the half-and-half in my little refrigerator, sniffing at the carton spout.

60. She held up her face to the pale sunshine, sniffing ecstatically at the salt air.

61. He crawled from print to print, sniffing at the earth, following the scent left in the tracks.

62. New Botulinum Toxin Deemed Deadliest Substance Ever: Sniffing 13-Billionths Of A Gram Can Kill

63. Chief executive David Prosser said the takeover speculation was wrong and no one was sniffing around.

64. sniffing alone or in dangerous places , such as railway embankments and by canals , can be more risky .

65. In this Jarman sits, Prospero-like, sniffing flowers as if grasping at a memory of happier times.

66. 27 Anabolic steroids, a controlled substance in the United States since 19 are not detectable by drug-sniffing canines.

67. 25 Women may be better at sniffing out biologically relevant information underarm sweat a US study suggests.

68. You may know some peers who have tried solvent sniffing, and it is only natural to be curious.

69. since many of these products are inflammable there is fire risk , especially when youngsters combine sniffing and smoking .

70. Sounds to me like the guy would've had a dog sniffing up his ass before he got on the plane.

71. When I had to go away to university, I was convinced that other men would be sniffing round her.

72. The men at City Hall, sniffing at anything too ideological(sentencedict .com), insist that big cuts are just not practical.

73. Sense of smell is also strong, and the serow can be observed raising its head and sniffing the air around it.

74. A female bus passenger kept the explosives covered with an acid-dipped cloth to prevent inspection sniffing dogs from sensing it.

75. B: The ear and sternal notch are aligned, with the face parallel to the ceiling (in the sniffing position), opening the Airway

76. Abusers often disrupt the process by crushing or chewing pills, by crushing and sniffing them, or by dissolving them in water and injecting them.

77. An alcoholic pilot who has developed a fear of flying is the center of this film where food poisoning Befalls passengers, glue sniffing occurs, 3

78. Whenever it comes up to the midpoint, it pauses, it carefully scans the odor interface as if it was sniffing out its environment, and then it turns around.

79. Extreme repetitive Behaviors such as hand-flapping, body-rocking, skin-picking, and sniffing are common to a number of brain disorders including autism, schizophrenia, Huntington’s disease, and

80. When your puppy is not confined, be alert to signs that it needs to relieve itself, such as an abrupt stop of play, circling and sniffing, and running out of the room.