Use "slaves" in a sentence

1. Two slaves were commended and were called “good and faithful” slaves.

2. Slaves are wealth, Commander.

3. For Slaves and Servants

4. These slaves are rotten.

5. The slaves were enfranchised.

6. Slaves were emancipated in 18

7. The slaves feared their master.

8. The slaves yearned for freedom.

9. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.

10. Abraham Lincoln manumited the slaves.

11. It's the only thing impresses slaves.

12. 5 Slaves must obey their master.

13. The clubs are for the slaves.

14. More slaves taken afoot approach gate.

15. I do not trade in slaves.

16. Before the late 1700s, many Abolitionists were currently slaves themselves or were former slaves who had gained their freedom.

17. The Yunkish train bed slaves, not soldiers.

18. Do former slaves or Dothraki or dragons?

19. The slaves slew their master with swords.

20. Slaves mumble, workers grumble and students mutter.

21. You know, freed the slaves, great beard.

22. The slaves writhed under the master's whip.

23. They did their best to liberate slaves.

24. Peru freed its black slaves in 1854.

25. Furthermore, Jehovah provided guidelines to protect slaves.

26. To protect slaves, I have a plan.

27. It took the slaves and the downtrodden.

28. 13 Slaves work by compulsion, not by choice.

29. Poor people, prisoners, even slaves, could be free.

30. Some have even become slaves to riches. —Matt.

31. 22 The slaves were treated with sickening cruelty.

32. After that date, fugitive slaves would head north.

33. Lot tells her that owning slaves is evil.

34. All three slaves waited for the master’s return.

35. 3 Slaves work by compulsion, not by choice.

36. The colonists encountered the problem with runaway slaves.

37. What is needed to become “slaves to righteousness”?

38. Welcome to the Valley of Slaves, Your Highness.

39. My Dominus inflicted many wounds upon his slaves.

40. Slaves, however, may be. and sometimes are mirthful.

41. Maybe we free the kids and keep the slaves.

42. The master had made no appointment with his slaves.

43. Forros, descendants of freed slaves when slavery was abolished.

44. That war preserved the Union and emancipated the slaves.

45. Slaves were enfranchised in the mid - 19 th century.

46. 17 Slaves were mercilessly ground down by slave holders.

47. Time for me to row with the other slaves.

48. Especially the slaves who have to make the tea.

49. With so many slaves, you could build... an army.

50. They become tyrants, they make slaves of their people.

51. The slaves were kept in bondage until their death.

52. The slaves got freedom after the abolition of slavery.

53. And make sure to watch our 3-Part-Series on Racist Muslim Arabs Barbarizing Black Slaves in Africa and Farrakhan’s Betrayal of Black Slaves:

54. I came back here and freed all the slaves.

55. Whites abandoned their plantations, leaving behind about 10,000 slaves.

56. Bondmen are slaves who work for as long as

57. Black slaves never numbered more than about a dozen.

58. Private secretaries (often slaves) were retained by the wealthy.

59. 1808 – The United States bans the importation of slaves.

60. Slaver used to ship slaves from Africa to America.

61. During the Civil War, he aided newly emancipated slaves.

62. Ancestral head of a family of Nethinim temple slaves.

63. and as slaves, you will play to the death!

64. Two slaves, sent from Remus to take my life.

65. The Israelites were forced to work hard as slaves.

66. What's the law for free slaves in the North?

67. The slaves were fluting the pillars of the temples.

68. However, slaves worked in households rather than production-related activities.

69. The girls step into litters carried by some burly slaves.

70. Slaves were not emancipated until 1863 in the United States.

71. The cruel master beat his slaves mercilessly with a whip.

72. In 1862 the American slaves won their struggle for freedom.

73. 24 He was put on trial with two other slaves.

74. However, these slaves had to pay the Company every year -- usually in the form of grain, furs, or wampum -- and their children were considered "full slaves."

75. How can we avoid becoming slaves of today’s commercial world?

76. No different to the ones we suffered beneath as slaves.

77. Christ, Lincoln freed the slaves, what, like, 130 years ago?

78. Among African slaves, Catholicism was the religion of the majority.

79. At first, the Benne plant was grown in slaves’ gardens.

80. These slaves have already cost us a thousand million sesterces.