Use "sing a different tune" in a sentence

1. Can you sing this tune?

2. I sing out of tune.

3. I just can't sing in tune!

4. None of them could sing in tune.

5. I always sing out of tune, you see.

6. I've never been able to sing in tune .

7. They were singers and they couldn't sing a note in tune.

8. No doubt they'll sing in tune after the Revolution.

9. Same way, different tune.

10. Harriet found Paul teasing Ben: asking him to sing a tune, then taunting him.

11. Li The reason is very I sing out of tune, you see.

12. Covering the tragic tune with something different, something radically different.

13. To sing a prayer or song to a simple tune, or to repeat or sing a word or phrase continuously: [ I ] We sat for hours listening to the Chanting.

14. Anyone who could play an instrument or sing in tune was enlisted to take part in the concert.

15. I don't sing perfectly in tune, but I think I put more expression into my lyrics than a lot of other singers do.

16. They may play in a different key and with a somewhat different emphasis but the tune can often be heard all the same.

17. Everyone was singing a different song out of tune and taking no notice where they were throwing the water.

18. Sing up,sing up,ok!

19. 26 Clough has always marched to a different tune, but this time his perversity may finally be his undoing.

20. We can work, study, laugh and have fun, dance, sing, and enjoy many different experiences.

21. New singers whose voices typify different feelings sing old songs again as their own rendition.

22. What a delightful tune.

23. Let's sing a duet.

24. She sings a loud tune.

25. I mean, a girl just can't go to Sing Sing with a green face.

26. It was a catchy tune .

27. Can't I sing a little?

28. How does a robin sing?

29. He began to hum a tune.

30. 1 It was a catchy tune .

31. He was humming a familiar tune.

32. Sam was humming a little tune .

33. Carradine's Cockney Sing-a-long

34. Butcher sing me a song.

35. The tune has a fast tempo.

36. Crooned definition: sing softly synonyms: sing antonyms: keep quiet

37. He marched off, whistling a merry tune.

38. 29 You say you don't believe in marriage, but I bet you sing a different song when you finally fall in love.

39. A Cacophony is a jarring, discordant mix of sounds that have no business being played together. When the orchestra tunes up before a show, it sounds like a Cacophony because each musician is playing a completely different tune, at different times, and at different volumes.

40. “Sing to Jehovah a New Song”

41. Donna can sing after a fashion.

42. " It is a tune that we cherish "

43. Will you sing us a song?

44. She played a tune on her trumpet.

45. The original tune?

46. Tails, you can play her a tune.

47. Sing softly .

48. She was humming a merry little tune.

49. He was humming a tune to himself.

50. Barbaren – to give Barbarians its original German title (which you should, because then you can sing it to the tune of The Beach Boys’ Barbara Ann) appears to have been a massive hit for

51. Now – this is how you tune a Balalaika

52. Suddenly the band piped up a military tune.

53. 1 He played a tune on his harmonica.

54. Charles Becker, a policeman who took bribes, was tried for the crime and electrocuted at Sing Sing.

55. 10 Sing me a doh,( honey.

56. Sing to our God a joyful song!

57. " We sing from the diaphragm a lot

58. Today we'll sing a song , Jingle Bells.

59. Would you sing me a doh, please?

60. Will you sing a song to us?

61. Nice tenor too, and he carries a tune.

62. A woman gently crooned the tune of a lullaby.

63. He beat out a tune on a tin can.

64. Airable is a service of Tune In GmbH

65. He thumped out a tune on the piano.

66. He gave us a tune on his fiddle.

67. Oh, this old tune.

68. Maybe you sing a little song, eh?

69. A voice will sing in the window.

70. Sing to our God a joyous song!

71. He played a beautiful tune on the organ.

72. Nobody can belt out a tune like she can.

73. Those who can sing below are often called “contrAlto’s” and can usually sing in a range similar to a tenor.

74. Can you hear the tune?

75. They sang perfectly in tune.

76. What does Besing mean? To sing of or sing about; celebrate in song or poetry; sing the praises of; praise; laud

77. Years of listening to us sing no regrets, sing their own tears applause.

78. Catchy definition, pleasing and easily remembered: a Catchy tune

79. Nightingales will not sing in a cage. 

80. The different Buckings fine tune the behaviour between range and accuracy, with the Maple Leaf Super variant being more accurate than the Wonder.