Use "skeptical" in a sentence

1. I`m skeptical?

2. She was Belligerently skeptical.

3. I was skeptical at first.

4. Others are skeptical of that interpretation.

5. He was humane and yet skeptical.

6. Many people today are skeptical of commitment.

7. Synonyms: gullible antonyms: inCredulous, skeptical similar words:

8. 14 All were conquering the skeptical city.

9. Even the stock market is becoming skeptical.

10. And he says, "But I have become skeptical.

11. Was the person timid, skeptical, annoyed, or busy?

12. I'm somewhat skeptical you will appreciate it but...

13. Even in our modern, skeptical age, Satanism still flourishes.

14. Where People Are Skeptical About God and the Bible:

15. But others, more skeptical, put her age at fifty.

16. Even some skeptical out-of-towners adopt the practice.

17. The neo - Keynesiano are skeptical of the new claim.

18. For this reason, the skeptical approach is often preferred.

19. And once, actually, just as skeptical of the supernatural.

20. Nevertheless the correspondents in the press pool were skeptical.

21. Note: The term inCredulous means disinclined to believe, skeptical

22. When you hear a statistic, you might feel skeptical.

23. Fans became skeptical of the motivations behind this decision.

24. What does Antiskeptic mean? One who opposes a skeptical viewpoint

25. But some are quite skeptical of some of his initiatives.

26. If anything, his question revealed his skeptical or cynical attitude.

27. John Stuart Mill was particularly skeptical about the democratic process.

28. Now, I was fascinated, but at the same time, skeptical.

29. College officials were said to be skeptical about her accusations.

30. Some commentators are skeptical about what your generation will accomplish.

31. Baz acknowledged that U.S. officials were skeptical about his proposals.

32. Others may not entirely deny God’s existence, but they become skeptical.

33. I am rather skeptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.

34. The three faiths all taught profoundly skeptical views of human existence.

35. They are skeptical about how much will be accomplished by legislation.

36. Blake was skeptical, wondering if it were really an evil spirit.

37. The society also views those who constantly change jobs with skeptical eyes.

38. As regards religion, however, many people have become skeptical, some even hostile.

39. However, doctors skeptical of the annual physical may be in the minority.

40. Much of the international media was skeptical of prospects for Singapore's survival.

41. However, when she introduced the Bible into the discussion, he seemed skeptical.

42. It will take a lot to convince the increasingly skeptical American public.

43. The mental shortcut skips the skeptical thinking that leads to " freebie duation. "

44. Kroto spoke at CSICon 2011, a convention "dedicated to scientific inquiry and critical thinking" organized by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry in association with Skeptical Inquirer magazine and the Center for Inquiry.

45. You understand why I might be skeptical, considering it's you telling me this.

46. Biehn was originally skeptical about the part, feeling that the film was silly.

47. I'm skeptical about the Biotransformation as well, but wanted to give it a try

48. Skeptical thinking allows people to construct, understand, reason, and recognize valid and invalid arguments.

49. He is also skeptical about the value of his duty: The tunnels were interesting.

50. And then we were really skeptical, because it was too good to be true.

51. Property developers were skeptical, and this hampered both product acceptance and job-creation efforts.

52. These experiences left him skeptical of the ostensible benefits of closing the glass subsidiary.

53. The most conservative justice, Antonin Scalia, was skeptical and asked both prosecutors tough questions.

54. Some voters are skeptical about the DPJ's ability to turn such talk into action.

55. The Renaissance did much to expand the scope of free thought and skeptical inquiry.

56. I have to admit that I was a little skeptical of Couchsurfing at first glance

57. Why be skeptical when I could be eating a free dinner at a fancy restaurant?

58. Traditional economists are skeptical of the experimental and survey-based techniques that behavioral economics uses extensively.

59. However, the founding EEC members remained skeptical regarding Ireland's economic capacity, neutrality, and unattractive protectionist policy.

60. Many professionals are also skeptical that blebs or Bullae can cause Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax (PSP)

61. Clatteran's replacement water filters are an exact fit! I was skeptical before buying, now I'm convinced

62. He is skeptical about estimates that some may pay more than $ 000 to rent his home.

63. Those who are skeptical will be captivated by the treatment of recent scientific discoveries and concepts.

64. They may recognize that faith has a good effect on some, but they themselves remain profoundly skeptical.

65. But ancient astronaut theorists remain convinced that there is more here than what meets the skeptical eye.

66. [citation needed] Adages may be interesting observations, ethical rules, or skeptical comments on life in general

67. He was still skeptical of the film's success, even with enthusiastic reports from Ladd and the studio.

68. Gretchen juglandaceous skeptical can you carisoprodol online and hit Apotheosises soma herbal smoke implacably permanent or Cuban

69. Since arriving in the New World, the good people of Lake Wobegon have been skeptical of progress.

70. 4 Many householders are somewhat reserved or skeptical when we try to converse with them at the door.

71. The girls hurried home to tell their skeptical parents, who reluctantly provided the necessary dresses, gloves and veils.

72. Some researchers are skeptical, however, that this could be enough to affect large waves in the open ocean.

73. Training and Coups There are other reasons to be skeptical of the foreign-training-causes-Coups hypothesis

74. This girl was less active and was a bit skeptical about having a spiritual experience in the woods.

75. Despite my skeptical nature, I consented to studying the Bible with Roger, a Witness of my own age.

76. The authors are skeptical of the Anglosphere as a political project or replacement for membership in the European Union.

77. Dole was warmly received by his fellow veterans, but several said they were skeptical of his economic plan.

78. But analysts were skeptical of the shifting calendar explanation, especially with the standout performance of some industry giants.

79. 3 Today, however, it is fashionable to be skeptical about everything: customs, ideas, morals, even the existence of God.

80. Who is to say that the true saint might not remain as skeptical as I have been since birth?