Use "simple eye" in a sentence

1. Inset: the drama “Keep Your Eye Simple”

2. A “simple” eye will move us to resist worldly distractions

3. How can young ones be taught to keep their eye “simple”?

4. Anaglyphs require the simple device of complementary colored lenses for each eye

5. □ If our spiritual eye is simple, what will this mean to us?

6. 15 Followers of Jesus today see the wisdom of keeping a simple eye.

7. Simple and fast access methods to keep an eye on your savings and spending!

8. John bull's eye when he said the big question was one of simple honesty.

9. But no good-willed person needs to fear or despise the law if the simple expedient of "an eye for an eye" is followed.

10. Atmospherics is pretty simple, but the pipe layout makes it slightly confusing for the untrained eye

11. 5 What good results there can be when children are trained to keep a simple eye!

12. John hit the bull's eye when he said the big question was one of simple honest.

13. 10:22) This question will be considered in the part “Reap Blessings for Keeping a Simple Eye.”

14. Others have kept Jesus’ word by maintaining a ‘simple eye,’ despite being surrounded by affluence and greed.

15. The Bronco has a clean, simple design, with dramatic branding in the grille and eye-catching headlamps

16. (b) In both a physical and a spiritual sense, how does a person maintain a simple eye?

17. Albuminoid - a simple protein found in horny and cartilaginous tissues and in the lens of the eye

18. 4 The urgency of our times makes it even more important that we maintain a simple eye.

19. Having a simple eye does not mean living in abject poverty or being negligent in caring for our Christian responsibilities.

20. An eye for an eye.

21. an eye for an eye

22. Thanks to the Brecciating process, pietersite does not feature the same simple bands of color that tiger’s eye is known for

23. “His example has taught me how to keep a simple eye and to put spiritual things in first place,” Macarena says.

24. He urged his followers to keep their eye “simple,” focusing their attention on just one thing, the doing of God’s will.

25. Beady Eye Exclusive Lt… Beady EYE

26. Making eye-catching Animated videos is now as simple as selecting your favorite character, infographic, or effect, and then editing the text.

27. Although many users of eye liner use it on a day-to-day basis for a simple definer of the eyes, there are others who use it for more than just an easy eye enlarger.

28. Eye convergence often inhibits the eye movements.

29. (Matthew 6:22) The eye that is simple is focused on a single goal, or purpose, not being distracted or sidetracked from it.

30. Both eye irritation and redness are helped with lubricating eye drops and eye ointments.

31. Spectacles, sunglasses, eye glasses, eye shades and eyewear

32. Modern eye makeup includes mascara, eyeliner, eye putty, and eye shadow to emphasize the eyes.

33. Natural Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye Gemstone,Natural Green Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye Loose Stone,Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye,Cat's Eye Oval Shape,10x13 MM worldtreasuresgems

34. 3 We didn't exactly see eye to eye.

35. Eye aversion is the avoidance of eye contact.

36. Retributive justice demands an eye for an eye.

37. Bowline - The Bowline ( or ) is an ancient and simple knot used to form a fixed "eye" at the end of a rope

38. For example, a young Ecuadoran couple decided to simplify their life after they heard the 2006 special assembly day program “Keep Your Eye Simple.”

39. 11 I don't see eye to eye with him.

40. The Cat-Eye Circlet (abbreviated as Cat-eye circl

41. "One eye was completely red, like the Terminator eye.

42. I don't see eye to eye with my wife.

43. We don't see eye to eye on business issues.

44. An eye for an eye makes us all blind.

45. eye retina

46. Eye refractometers

47. ○ Eye inflammation

48. Eye Scan (software keyboards) Alternative keyboard operated by eye movements.

49. 12 Ideologically,[] we do not see eye to eye.

50. 2 We don't see eye to eye on business issues.

51. 1 I don't see eye to eye with my wife.

52. The delay campimeter provides a simple and inexpensive means of detecting and measuring abnormally slowed transmission of visual signals from the eye to the brain.

53. Blacklisted Eye For An Eye, released 01 May 2020 1

54. He only has one eye, despite having two eye sockets.

55. My eye myopic! How to raise eyesight, protect an eye?

56. The days of an eye for an eye are over.

57. Bindii, Bindi eye, bindi-eye, Jo-Jo, spurweed, field burweed

58. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind!

59. Eye-beaming - a radiant glance of the eye; "he pretended profundity by eye-Beamings at people"

60. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

61. Asheville Eye Associates and the Asheville Eye Surgery Center are open

62. The brown eye Allele is dominant over the blue eye Allele

63. He had to delete many scenes from the story, and tried to reduce the "eye-candy" in the film because he wanted it to be simple.

64. 10 Lifland and his wife don't always see eye to eye.

65. 4 I don't always see eye to eye with my father.

66. Distinguishing features of a Branchiopod include a small body (0.25 mm - 10 cm long), paired compound eyes, single simple eye, simple mouth parts, leaflike or phyllopodous appendages, and minimal body tagmosis. The nervous system and sensory system are simple, although some species vibrate their compound eyes to gather more visual information.

67. It would go far beyond “eye for eye, tooth for tooth.”

68. Eye accommodation recovery

69. Black eyes look and feel like bruises, but can they cause more Hyphema is an eye injury that will likely cause a “black eye” without any facial Most Black eyes are no more dangerous than a simple bruise on your arm or leg

70. Amblyopia, also known as “lazy eye,” occurs when the brain favors one eye and develops pathways to only one eye

71. Able to monitor manager access of Objective Eye through Objective Eye System.

72. We respect one another and have opportunities to meet eye-to-eye.

73. Eye drops, emulsion

74. Don't eye me.

75. Symptom : Eye redness

76. * Powder eye shadow

77. Weighty and substantial, lavishly simple and above all tactile, Frank Ponterio’s array of fabrics and trimmings for Clarence House captivate the eye and beckon to be touched.

78. My fucking eye!

79. 15 But they could never see eye to eye, and argued constantly.

80. 9 I don't see eye to eye with Tod on all issues.