Use "smiled" in a sentence

1. Ma smiled.

2. He smiled with relief.

3. The children smiled shyly.

4. The nurse smiled blandly.

5. Deirdre smiled her acquiescence.

6. She smiled in assent.

7. Burl lves always smiled.

8. She smiled again, prettily.

9. She smiled with evident relief.

10. To her astonishment, he smiled.

11. She smiled a contented smile.

12. Granny smiled an affable smile.

13. She smiled archly at him.

14. She smiled at him tantalizingly.

15. She smiled at him lovingly.

16. He smiled compassionately at her.

17. 17 The receptionist smiled politely.

18. Sir Henry smiled rather wryly.

19. He smiled sweetly at her.

20. She smiled affectionately at him.

21. She smiled knowingly at us.

22. He smiled, unsullied by doubt.

23. She smiled a snotty smile.

24. She smiled weakly at them.

25. She smiled at him approvingly.

26. Father smiled his approval [ approbation ].

27. She smiled with saccharine sweetness.

28. She smiled at me gratefully.

29. She smiled benevolently at me.

30. She smiled appreciatively at him.

31. He smiled weakly at reporters.

32. She smiled at him seductively.

33. He smiled with jovial condescension.

34. He smiled at me impishly.

35. 13 The doctor smiled reassuringly.

36. Her wan, scornful mouth smiled.

37. She smiled sweetly at him.

38. She smiled shyly at him.

39. The manager smiled most blandly.

40. She smiled Appreciatively at him

41. He smiled, his eyes crinkling.

42. She smiled knowingly at him.

43. He smiled and a swig.

44. Mayli just smiled thinly, weakly.

45. Carla smiled confidently at the cameras.

46. He smiled his nice, crinkly smile.

47. Connors stepped away and smiled pleasantly.

48. He studied her thoughtfully, then smiled.

49. He smiled, trying to placate me.

50. She smiled falsely at his joke.

51. 1 She smiled at him brazenly.

52. Mary Ann smiled at her gamely.

53. The girl bitter and astringent smiled.

54. He smiled at them both impartially.

55. He smiled at these consoling words.

56. I smiled to hide my unease.

57. He smiled boyishly, crinkling his eyes.

58. She smiled approvingly at the child.

59. He smiled his nice Crinkly smile

60. He smiled vaguely at the ceiling.

61. Paula smiled, enjoying her sister's discomfort.

62. The face smiled benignly at him.

63. They smiled uncertainly at one another.

64. 19 She smiled at him innocently.

65. He smiled and took a swig.

66. He smiled boyishly at his fiancee.

67. The man smiled, revealing perfect white teeth.

68. She smiled impishly and didn't look up.

69. He smiled and bowed obsequiously to Winger.

70. He smiled down into her upturned face .

71. 6 She smiled serenely and said nothing.

72. They were smiled at and entertained everywhere.

73. She smiled again in a friendly manner.

74. She smiled a knowing, somewhat melancholy smile.

75. She smiled, but privately she was furious.

76. Watson smiled at the man's unfaltering courage.

77. I just smiled benignly and stood back.

78. My mother tilted her head and smiled.

79. John smiled faintly and shook his head.

80. But then this baby smiled at me.