Use "slums" in a sentence

1. A Beggarly existence in the slums.

2. in-situ up gradation of slums;

3. Slums are often causative of crime.

4. Kibera is one of Africa's largest slums.

5. Overcrowded slums are breeding grounds for crime.

6. There are no state schools in slums.

7. 8 Overcrowded slums are breeding grounds for crime.

8. What will happen to homelessness, slums, and bad neighborhoods?

9. Give them the slums, burlesque shows, riveting machines.

10. And Paradise could not include slums or poverty.

11. She declaimed against the high rents in slums.

12. That's one billion people in the world live in slums.

13. These historic buildings have been allowed to degenerate into slums.

14. So did the government's unapologetic and violent demolition of slums.

15. Bring infrastructure to the favelas, to the slums, wherever you are.

16. The movement started with a school for boys in the slums.

17. Slums gradually spread like ringworm over the face of the city.

18. Find me the tallest building in the slums... or directly adjacent.

19. More than half residential levels here are classed as slums.

20. 5 The misery and wretchedness of those slums is intolerable.

21. The distant workers who supported this wealth lived in noisome slums.

22. Street Arabs are produced by slums and not by original sin.

23. As a social worker, she does a lot of work in slums.

24. That is the reason why heroin run rampant in American crowded slums.

25. This whole area used to be slums when I was a boy.

26. The first thing that we did was walk through the slums.

27. The slums built during the Industrial Revolution soon became unfit for human habitation.

28. 6 These slums are an epitaph to the housing policy of the 1960s.

29. Many have to manage with makeshift dwellings in shantytowns and city slums.

30. Her childhood was spent in the squalid slums east of the city.

31. That's why drug dealers, police officers and militians... kill so many in the slums.

32. Slums or poorer residential and industrial quarters have not been extensively excavated in Mesopotamia.

33. We walked through these slums, identified houses where children would never go to school.

34. There were no masses of poor crushed together in fetid slums, scrabbling for every crust.

35. Of, relating to, or befitting a beggar; very poor: a Beggarly existence in the slums

36. The public housing units have frequently become slums and hotbeds of crime, especially juvenile delinquency.

37. Registered slums (Bustees): these slums are recognized by the Calcutta Municipal Corporation (CMC) on the basis of land title; since 1980, they have been taken over by the CMC for letting/lease to slum dwellers

38. 23 It hasn't escaped my notice that you've gone from five-star hotels to virtual slums.

39. Brasilia would be without the colonial legacy, without baroque and classical architecture, without slums

40. Synonyms for Bustees include slums, ghettos, hovels, favelas, purlieus, rookeries, shanties and skid rows

41. He lived in slums and public hospitals, and spent his days drinking absinthe in Paris cafes.

42. There are no slums, and no discernible wealth, just an equal distribution of what looks like poverty.

43. But land reform could create the jobs which poor people from rural areas seek in city slums.

44. he said the state just sold the majority share of the slums to Esperanto Security Company.

45. 17 In the suburbs the spacious houses stand in stark contrast to the slums of the city's poor.

46. General Booth's Salvationist doctrine was a notable example, recommending mass emigration from the city slums to virgin colonial territories.

47. You know, by the way, there are two million people in Bangalore, who live in 800 slums.

48. In the suburbs the spacious houses stand in stark contrast to the slums of the city's poor.

49. They must have contracted them from bacteria transported from the teeming insanitary slums on the other side of town.

50. 17 A single nun, working in an unorthodox manner in the slums, made some of the local clergy distinctly uncomfortable.

51. ECONOMIST: Reshaping local government Approximately half of the city's 13m population (part of a 20m Conurbation) lives in the slums

52. Aphelia or the Slums follows Behemoth in terms level progression and has a level 30 minimum requirement to enter

53. As my tour progressed, I would see these instant slums spring up outside every town and village I passed.

54. Since she wished to work in the slums, some medical training was essential, to which Mother Teresa readily agreed.

55. I had grown up in the slums, been in detention once myself, and rescued my father from the ‘drunk tank.’

56. As a consequence, private schools flourished, from the very expensive to the shantytown schools run by women in the slums.

57. Similar disasters are scattered piecemeal all over Britain, on bomb sites and over the slums they were built to clear.

58. Just as the slums, squalor and muddle of towns and cities could be overcome by planning, so could social evils.

59. I was born in the slums of Nasaf, where I lived if I fought and I clawed for it.

60. He lived in the slums of Accra with a caretaker, who gave him food and a place to sleep.

61. 9 King tried moving into a slum to dramatize the housing crisis, but Chicagoans already knew about the slums.

62. This accounts for the high rate of infant mortality in the slums where almost half of the city ' s population lives . "

63. 16 Most law-abiding citizens obeyed it but not so the denizens of the slums, stinking alleys and runnels of Edinburgh.

64. 13 A single nun, working in an unorthodox manner in the slums, made some of the local clergy distinctly uncomfortable.

65. Most law-abiding citizens obeyed it but not so the denizens of the slums, stinking alleys and runnels of Edinburgh.

66. They were settled in barracks at the outskirts of the city, giving rise to slums such as Bolshaya Nakhalovka, Malaya Nakhalovka, and others.

67. 4 People living in slums due for redevelopment would normally expect to be rehoused on rambling estates around the periphery of the city.

68. This paper aims to understand why and how young Muslim women pursue sexual relationships in the urban Bustees (slums) of Kolkata, West Bengal, India

69. People living in slums due for redevelopment would normally expect to be rehoused on rambling estates around the periphery of the city.

70. This paper aims to understand why and how young Muslim women pursue sexual relationships in the urban Bustees (slums) of Kolkata, West Bengal, India

71. Benga was for a long time regarded as the music of the lower classes— the subaltern Luo living in the rural areas and urban slums

72. He was actually living in the Kibera slums when his father called him and told him about Artemisia and the value-add potential.

73. In the slums and in the earthquake survivor camps of Port-au-Prince, people live in crowded insanitary conditions where the disease can spread quickly.

74. In SimCity 3000, land value creates very distinct neighborhoods which tend to contain narrow income bands, creating well-defined slums, middle class areas, and wealthy areas.

75. What little remuneration workers receive must first pay the often exorbitant rents on substandard accommodations, possibly in the sprawling slums that surround the towns.

76. Slums are an imperfect housing solution, but they are also prime examples of the innovation, adaptability and resilience at the foundation -- and the heart -- of every functional city.

77. In Conformity with the provisions of the Act, the Government has made large sums of money available for the purpose of clearing slums and erecting low-rent dwellings

78. 1 Past Timeline 2 Season 4 3 Trivia 4 Affinity 5 Dialogues Ante is a demon from the slums, she would often scavenge from place to place looking for hidden treasures

79. It applied Christian ethics to social problems, especially issues of social justice such as economic inequality, poverty, alcoholism, crime, racial tensions, slums, unclean environment, child labor, inadequate labor unions, poor schools, and the danger of war.

80. Population density in India’s mega-cities is as high as 10,000 people per square kilometer, and can match that level even in second- and third-tier cities, as slums mushroom to accommodate large-scale migration from rural areas.