Use "sizeable" in a sentence

1. - Sizeable labor force and favorable demographics.

2. A rather sizeable contingent moved out.

3. During 1990 they rose to a sizeable four million.

4. Manufacturing accounts for a sizeable share of employment.

5. Waste Management leads, but faces several sizeable competitors.

6. Another point worth noting is that the absolute values are sizeable.

7. Educational level has a sizeable direct effect on income.

8. This was still a sizeable amount of text to process manually.

9. A sizeable chunk of the costs gone straight away.

10. Calke also has quite a sizeable herd of deer too.

11. Harry inherited the house and a sizeable chunk of land.

12. Outside, a sizeable iron drive-wheel projects through the front wall.

13. The internal demand was dull and the mills had to carry sizeable stocks .

14. She donated a sizeable portion of her riches to children's charities.

15. Affixed verbs ending in -Aigh form a sizeable number of second-conjugation verbs

16. Some top players like TCS and Wipro already have a sizeable market share.

17. There was one sizeable exception: that of a body thrown, a projectile.

18. Alphabets are manually pre-digitized embroidery lettering fonts in re-sizeable format

19. Part - time students make up a sizeable proportion of the college population.

20. The province's sizeable French-speaking population is forced to attend English schools until 1970.

21. Most regions in Spain and Portugal qualify for sizeable development grants from the EU.

22. Despite the sizeable potential, concerns related to reliability, security, and interoperability are hindering uptake levels.

23. Income from tourism accounts for a sizeable proportion of the area's total income.

24. Alcoholic beverages face greater access issues, being strictly controlled and charged with sizeable excise rates.

25. Although the endowments King Henry made were sizeable, they offered Edward little independence.

26. More than 10 houses were burnt and a sizeable number of cattle stolen.

27. Earnings from the sale of this electricity account for a sizeable percentage of Bhutan's revenues.

28. The Copts have remained a sizeable and influential population in Egypt into modern times.

29. the Inspectors found that those bodies accumulated sizeable unspent balances in the PSC accounts.

30. A sizeable reservoir of homosexuality, which had been held in abeyance, suddenly stirred in the town.

31. Just having one calf a year to sell instead of a sizeable number like most farmers.

32. The Cabinet closed ranks behind him and a sizeable proportion of his back-benchers followed suit.

33. Besides falling activity, fiscal developments reflect an accommodative policy response with the implementation of sizeable stimulus measures.

34. My eyes fell instead on Idi, his back taking up a sizeable portion of the first pew.

35. Bishoprics were in the royal gift and, as sizeable landed endowments, they were like fiefs.

36. Some 60m pieces of diamond jewellery are sold every year, indicating a sizeable target audience.

37. The decision will enhance domestic oil & gas production, bring substantial investment in the sector and generate sizeable employment.

38. 30 My eyes fell instead on Idi, his back taking up a sizeable portion of the first pew.

39. The Bolthole is an amazing apartment with sizeable and well-equipt rooms, perfect for a getaway

40. The 2013 fiscal deficit was 41⁄2 percent of GDP, and the government accumulated sizeable expenditure arrears.

41. WRC-03 agreed on world-wide primary allocations to the mobile service of a sizeable amount of spectrum

42. SUMMARY The single market has generated a sizeable growth in demand for both passenger and goods transport.

43. In addition, a sizeable number of Thai labour continues to lack income security and social security coverage.

44. Since such transactions account for sizeable percentage of transaction volume, it will help to move towards a less cash economy.

45. Barcelona's star-studded squad includes the irrepressible Lionel Messi and a sizeable chunk of the all-conquering Spanish national side.

46. I see Scribners is bringing out both the novels, and has a sizeable publicity campaign on the stocks.

47. These buyback operations are sizeable and play a strategic role in maintaining an active new-issue bond program.

48. • Most stay-at-home women are Roman Catholics, although a sizeable percentage indicate that they are atheists or agnostics

49. An influx of English and Irish labourers, plus the sizeable British garrison stationed in the island, led to rapid Anglicisation.

50. Two sizeable gifts were presented to Symington shortly after the governor removed heads of state agencies whose policies had displeased business interests.

51. Sylvanas, lacking sizeable forces, used one of her banshees to possess Blackthorn, who then commanded his bandits to serve Sylvanas

52. Sincere believers contributing to charities are perhaps unaware that a sizeable portion of the funds go to fund terrorist activities and terrorist outfits.

53. On aggregate, the sizeable forecasting errors have been associated with a tendency for very substantial over-estimation of payments by Member State.

54. Is a modern sizeable enterprise which specializes in production of all kinds of ceiling grid, partition joist, PVC ceiling joist and sprayed joist.

55. A number of Swiss companies which are practically household names in India have a sizeable presence including Nestle, Novartis, ABB, Alstom, Sulger and so on.

56. Having captivating glimpses and sizeable languages help this ornamental typeface comes into the Cognizances of some eager designers before arranging a creative design

57. There was some concern about the fire at the customs sheds as they contained a sizeable store of explosives, but no explosion occurred.

58. (175) As regards the market for SiC abrasive grains, Orkla-Exolon and Navarro are the only sizeable competitors that produce crude crystallized SiC themselves.

59. You own the Palace Royale Casino. You're one of the city's leading philanthropists. And according to my sources, you're the matriarch to a rather sizeable drug trafficking empire.

60. Without Belaboring arguments that I made in previous columns (that a bond sale was ill-advised and unnecessary), let’s consider these upcoming sizeable and unexpected riches for the state.

61. Current drugs are only effective in Alleviating some of the symptoms, can lead to troubling side effects and are ineffective in a sizeable minority of cases.

62. What are the most popular housing types in Belfry, MT? The sizeable proportion of single detached homes in the housing stock of Belfry is an important part of its character

63. What are the most popular housing types in Appalachia, VA? The sizeable proportion of single detached homes in the housing stock of Appalachia is an important part of its character

64. In the past few years, the base has grown into a sizeable town, sustaining itself behind its 20km (13-mile) fortified perimeter like a city state of old.

65. They expressed the view that there is a need to significantly increase the number of tariff lines in the PTA, so that the coverage of the Agreement could be expanded to a sizeable level.

66. The sizeable but inefficient Children of the Iroquoisian economy, worth 4.90 trillion Baccies a year, is fairly diversified and led by the Trout Farming industry, with significant contributions from Woodchip Exports, Book Publishing, and Door-to …

67. The fishing dock in vanilla Banished is a little underwhelming and rarely pulls in enough to feed a sizeable village but thanks to these handy little Fishing Dock mods, you can finally feed the

68. (9) Yet at the onset of Coeducation in 1997, VMI's formerly all-white student body included a sizeable minority of men who self-identified as Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, American Indian, Alaskan Native, biracial, and multiracial.

69. Cupping embodies a frustration experienced by many professionals in our industry: There are many therapists attending courses to properly use this massage Cupping technique; however, there is a sizeable population willing to use Cupping with no training or barely minimal training.

70. As a country with well established high level capabilities over the entire fuel cycle and a sizeable pool of highly qualified and trained manpower, India is prepared to supplement international efforts for sustainable growth of nuclear energy while addressing proliferation concerns.

71. Communalisms: Changing Forms and Fortunes 5 First, the global defeat of the Left has given rise to very powerful forces of the extreme right in most parts of the world, with three sizeable consequences: (1) Marxism and communism command very much narrower …

72. Most Blitzes have been focused on public lands, but any sizeable area (e.g., Forest Service district, state and federal game lands and parks, National Wildlife Refuges) that needs a basic bat survey then Bat Blitz is a candidate for an sbdn sponsored Bat Blitz

73. Refectory tables first appeared at least as early as the 17th century, as an advancement of the trestle table; these tables were typically quite long and wide and capable of supporting a sizeable banquet in the great hall or other reception room of a castle.

74. The strategy proposed for realising the sizeable additional capacity comprised the setting up of eight 1 - million - tonne modem plants based on pre - calcination technology , location of slag cement units near steel plants , location of clinker capacity in the sourthem - central regions , location of clinker capacity based on the introduction of pre - calcinated technology in some of the existing cement plants and setting up of mini cement plants .